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Ruth King

Public Order Makes City Life Possible In a culture that no longer teaches civility or citizenship, police have a greater burden than ever. Myron Magnet

Two summers ago, a sobbing relative called to say that she’d just seen one youth stab another in the chest outside her front door in gentrifying Harlem. As she spoke, she noticed that the blood had splattered her shoes. The victim didn’t die, thank heaven, but staggered across the street and got help. It was a neighborhood annual reunion—barbecues blazing, salsa music blasting—and the victim and his assailant, simmering with decades’-long loathing now heightened by drug-dealing rivalry, exploded. I e-mailed my friend Bill Bratton, then still police commissioner, to say that a lack of quality-of-life policing in that neighborhood, including an official blind eye to petty dope traffic, clearly contributed to the do-what-you-want mind-set that prevailed in that precinct, whose former corruption once dubbed it the Dirty Thirty.

Bratton needed no convincing: he was an even truer believer than I in the Broken Windows theory of crime prevention—the idea that if cops let minor crimes of disorder, such as low-level marijuana selling or subway fare-beating or public urination (or, these days, masturbation), go unpunished, the malicious will conclude that anything goes and do what their evil hearts prompt. He soon had a narcotics squad patrolling the neighborhood, and within months, the police had won a score of convictions of the pushers.

Bratton is retired now; the city council has decriminalized crimes of disorder by mandating civil instead of criminal summonses for many of them, resulting in no criminal record and no arrest warrant if you don’t show up in court; and the successors to the narcotics cops who worked their magic in the Three-Oh in 2015 have lost interest in the ongoing problem. They’re just low-level kids, the detectives say; they’ll soon be back on the streets—and, more than anything, as they do not say, Mayor Bill de Blasio and his city council of unemployables have decided that justice demands that the acting-out of the disorderly and the criminal, ex officio victims of social injustice, should take precedence over the peace and safety of the hardworking and civil. Out go the backlog of quality-of-life warrants of the last decade and more. Why should the wrongdoings of yesteryear weigh on the employment chances of an utterly work-unready 28-year-old—though, of course, no one would even invoke that past transgression in a case that didn’t involve current lawbreaking, just as no cop made a major fuss about small quantities of pot possession, unless some larger offense was at issue.

Fortunately, city crime continues to drop, because the virtuous circle set going by Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Commissioner Bratton, and carried on by Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Commissioner Ray Kelly, has its own momentum, proving, as Adam Smith said, that “there is a great deal of ruin in a nation”—it takes a long time to expend the social and cultural capital that so many cities and countries take for granted. As Gotham proved, you can legislate morality, in the sense that lawmaking and law enforcement can change behavior and beliefs. But laws, morals, and manners exist in a dialectical tension with one another, and what has changed for the better can also change for the worse—and more easily, since improvement is harder than destruction. With a Black-Lives-Matter mayor, city council, and electorate, with Antifa thugs supposedly now the good guys, and with contrary views silenced by the universities and the trendy totalitarians of Silicon Valley (who, between engineering classes, learned what is right and moral from their required Stanford PC-indoctrination course), I would suggest holding on to your hat. Thanks to the age of Kindle, though, at least we won’t have book burnings.

But the reason for controlling quality-of-life disorder is not only, or even primarily, that it lowers major crime. Order is what makes urban life possible. Civility—the art of living in a city—is not innate. We have to learn not to throw sand at other kids and to learn to raise our hands to be called on, to stand in line and take our turn, not to blast music from our apartment or car, not to display too much affection publicly, not to block the sidewalk or market aisle, not to yell on our cellphones or cram pizza into our maws on the street or public transport, not to litter, not to monopolize public spaces with our “expressive” behavior, not to cut off pedestrians in crosswalks, not to bother or offend others unnecessarily. We no longer teach civility in schools: instead of the “citizenship” that my generation learned, we impart “social justice,” which teaches grievance and resentment of others; and city officials, with an Obama edict’s backing, have hamstrung school discipline, fostering misbehavior. In college, we don’t teach free and civil discussion, tolerance of intellectual differences, or respect for learning but only a kid’s right to resent microaggressions and silence politically incorrect speech as “violence.” The result will not be urbanity.

The Hunt for Red November By David Prentice

The Democratic Party has put forth several narratives since their loss in 2016. They have stuck with those narratives no matter how absurd they have been: Trump was elected because Russia colluded with him. Trump is unstable and unfit. Everything Trump does is wrong, he is a tainted President.

So says the party of Hillary Clinton and Hollywood, the moral arbiters of America. And the leftist mainstream media has followed in the most scurrilous of ways. They have reported only what the Democratic Party narrative says they should report.

Until now.

Follow me here. How long has this search for Trump/Russia collusion been going on? How long has the leftist media been claiming Trump does everything wrong?

Since he was elected last November. They have been hunting him since he won.

But the ground has shifted. It’s been clear for a long time that the Trump/Russia collusion narrative has been just that. It’s been a fable repeated over and over again, the Democratic Party and its media shills hoping that something would stick, helping them regain power through mindless repetition of an empty narrative.

Until now.

Unfortunately for the left, there is not the tiniest bit of evidence to bolster their narrative. There is not a scintilla of truth that shows Donald Tramp colluded with Russia to win. $100,000 of Facebook ads, half of them after November 8, 2016? That’s proof? Lord help us. That is the dumbest idea of proof offered since Piltdown Man. Donald Trump Jr had a meeting with a with someone claiming to have dirt on Hillary and left the meeting early because he saw nothing? Wow. Indict him, and impeach his father.

And that’s all there is?

Yep. That’s all there is.

But now we have an explosion of information about Russian influence on….. *drum roll*…….the Uranium One deal. Perhaps the worst political scandal since Teapot Dome. And then there’s the so-called Trump dossier. Which apparently was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party.

The Uranium One deal has been a powder keg since Peter Schweizer wrote about the scandal in the book Clinton Cash. It’s everything a scandal should be. Corruption, illicit bribes, Russians influencing a deal to control stockpiles of Uranium for their own use.

The swamp at work: Hillary paid for the Steele Report By J. Marsolo

The Washington Post, in rare move of investigative journalism against Hillary and the Democrats, has reported what we all suspected: the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC paid for the so-called “dossier” by Christopher Steele that is the basis for the charge of Russia collusion.

According to the Post, a law firm for the DNC paid to complete the report after a “Republican” donor had initially paid to start it. This shows the connection between the Never Trump Republicans and Hillary to defeat and destroy Trump. Now we need to know the identity of the Republican “donor.”

This news is probably the reason the DNC refused to have the FBI examine its email server and system. Such an investigation would probably have disclosed the communications between the DNC and the law firm that paid for the “dossier,” a fancy term used to dress up a garbage report.

Steele admitted that the charges in the garbage statement are unverified, another fancy term for false.

The Hillary-Steele garbage report, which is essentially a dirty tricks opposition report, was given to John McCain, the Democrats’ favorite Republican.

McCain gave it to the Comey FBI, which probably used it as the basis to investigate Trump that ultimately led to the Mueller special counsel appointment. One would think Comey would have had the FBI investigate the charges in the report, knowing that it was an opposition report, and question who authorized and paid for the report before he used it. Comey could have and should have discovered as soon as he received the report that Hillary had paid for it, which would have cast serious doubt on its accuracy. It should have been dismissed as Hillary campaign dirty tricks.

It was a cute move by Hillary’s campaign to use McCain as the bag boy to deliver the report to the FBI to give the report the air of legitimacy.

The swamp at work: Hillary uses a law firm to pay for the Steele report, the report is given to John McCain, and McCain gives it to Comey. The report is leaked to BuzzFeed; the Destroy Trump Media publicizes the charges, calling it “Russia collusion”; and we get Mueller wasting our tax dollars investigating Trump. But the Mueller investigation may backfire on the Democrats if Mueller investigates the ties between Manafort and Tony and John Podesta on behalf of the Russians on the Uranium One deal. At the center is Hillary using dirty tricks working through “buffers” to attack Trump.

Unfortunately, we have an attorney general, Sessions, who recused himself when there was no reason to recuse. A competent, forceful attorney general would have investigated the Steele report fully before such a decision and would have concluded that the Steele report was a Hillary-campaign dirty trick, not to be given any weight or credibility.

It is no surprise that Crooked Hillary paid for the garbage Steele report. The only surprise is that it took this long for it to be known.

China’s Predatory Economics and How to Stop It By Howard Richman, Jesse Richman and Raymond Richman

There is a global contest underway between two economic and political models. One model is liberty and democracy, and the other is state control and totalitarianism. Fortunately (and hopefully not too late), U.S. policymakers have awakened to the nature of the current challenge.

During an October 18 speech about the U.S-India relationship, secretary of state Rex Tillerson sought to build ties with Asian democracies. He argued that “[t]he emerging Delhi-Washington strategic partnership stands upon a shared commitment upholding the rule of law, freedom of navigation, universal values, and free trade” and criticized China’s “predatory economics.”

According to Tillerson, the Chinese government has been lending money to developing countries in a way that gives their victims debt, but not jobs, and sometimes ends up with their assets being owned by China. Specifically, Tillerson said:

We have watched the activities and actions of others in the region, in particular China, and the financing mechanisms it brings to many of these countries [in the Indo-Pacific region] which result in saddling them with enormous levels of debt. They don’t often create the jobs, which infrastructure projects should be tremendous job creators in these economies, but too often, foreign workers are brought in to execute these infrastructure projects. Financing is structured in a way that makes it very difficult for them to obtain future financing, and oftentimes has very subtle triggers in the financing that results in financial default and the conversion of debt to equity.

China’s predatory policies in the Third World are of a piece with its approach to the United States. Like a pusher seeking to entrap an addict, China provides cheap loans and subsidized products in order to achieve long-term objectives, expand its power, and create dependency.

Chinese predatory economics has had similar negative effects upon the United States.

Loans. China has been lending the proceeds of its trade surplus to the U.S. in order to keep the dollar-yuan exchange rate from falling to a trade-balancing level.
Debt. As a result of these loans to the United States, the U.S. owes the Chinese government trillions of dollars. The exact amount is not known, since China lends us money using foreign banks as intermediaries, taking advantage of a tax loophole that Congress should close.
Jobs. American manufacturing workers produce about $120,000’s worth of product each. Thus, if our $320-billion trade deficit with China were balanced, American workers would gain about 2.7 million productive jobs.
Assets. China has been using the proceeds of its trade surpluses with the U.S. to buy up U.S. assets and acquire U.S. technology – literally buying our comparative advantage. We will be paying dividends, rents, and interest to China for generations.
Power. China has displaced or soon will displace (depending upon your metric) the U.S. as the world’s largest economy.

A centerpiece of China’s predatory economic policy toward the United States is an enormous trade imbalance. The graph below shows the U.S. trade deficit in goods and services with China for the year ending with the quarter specified:

Rohingya Refugee Crisis: The Role of Islamist Terrorists by Lawrence A. Franklin

Although no one is recommending the horrors of mass-expulsions, little attention has been paid to Rohingya ties to international Islamic terrorism.

The Muslim world’s condemnation of Myanmar should give the West pause before it joins in the widespread criticism of Myanmar. Al-Qaeda’s call “upon all Mujahidin in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and the Philippines to set out for Burma to help their Muslim brothers” is accompanied with a threat that the Myanmar government “shall be made to taste what our Muslim brothers have tasted.”

In addition to fighting atrocities against innocent people, it is critical to protect the Free World, which, until the Rohingya crisis, Myanmar had made great progress toward joining.

Although the media has extensively covered the Burmese Army’s expulsion of Muslim Rohingya people from Rakhine Province in Myanmar — and although no one is recommending the horrors of mass expulsions — little attention has been paid to Rohingya ties to international Islamic terrorism.

Aided by foreign terrorist networks in Pakistan and support from Rohingya exiles in Arab Gulf States, Myanmar’s Islamists and their foreign backers ultimately may want to establish a sharia state in Rakhine.

Approximately 1.1 million Rohingya live in Rakhine, a coastal province in Myanmar (Burma). Almost all are Muslim; their language closely resembles Bengali, the tongue of Bangladesh, to their north. Some Rohingya have lived in Rakhine since the 15th century. Most, however, trace their residency in Myanmar to the late 19th century, as descendants of Muslim Bengalis who were moved there by British colonial decree.

On August 25, 2017, the Burmese military launched what human rights organizations have called an “ethnic cleansing” campaign — something Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi has denied — against Rohingya Muslims in northern Rakhine, a week after Muslim rebels attacked a military base, police barracks, and border guard posts, killing at least 71 people. The attackers were members of the Islamist Arakan Rohingya Salvation Group (ARSA). Some of these operatives likely received training in terrorist camps in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Myanmar’s leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, has denied allegations that the country’s security forces launched an “ethnic cleansing” campaign. Pictured: Then U.S. President Barack Obama with Aung San Suu Kyi, in Rangoon, Myanmar, on November 14, 2014. (Image source: U.S. State Department)

According to the Brussels-based International Crisis Group, the Rohingya diaspora in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan is also providing financial assistance to their religious cousins in Myanmar. Additionally, many of the more than 50,000 Rohingya émigrés in the United Arab Emirates send back money to their ethnic relations in Myanmar. The Emir of Sharjah in the UAE, Sultan bin Muhammad al-Qasimi, also financially supports Myanmar’s Rohingya.

Arab Gulf States, too, grant sanctuary to Islamists from the ethnic Rohingya diaspora. For instance, Ata Ullah, ARSA’s founder, was born to Rohingya exiles in Karachi, Pakistan, before immigrating to Saudi Arabia. There, he created ARSA in 2012, after a series of clashes between the Rohingya and government security forces in Myanmar. But this tension between Rohingya and ethnic Burmese did not originate in contemporary times.

This animosity dates to 1886, when what is today’s Rakhine State was detached from the rest of Burmese territory and incorporated into the British Crown Colony of India. This was the price Britain exacted from Burma after losing two wars against the British Empire.

After the integration of northernmost Burma into India, the British colonial government organized a mass migration of Muslims from the Bengali-dominated region of the sub-continent (today’s Bangladesh) to what is now Myanmar’s Rakhine State. Britain’s decision greatly offended the Burmese, as Myanmar (Burma) had been an overwhelmingly Buddhist state. The migration sparked immediate inter-religious tensions, and subsequent periods of religious warfare.

The EU Lectures Journalists about PC Reporting by Bruce Bawer

Nor, we are told, should we associate “terms such as ‘Muslim’ or ‘Islam’… with particular acts,” because to do that is to “stigmatize.” What exactly does this mean? That when a man shouts “Allahu Akbar” after having gunned down, run over with a truck, or blown to bits dozens of innocent pedestrians or concertgoers, we are supposed to ignore that little detail?

But that is what this document is all about: advising reporters just how to misrepresent reality in EU-approved fashion.

It is interesting to note that while many people fulminate over President Trump’s complaints about “fake news,” they are silent when an instrument of the EU superstate presumes to tell the media exactly what kind of language should and should and should not be used when reporting on the most important issue of the day.

“Respect Words: Ethical Journalism Against Hate Speech” is a collaborative project that has been undertaken by media organizations in eight European countries – Austria, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Slovenia, and Spain. Supported by the Rights and Citizenship Programme of the European Union, it seeks, according to its website, to help journalists, in this era of growing “Islamophobia,” to “rethink” the way they address “issues related to migratory processes, ethnic and religious minorities.” It sounds benign enough: “rethink.” But do not kid yourself: when these EU-funded activists call for “rethinking,” what they are really doing is endorsing self-censorship.

In September, “Respect Words” issued a 39-page document entitled Reporting on Migration & Minorities: Approach and Guidelines. Media outlets, it instructs, “should not give time or space to extremist views simply for the sake of ‘showing the other side.'” But which views count as “extremist”? The report does not say – not explicitly, anyway. “Sensationalist or overly simplistic reporting on migration,” we read, “can enflame existing societal prejudices” and thus “endanger migrants’ safety.” Again, what counts as “sensationalist” or “overly simplistic”? That is not spelled out, either. Nor, we are told, should we associate “terms such as ‘Muslim’ or ‘Islam’… with particular acts,” because to do that is to “stigmatize.” What exactly does this mean? That when a man shouts “Allahu Akbar” after having gunned down, run over with a truck, or blown to bits dozens of innocent pedestrians or concertgoers, we are supposed to ignore that little detail?

Or perhaps we should entirely avoid covering such actions? After all, the document exhorts us not to write too much about “sensationalist incidents involving migrants,” as “[v]iolent individuals are found within every large group of people.” If, however, we do feel compelled to cover such incidents, we must never cease to recall that the “root causes” of these incidents “often have nothing to do with a person’s ethnicity or religious affiliation.” What, then, are those root causes? The report advises us that they include “colonialism, racism, [and] general social inequality.” Do not forget, as well, that there is “no structural connection between migration and terrorism.”

Move the Embassy to Jerusalem and Promote Peace Such a move would make clear that the U.S. supports Israel’s claim to the city’s western part. By Daniel B. Shapiro See note please

Mr. Shapiro was the Obama administration’s ambassador to Israel…..This column promotes the notion of an embassy move facilitating a two state dissolution of Israel. his peace processing should be viewed cum granu salis…..rsk

President Trump, like his three predecessors, has so far waived the 1995 law requiring the relocation of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. This month he told Mike Huckabee on the Trinity Broadcast Network that he will delay the move further to give his nascent peace initiative “a shot.”

But Mr. Trump has created the perfect opportunity to combine his unveiling of a U.S. peace plan with an announcement that he will be moving the embassy to the Israeli capital.

The administration indicates Mr. Trump will announce his peace proposal later this year. To gain approval from Palestinians and Arab states, it will need to include an explicit endorsement of a Palestinian state. He will need to be clear that such a state must commit to live in peace alongside Israel, accept provisions to ensure Israel’s security, and recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

That is consistent with Israeli policy. According to U.S. officials, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in closed conversations, has reiterated his commitment to his 2009 Bar-Ilan speech that supports “a demilitarized Palestinian state that recognizes the Jewish state.” And foreign diplomats report that U.S. officials have confirmed they understand a two-state solution must be included in any viable U.S. peace plan.

Packaging the unveiling of a U.S. peace plan with an announcement of the embassy move could ensure that the latter reinforces the former. But Mr. Trump must be clear on two points: The embassy will relocate to West Jerusalem, the area of the city under undisputed Israeli sovereignty. He also must explain that East Jerusalem’s status will need to be negotiated, and the U.S. expects the outcome to include a Palestinian capital in the city’s Arab neighborhoods, as part of a unified city.

This approach has two advantages. First, it reorients U.S. policy toward a two-state solution. Second, it punctures myths that both sides use to deceive themselves and delay progress. Palestinians will see that the U.S. strongly supports historic Jewish and Israeli claims to Jerusalem, and Israelis will hear from their ally that to end the conflict they need to acknowledge a Palestinian state with a capital in East Jerusalem.

There are signs of openness on both sides. Arab states, which already acknowledge Israel as a strategic partner, will be able to help persuade the Palestinians that they will gain from the U.S. endorsement of a Palestinian capital in Jerusalem. In advance, it will be necessary for the U.S. to discuss these ideas with Arabs and the Palestinians to help prepare them for the embassy move.

In Israel, there is recognition from surprising quarters that the Jewish state’s own interests require a new approach on Jerusalem. As Ben Caspit reported in al-Monitor, Anat Berko, a Likud member of the Knesset, handpicked by Mr. Netanyahu, has presented a plan that would transfer control of most East Jerusalem Arab neighborhoods from Israel to the Palestinian Authority. That would help ensure a stable Jewish majority in Israeli Jerusalem. Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman has long expressed concern about the demographic balance in Israel. His position logically suggests that Israel has no interest in absorbing the more than 300,000 Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem. As growing numbers of Arab residents accept Israel’s offer to apply for citizenship, the Israeli Interior Ministry seems to be having second thoughts.

The FBI’s Political Meddling Mueller is the wrong sleuth when his ex-agency is so tangled up with Russia. By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.

Let’s give plausible accounts of the known facts, then explain why demands that Robert Mueller recuse himself from the Russia investigation may not be the fanciful partisan grandstanding you imagine.

Here’s a story consistent with what has been reported in the press—how reliably reported is uncertain. Democratic political opponents of Donald Trump financed a British former spook who spread money among contacts in Russia, who in turn over drinks solicited stories from their supposedly “connected” sources in Moscow. If these people were really connected in any meaningful sense, then they made sure the stories they spun were consistent with the interests of the regime, if not actually scripted by the regime.

The resulting Trump dossier then became a factor in Obama administration decisions to launch an FBI counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign, and after the election to trumpet suspicions of Trump collusion with Russia.

We know of a second, possibly even more consequential way the FBI was effectively a vehicle for Russian meddling in U.S. politics. Authoritative news reports say FBI chief James Comey’s intervention in the Hillary Clinton email matter was prompted by a Russian intelligence document that his colleagues suspected was a Russian plant.

OK, Mr. Mueller was a former close colleague and leader but no longer part of the FBI when these events occurred. This may or may not make him a questionable person to lead a Russia-meddling investigation in which the FBI’s own actions are necessarily a concern.

But now we come to the Rosatom disclosures last week in The Hill, a newspaper that covers Congress.

Here’s another story as plausible as we can make it based on credible reporting. After the Cold War, in its own interest, the U.S. wanted to build bridges to the Russian nuclear establishment. The Putin government, for national or commercial purposes, agreed and sought to expand its nuclear business in the U.S.

The purchase and consolidation of certain assets were facilitated by Canadian entrepreneurs who gave large sums to the Clinton Foundation, and perhaps arranged a Bill Clinton speech in Moscow for $500,000. A key transaction had to be approved by Hillary Clinton’s State Department.

Now we learn that, before and during these transactions, the FBI had uncovered a bribery and kickback scheme involving Russia’s U.S. nuclear business, and also received reports of Russian officials seeking to curry favor through donations to the Clinton Foundation.

This criminal activity was apparently not disclosed to agencies vetting the 2010 transfer of U.S. commercial nuclear assets to Russia. The FBI made no move to break up the scheme until long after the transaction closed. Only five years later, the Justice Department, in 2015, disclosed a plea deal with the Russian perpetrator so quietly that its significance was missed until The Hill reported on the FBI investigation last week.

For anyone who cares to look, the real problem here is that the FBI itself is so thoroughly implicated in the Russia meddling story.

The agency, when Mr. Mueller headed it, soft-pedaled an investigation highly embarrassing to Mrs. Clinton as well as the Obama Russia reset policy. More recently, if just one of two things is true—Russia sponsored the Trump Dossier, or Russian fake intelligence prompted Mr. Comey’s email intervention—then Russian operations, via their impact on the FBI, influenced and continue to influence our politics in a way far more consequential than any Facebook ad, the preoccupation of John McCain, who apparently cannot behold a mountain if there’s a molehill anywhere nearby.

Which means that Mr. Mueller has the means, motive and opportunity to obfuscate and distract from matters embarrassing to the FBI, while pleasing a large part of the political spectrum. He need only confine his focus to the flimsy, disingenuous but popular (with the media) accusation that the shambolic Trump campaign colluded with the Kremlin. CONTINUE AT SITE



Jeremy Corbyn’s refusal to attend next month’s dinner in London to celebrate the centenary of the Balfour Declaration confirms what many have long suspected.

His antipathy to Israel goes way beyond hostility to Israeli “settlements” or any romantic attachment to the Palestinian cause. He does not support the existence of Israel at all.

How else to explain his refusal to attend a dinner to celebrate the event which kick-started the (agonising) process that eventually resulted in the establishment of the State of Israel?

And if he thus opposes the self-determination of the Jewish people in their own ancestral homeland, how can he be anything other than hostile to Judaism itself? For Judaism comprises three inseparable elements: the people, the religion and the land. Judaism is, simply and indivisibly, the mission of the Jewish people to form a nation of priests within the land of Israel.

Of course, neither Corbyn and his hard-left cabal, nor the so-called soft-left whose views about Israel may be less extreme but are no less problematic, have any insight into their own bigotry because they have virtually no understanding of what Judaism means (and that goes for many Jews on the left too, who equally deploy the spurious mantra that anti-Zionism is not antisemitism as their get-out-of-jail-free card).

But hey, some folk are very happy with Corbyn’s Balfour dinner snub; there are reports that the JC story about it has been tweeted by Hamas.

Many British Jews are now shuddering at the possibility of a Corbyn-led Labour government. They are heartbroken and aghast at what has happened to the country that for the half-century following the liberation of Belsen they believed offered them not just physical but psychological safety.

Some, like Angela Epstein in this article, are now talking of emigrating should Corbyn come to power.

She describes how her children’s Jewish schools in Manchester were encircled by fences, CCTV cameras and security guards.

“Elsewhere, every Jewish building now has a guard permanently stationed at the door. In 21st-century Britain — the place of our birth and our home.

“Most Jewish people I know have endured cat-calling as they leave synagogues, schools or other Jewish centres. There have been countless Saturday mornings when, as I walk to synagogue, a car screeches past with the occupants shouting something indeterminate from the window. Friends have had eggs thrown at them.

“My son was subjected to a blistering verbal attack when he recently wore his Jewish skullcap on the London Underground.Little wonder that in a YouGov poll earlier this year for the Campaign Against Antisemitism, almost a third of British Jews said they had considered leaving the country, while one in six said they feel unwelcome here.”

This cultural poison has been swelling for years. The Labour party hasn’t created it but is merely its most visible expression – and as a result is legitimising its further increase. Epstein observes:

“As the Labour Party continues to reveal its toxic underbelly, for many British Jews the question of uprooting our families and leaving Britain is a matter of when, not if… If history has taught us Jews anything, it’s knowing when it’s time to pack.”

Actually, it’s hard to know that. The difficulties and risks of remaining have to outweigh the difficulties and risks of uprooting; and people find themselves at very different points along that sliding scale. But for sure, the drumbeat of alarm among many committed British Jews is growing louder by the day.


Astonishingly, the British Foreign Office is still continuing to undermine the Balfour Declaration, the centenary of which falls in a couple of weeks’ time.

In a speech at the UN Security Council a few days ago Jonathan Allen, the UK’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, said the following:

“From the outset, I would like to make clear, as we approach the centenary of the Balfour Declaration next month, that the UK understands and respects the sensitivities many have about the Declaration and the events that have taken place in the region since 1917.

“The UK is proud to have played a role in helping to make a Jewish homeland a reality. And we continue to support the principle of such a homeland and the modern state of Israel.

“Just as we fully support the modern state of Israel as a Jewish homeland, we also fully support the objective of a viable and sovereign Palestinian state. The occupation is a continued impediment to securing the political rights of the non-Jewish communities in Palestine. And let us remember, there are two halves of Balfour, the second half of which has not been fulfilled. There is therefore unfinished business” (my emphasis).

WHODUNIT? by Linda Goudsmit

NEWSFLASH: On the night of October 1, 2017 shots rained down on concertgoers at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival in Las Vegas Nevada killing 58 people and injuring 546. Who would do such a thing? Why?

Solving a murder mystery requires following the clues. Those familiar with guns and ammunition do not believe that Stephen Paddock, the flabby 64 year old alleged shooter, was alone or even fired the killing shots from his Mandalay Bay suite. The increasingly contradictory and phantasmagorical explanations offered by government authorities to explain the shocking mass-murder are less credible than the Parker Brothers murder mystery board game Clue.

Motive is always a good place to start. If you want to know the motive look at the result. Who benefits from mass murder at an MGM hotel in Las Vegas?

MGM Resorts International is a holding company that operates in two sections – domestic resorts and MGM China. MGM Resorts International is the parent company of the Mandalay Bay hotel and is publicly traded on the NYSE as MGM. So let’s consider the business implications of mass murder. Chaos and instability drive stock prices down. As expected, the price of MGM stock plummeted after the mass-shooting.

Most people buy stocks hoping they will increase in value and generate a profit. George Soros buys futures and bets the stock will go down (shorting a stock) – he actually wants the stock price to drop. Soros is infamously known as the man who broke the Bank of England in 1992 by shorting billions of pounds. He is also a convicted felon for insider trading in France 2002. If it can be proven that Soros is connected to the murders and profited from them he becomes a prime suspect. So what actually happened?

SEC filings in May of 2017 show no MGM stock in the Soros Fund Management. In August of 2017 Soros Fund Management shorts 1.35 million MGM shares worth $42 million dollars. The slaughter at Mandalay Bay will generate hundreds of millions of dollars for Soros. This puts Soros in the office and makes him a person of interest.

Las Vegas and Hollywood are connected by conglomerates that own studio properties and hotel properties. The parent company’s stock is affected by the successes and failures of both. Remember that chaos creates instability which causes stock prices to tumble. That is Soros’ modus operandi – he destabilizes governments for power and profit. Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein has been a despicable sexual predator for decades so why is he being exposed now? Why not five or ten or fifteen years ago? If you want to know the motive look at the result. The exposure of Harvey Weinstein as a serial sexual predator caused stock prices to drop and is collapsing The Weinstein Company at the same time that MGM stock is dropping. This puts Weinstein in the bedroom.

Goldman Sachs is said to be in negotiations to buy Weinstein’s company and what a surprise – Soros Fund Management increased its stake in Goldman Sachs Group (GS.N) by nearly 40% during the first quarter and then dumped them by August. Coincidence? Not likely.

MGM stock prices were falling so on September 5, 2017 MGM Resort International announced a 1 billion share buyback program that artificially inflated the stock price. On September 7, 2017 CEO and Chairman of MGM Resorts International James Murren sold 294,150 shares of his stock for $10,024,632.00. On September 6, 2017 CAO Robert Selwood sold 40,325 shares of his stock for $1,365,404.50. Could these men have prior knowledge of the catastrophe at Mandalay Bay? Insider trading is against the law but if it can be shown that Murren had prior knowledge of the shooting that makes him prime suspect number 2. His selloff places Murren in the library.

MGM has a China connection as well. China is heavily invested in MGM through its hospitality division that develops hotel and resort properties all over the world including the Middle East and China. MGM Resorts International projects in China are developed and operated by Diaoyutai MGM Hospitality a joint venture between MGM and Diaoyutai State Guesthouse of China.

Let’s review. MGM Resorts International is connected to Las Vegas hotels, Hollywood movie studios, Chinese hotels, and its stock is being shorted by currency manipulator George Soros. And then there is Wanda’s 20 million dollar donation to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) to consider. Billionaire Wang Jianlin is chairman and president of Dalian Wanda Group. Interestingly it was Harvey Weinstein who sent a letter to the Beverly Hills City Council on behalf of Wanda’s development of a condo and hotel. Why did Weinstein go to bat for Wanda? What is the Weinstein connection to Chinese billionaire Wang Jianlin and MGM?

The Weinstein Company (TWC) sold its library to Goldman Sachs in 2010 to save itself from bankruptcy. The library was purchased by AMC Networks (AMCX) in 2015 and then AMC Networks offered a $500 million buyback program of their stock on June 6, 2017. The library will revert back to TWC when the debt is paid but what happens if TWC goes out of business? The plot thickens.

China has been quietly buying up studios and influence in Hollywood for the last several years. Beijing based real estate conglomerate Dalian Wanda Group is central to the story. Wanda owns AMC Theaters and Legendary Entertainment. Wanda co-owns Open Road Films and Fathom Events and partners with Sony Entertainment.

Chinese control over content and distribution of movies is extremely problematic because of the unparalleled influence and platform it provides to manipulate public opinion. Media strategist Richard Berman expresses the concern in this way:

“Chinese control of movie production, radio station broadcasts, and other public channels provides the Chinese government with a platform to promote its own ideological message in the place of competing ideologies — often in an unassuming manner.”

Only the corrupt self-serving Hollywood elite who protected Harvey Weinstein for decades could actually say that Chinese influence in American film content will be minimal or benign. Twenty million dollars buys a lot of influence – remember Wanda’s gift to AMPAS. China is one of the usual suspects in this murder mystery because China seeks geopolitical primacy. Predators come in all forms – there are sexual predators like Harvey Weinstein, political predators like China, financial predators like James Murren, and the mother of all predators profiteer George Soros.

Predators succeed because of the participation of their enablers who benefit in some way from the actions of the predator. Solving murder mysteries often hinges on identifying those who enabled the crime. So, who is the enabler in our WHODUMIT??

Let’s consider the absurd phantasmagorical accounts of the Las Vegas shooting provided by the authorities and echoed by the mainstream media (that has suddenly gone silent on the subject) as enablers. Let’s also consider the multiple eyewitness accounts contradicting every point of the official version. What could possibly account for such diametrically opposed versions of what happened in Las Vegas that night?

One theory of the crime is that the entire event was a deep state/government psychological operation (PsyOps) designed to create chaos to drive stock prices down. In this scenario the government enabled prime suspects Soros, Murren, and China to profit enormously. Why? All three are enemies of the state and enriching them enriches the coffers of the leftist/globalist agenda that seeks to destroy American democracy and replace it with socialism. The predictable cries for gun control furthers the leftist/globalist cause because an unarmed American public cannot defend itself.

But what about Weinstein? Who wanted to bring down Weinstein? He is, after all the premier spokesman for the culture war against America – his films destructively portraying an increasingly violent and out of control society. The exposure of Weinstein seems personal – perhaps Weinstein was exposed to destroy him and devalue his company for the scavengers waiting to buy it. Time will tell.

Before anyone rejects these possibilities as impossibilities – remember that the enemies of America intend to destroy us from the inside out. Chaos is the goal of the enemy because chaos is necessary for seismic social change. It is the chaos that produces economic instability, cultural instability, political instability, and makes people afraid. When people are fearful enough they will willingly surrender their civil liberties for the promise of safety. Surrender is the tipping point that awards the government excessive control.