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Ruth King

ISU Professor Faces Felony Charges After Fake Anti-Muslim Hate Crime Report By Debra Heine

Police were no doubt aided by their finely-tuned BS detectors.

Last month, a Muslim professor at Indiana State University claimed that he had received a series of threatening, anti-Muslim emails and was attacked while entering his campus office.

Azhar Hussain, 56, assistant professor of aviation technology, reported the threatening emails on March 8, and the physical attack on March 24. He told police he had been attacked from behind, had not seen his attacker, and no words were exchanged.

Police investigated the alleged hate crimes and thanks to their excellent detective work (and no doubt finely-tuned BS detectors) they concluded that Hussain had — get this — made it all up. He was arrested on Friday and charged with obstruction of justice — a felony — and misdemeanor harassment, according to Terre Haute’s Tribune-Star.

“Based upon the investigation, it is our belief that Hussain was trying to gain sympathy by becoming a victim of anti-Muslim threats, which he had created himself,” said Joseph Newport, ISU’s chief of police.

“It is extremely unfortunate that this situation caused undue concern on other members of the ISU community,” said Newport, who also noted campus crime alerts had been sent out following the first email and the alleged attack.

ISU Police were assisted in the investigation by the Cybercrime and Investigative Technologies Section of the Indiana State Police and ISU’s information technologies security engineer. During the investigation, ISU Police collaborated with the local FBI office and the Vigo County Prosecutor’s Office.

Investigators were able to track the computers from which the emails originated and uncovered evidence to charge Hussain with sending the emails himself, according to the university news release.

Mattis Slams Taliban as Being ‘Not Devout Anything’ After Massive Base Attack By Bridget Johnson

Defense Secretary James Mattis slammed the Taliban as having “no religious foundation” and being “not devout anything” after a Friday attack on an Afghan army base that left 150 soldiers dead.

Afghan Defense Minister Abdullah Habibi and Army Chief of Staff Qadam Shah Shahim resigned from their posts after the attack on Afghan National Army 209 Shaheen Military Corps Headquarters in Balkh province.

The Taliban claimed the attack was perpetrated by a “mujahid who had already infiltrated to the enemy ranks, managed to accomplice a heavy amount of explosive materials in a large dining room in the Corps; later on 9 further mujahideen equipped with heavy and light arms entered the installation tactically and launched attack on the enemy.”

They claimed the attack was retaliation for the killing of Taliban governors in Kunduz and Baghlan.

“The martyrdom offensive of 209th Corps conveys message to all enemy soldiers, police, intelligence apparatus and other relevant stooge organs that this spring operation will be more deadly and painful,” the Taliban message continued. “It is better for mercenaries to avoid sacrificing for American and foreign interests anymore. If they still continue protection of their masters they are then responsible for their actions.”

At a press conference in Afghanistan on Monday, Mattis said the attack on the soldiers “just as they were coming out of a mosque, you know, coming out of a house of worship — it certainly characterizes this fight for exactly what it is.”

“This barbaric enemy and what they do,” he added, “kind of makes it clear to me why it is we stand together.”

Mattis predicted it’s “going to be another tough year for the valiant Afghan security forces and the international troops who have stood and will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with Afghanistan against terrorism and against those who seek to undermine the legitimate United Nations-recognized government of this nation.”

“If the Taliban wished to join the political process and work honestly for a positive future for the Afghan people, who have suffered long and hard, they need only to renounce violence and reject terrorism,” he said. “It’s a pretty low standard to join the political process.”

Asking the Right Questions about Health Care By Ted Noel, M.D.

If I set out to accomplish a task, I have to start with the basics. What is the job? What steps are involved? The list goes on. The same concept applies to ObamaCare. It’s broken. Whether we repeal it or fix it, we have to start with foundations. In other words, as Herman Cain notes, we have to ask the Right Questions.

Paul Ryan didn’t ask any of the right questions. And the very first one is simple: “What is our objective? Do we want to make health insurance affordable, or do we want to make health care affordable?” Put differently, do we want to guarantee a subsidy for the health insurance companies, or will we put patients first?

Health insurance is a subsidy to health insurance companies, because it has preferred status in the tax code. Taxpayers get a tax break for supplying health insurance companies with profits. That means that insurance companies will spend breathtaking amounts of money to support legislators who protect their profits. Legislators will respond by creating bigger tax incentives to buy health insurance, and the cycle will continue. Health insurance is a classic example of the Law of Subsidy in action.

The Law of Subsidy: Every time you subsidize something, you get more of it, and it gets more expensive.

Nobody asked, “Does health insurance improve health?” Had they asked, they would have learned that for the general population, health insurance does not improve health. The Oregon Health Insurance Experiment showed that:

“Medicaid coverage resulted in significantly more outpatient visits, hospitalizations, prescription medications, and emergency department visits. Coverage significantly lowered medical debt, and virtually eliminated the likelihood of having a catastrophic medical expenditure. Medicaid substantially reduced the prevalence of depression, but had no statistically significant effects on blood pressure, cholesterol, or cardiovascular risk. Medicaid coverage also had no statistically significant effect on employment status or earnings.”

Notice that there was essentially zero overall effect on health. Insurance did reduce individual financial risk, and that’s what insurance is supposed to do. But because of a 20 percent increase in use of medical resources, it substantially increased overall cost, suggesting that there may be better ways to protect individual finances.

Where did that excess money go? Providers! Insurance is a subsidy to the health care industry. Since this was Medicaid, it took taxpayers’ hard-earned money and gave it to insurance companies, doctors, and hospitals. We didn’t get to decide whether to use (and pay for) their services. The money was taken from us and given to them. And it did no good for poor patients.

Women’s rights oppressor elected to UN’s women’s rights commission By Ethel C. Fenig

Ah, the UN. Spewing poisoned hot air with all its hateful talk, thus contributing to the oh-so-feared climate change while polluting the planet and endangering it even further with its corrupt and harmful actions, it really should be abolished for the safety of humanity, new sheriff in town, Nikki Haley, notwithstanding.

Consider the latest Alice-In-Wonderland, reverse film negative (remember those?) where black is white and white is black (calm down sensitive, safe-space culture appropriation victims) oxymoronic action: Saudi Arabia has just been elected to the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), reports Hillel Neuer of UN Watch. Yes, you read that correctly, Saudi Arabia, the country where women can’t drive or be seen in public without a man, among other repressive restrictions, has been elected to a commission which is, according to their official statement “the principal global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women…established 21 June 1946 ”
For some reason terrorist enabler Linda Sarsour, co-organizer of the recent so-called Women’s March and her committee didn’t complain about this insult to women while the so-called mainstream media did not highlight this farce.

(I warned you it was Alice in Wonderland, reverse film negative.) From the UN’s own claptrap, read about all the good and progressive stuff Saudi Arabia is going to enforce on the CSW. NOT!

The CSW is instrumental in promoting women’s rights, documenting the reality of women’s lives throughout the world, and shaping global standards on gender equality and the empowerment of women.

In 1996, ECOSOC in resolution 1996/6 expanded the Commission’s mandate and decided that it should take a leading role in monitoring and reviewing progress and problems in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, and in mainstreaming a gender perspective in UN activities. Following the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015, the Commission now also contributes to the follow-up to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development so as to accelerate the realization of gender equality and the empowerment of women (ECOSOC resolution 2015/6).

During the Commission’s annual two-week session, representatives of UN Member States, civil society organizations and UN entities gather at UN headquarters in New York. They discuss progress and gaps in the implementation of the 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the key global policy document on gender equality, and the 23rd special session of the General Assembly held in 2000 (Beijing+5), as well as emerging issues that affect gender equality and the empowerment of women. Member States agree on further actions to accelerate progress and promote women’s enjoyment of their rights in political, economic and social fields. The outcomes and recommendations of each session are forwarded to ECOSOC for follow-up.
UN Women supports all aspects of the Commission’s work. The Entity also facilitates the participation of civil society representatives.

Got that? But wait…there’s definitely more hypocrisy with Saudi Arabia and the UN that Neurer illuminates!

Middlebury Struggle Session The wrong man issues an apology for violent student behavior.

By now you’ve heard about the student mob at Middlebury College that roughed up Charles Murray, a visiting speaker and social scientist. The March mayhem ended with Mr. Murray’s faculty escort in a neck brace, but so far the public shaming has been reserved for a professor who dared to promote the free exchange of ideas.

Last week Bert Johnson, chair of Middlebury’s political science department, apologized in the campus newspaper for offering “a symbolic departmental co-sponsorship” to the Murray event “without wider consultation.” It seems Mr. Johnson lent the department’s imprimatur to the invitation to Mr. Murray that had come from a student group.

Mr. Johnson lamented in his statement that his decision “contributed to a feeling of voicelessness that many already experience on this campus,” though anyone paying (or getting subsidized) $200,000 for a college degree and a four-year respite in Vermont is not among America’s marginalized.

Mr. Johnson has since said on Twitter that he intended merely to extend good will, not to walk back his commitment to free speech. And Mr. Johnson is a unicorn on campus for his research on why campaign-spending limits are less effective than allowing more spending and more political speech. Yet his letter does read like a hostage confession to students who had screamed, punched fire alarms and jumped on cars.

What happened to those students? A Middlebury spokesman says more than 30 students have “accepted disciplinary sanctions,” though he won’t offer details. That could mean the dean invited folks to discuss their hurt feelings, when the correct punishment for violence is suspension or expulsion.

Meanwhile, the Middlebury faculty is divided over endorsing free-speech principles that the University of Chicago, Purdue University and others have adopted. The fallout from Mr. Murray’s visit has dragged on for nearly two months, but the drama will continue until the administration decides to restore order, punish offenders and govern the place as adults.

A Court-Martial for a Bible Verse The Supreme Court should hear out Monifa Sterling, a Marine punished over a line from Isaiah. By S. Simcha Goldman see note please

The case of a Bible verse on a desk is not the same as prohibition of head gear. In my view if you permit a yarmulke, then you have to permit a turban, and a hijab and Rastafarian dreadlocks …it is a slippery slope. rsk

Should Americans be prohibited from practicing their faith while serving in the military? The Supreme Court ought to take up Sterling v. U.S., which presents exactly that question. Around 2013, the plaintiff, Lance Cpl. Monifa Sterling, had displayed a Bible verse above her desk. It was a message from Isaiah: “No weapon formed against me shall prosper.” That small act of religious devotion mattered to her, but the military considered it inappropriate. Her superiors ordered her to take it down. When she refused, the quotation was removed by a superior. Lance Cpl. Sterling was court-martialed and discharged from the Marines, in part for her refusal to remove the biblical message.

Her story bears a striking resemblance to a lawsuit that I took to the Supreme Court in 1986. Several years earlier I had joined the U.S. Air Force, intending to serve my country while continuing to practice my Orthodox Jewish faith. As part of that faith, I always covered my head with a yarmulke. I did so for many years while in uniform, and without complaint.

That is, until I encountered a vindictive military lawyer in 1981 who disliked an element of my expert testimony at a military hearing. He made a formal complaint about my wearing a yarmulke while in uniform. My commander subsequently ordered me to remove it. When I refused, I was threatened with a court-martial. Whether my commander was motivated by personal animus, bigotry or simple narrow-mindedness, I cannot say. He outranked me and would not tolerate any longer my minority religious practice.

I filed a lawsuit, Goldman v. Weinberger , and took it to the highest court in the land. But the Supreme Court ruled against me, 5-4, and deferred to the military’s stated interest in uniformity. Four justices dissented, arguing that the military had no good reason to quash the religious freedom of a serviceman who wanted to follow both his God and his country. I thereafter decided to leave the military.

In 1993 Congress enacted the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, or RFRA, to protect believers like me. The law guarantees that men and women in uniform can exercise their faith freely except in the rarest of cases: when the military can prove that a compelling interest is being pursued in as narrow a way as possible. CONTINUE AT SITE

The Two Faces of Qatar, a Dubious Mideast Ally Doha undermines U.S. security by sponsoring Islamic radicalism. By Charles Wald and Michael see noteMakovsky


Defense Secretary Jim Mattis visited several of America’s Middle Eastern partners last week—including a dubious one. Qatar hosts an important air base but also undermines American security by sponsoring Islamic radicalism.

Nearly all coalition airstrikes against Islamic State are commanded from America’s nerve center at Qatar’s al-Udeid Air Base, which also supports missions in Afghanistan. The U.S. Air Force stations many of its larger aircraft there—refueling tankers, advanced surveillance and early-warning aircraft, and heavy bombers. Al-Udeid also houses the Combined Air and Space Operations Center, which commands all coalition air operations in the region. With all these key assets in one place, the Pentagon expects to stay through 2024.

But the host nation supports some of the groups the base is used to bomb. According to the State Department, “entities and individuals within Qatar continue to serve as a source of financial support for terrorist and violent extremist groups,” including al Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate. Qatar has also supplied advanced weaponry to militants in Syria and Libya.

Doha poured billions into the radical Muslim Brotherhood government of former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, who urged supporters “to nurse our children and our grandchildren on hatred for them: for Zionists, for Jews.” The Brotherhood’s supreme guide, Mohammed Badie, has called jihad against Israel and America “a commandment of Allah that cannot be disregarded.”

After Mr. Morsi’s government fell in 2013, Qatar offered safe harbor to many Brotherhood leaders. Pressure from neighbors eventually forced Doha to eject them, but Qatar still hosts Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a Brotherhood-affiliated preacher who once declared, “Those killed fighting the American forces are martyrs.” Qatar is also a key financier of Hamas, a Palestinian spinoff of the Muslim Brotherhood, which has repeatedly attacked Israel with rockets.

Qatar wields tremendous soft power on behalf of radical Islam through its state-funded Al Jazeera news channel. Mr. Qaradawi has a weekly show, and the network became notorious in America for broadcasting Osama bin Laden’s videos, repeatedly and uncut, far exceeding their news value. CONTINUE AT SITE

Ending the Trial Bar’s Road Trips A pair of Supreme Court cases could rein in abusive forum shopping.

Plaintiffs lawyers have a business model built around litigation tourism, suing in state courts known for friendly verdicts and big jury awards. The Supreme Court hears a pair of cases Tuesday that could upend this violation of federalism and due process.

In Bristol Meyers Squibb v. Superior Court of California, the Justices will consider whether some 600 plaintiffs who live outside California can sue the New York-based company in the Golden State by joining 86 local plaintiffs. The plaintiffs, who allege injuries related to the drug Plavix, sued in California because of its plaintiff-friendly reputation. (The other case, BNSF Railway v. Tyrell, concerns a similar play in Montana.)

The Constitution’s Due Process Clause says no person shall “be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law,” which protects defendants from being dragged into courts for improper claims. In Tuesday’s cases the claims filed have no connection to the state court exercising jurisdiction, a practice the High Court has already rejected.

In 2014 the Justices ruled in Daimler v. Bauman that for a court to have jurisdiction a lawsuit must be filed where a company is headquartered or uses as its main place of business. The same year in Walden v. Fiore, the Court held unanimously that “[f]or a State to exercise jurisdiction consistent with due process, the defendant’s suit-related conduct must create a substantial connection with the forum State.”

Yet the California Supreme Court ruled 4-3 in 2016 that California courts had jurisdiction over the Plavix lawsuits though the alleged injuries didn’t occur there, the company isn’t incorporated there and Plavix isn’t made there. The California judges, in willful disregard of the U.S. Supreme Court, said the state had jurisdiction because the company did a lot of business there. By that standard nearly any business could sue in California.

Justice Kathryn Werdegar noted in dissent that allowing a lawsuit with such a tenuous connection to the state “threatens to subject companies to the jurisdiction of California courts to an extent unpredictable from their business activities in California” and extends jurisdiction over liability claims “well beyond our state’s legitimate regulatory interest.” This violates a basic tenet of federalism. Justice Werdegar offers the High Court a road map to enforce its precedents and rein in the trial bar.

Freud’s Government Shutdown Maybe it’s time to kill the filibuster for appropriations.

Congress returns to work Tuesday, funding for the government runs out Friday, and seemingly all of Washington is promising high drama and an epic budget battle. Don’t fall for the hype. A more accurate term for this week’s scuffle is Freud’s shutdown, because the stakes aren’t much higher than the narcissism of small differences.

Congress is debating a stopgap omnibus that will last through Sept. 30, which is presumably when the next fake crisis will arrive. For now, talks between Republican and Democratic leaders in the House and Senate are deadlocked over funding for President Trump’s Mexican border wall, the Pentagon and Obama Care subsidies. But the politics on both sides are hotter than the policy details. Democratic obstructionism and Mr. Trump’s hyperbole are becoming an unvirtuous cycle.

Take the White House demand for funding border security. “The Democrats don’t want money from budget going to border wall despite the fact that it will stop drugs and very bad MS 13 gang members,” Mr. Trump tweeted over the weekend, while Nancy Pelosi averred Sunday that Democrats won’t approve a penny for this “immoral, expensive, unwise” exercise.

The House Minority Leader has a point that completing the wall—652 miles of the 1,954-mile U.S.-Mexico border are already fenced—would be wasteful and unnecessary. The full project would run $15 billion to $25 billion, and there are better uses of scarce taxpayer dollars than antagonizing a neighbor.

Then again, the White House request is for all of—$1.5 billion. About $500 million would finance immigration enforcement with the balance going to the wall. This is pocket change in the $3.9 trillion federal budget, and in practice it might pay for logistical planning, site reviews and perhaps building a couple miles of fence after years of federal and state permitting and Nimby opposition.

Yet Mr. Trump is portraying these fiscal peanuts as the coming of the “great, great wall” he promised. Democrats have decided they’ll defy him anyway—though they know his policy is more moderate than his rhetoric and they were ready to spend $40 billion to militarize the border in the failed 2013 immigration bill.

Democrats have thus set up a game of political chicken, and Chuck Schumer has an eight-vote Senate margin to filibuster a deal. Either they box Mr. Trump into a retreat that demoralizes his voters, frustrates a White House impatient for legislative success, and energizes the progressive base. Or maybe their true goal is to force a partial shutdown that they can blame on Republicans.

Refusing to negotiate adds to disorder in Washington, which benefits Democrats, and a government work stoppage that Democrats caused would amplify the media narrative that Mr. Trump and the GOP can’t govern. Democrats think they can retake the House in 2018, and they’ll campaign as the party that at least knows how to run the joint.

Republicans have offered to compromise by passing an appropriation bill for a corner of ObamaCare in return for the border $1.5 billion and a defense supplemental bill of about $30 billion. So-called cost-sharing reduction subsidies offset out-of-pocket insurance costs for some individuals, and their spending formula was included in the 2010 law.

Trump Lauds ‘Unbreakable Spirit of the Jewish People’ in Yom HaShoah Remarks to Leading Group

US President Donald Trump paid tribute to the victims of the Holocaust on Sunday and lauded Jewish courage in the face of genocide, in Holocaust Remembrance Day remarks to a leading international Jewish group.

“On this Holocaust Remembrance Day, we tell the stories of the fathers, mothers and children, whose lives were extinguished and whose love was torn from this earth,” Trump said, in a pre-recorded video address to the World Jewish Congress Plenary Assembly in New York. “We also tell the stories of courage in the face of death, humanity in the face of barbarity, and the unbreakable spirit of the Jewish people.”

He added, “On Yom HaShoah, we look back at the darkest chapter of human history. We mourn, we remember, we pray, and we pledge: Never again. I say it, never again.”

Trump also spoke about the achievements of the state of Israel and about the importance of combating antisemitism, including from the Iranian regime.

“Today, only decades removed from the Holocaust, we see a great nation risen from the desert and we see a proud Star of David waving above the State of Israel.” he said. “That star is a symbol of Jewish perseverance. It’s a monument to unyielding strength. We recall the famous words attributed to Theodor Herzl: If you will, it is no dream. If you will it, it is no dream.”

He continued, “Jews across the world have proved the truth of these words day after day. In the memory of those who were lost, we renew our commitment and our determination not to disregard the warnings of our own times. We must stamp out prejudice and antisemitism everywhere it is found. We must defeat terrorism, and we must not ignore the threats of a regime that talks openly of Israel’s destruction. We cannot let that ever even be thought of.”

Trump’s remarks stood in contrast to the White House’s International Holocaust Remembrance Day statement in January which was roundly criticized for neglecting to specifically mention Jews.

The president also had words of praise for WJC president Ronald Lauder, with whom he reportedly attended the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in the 1960s.