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Ruth King

The Iran Deal Can’t Be Enforced The agreement’s entire basis is appeasement. It merely ‘calls upon’ Tehran not to test missiles. John Bolton

Iran’s continued missile testing on Saturday has given President Trump one more reason to tear up his predecessor’s deal with the regime in Tehran. After Iran’s Jan. 29 ballistic-missile launch, the Trump administration responded with new sanctions and tough talk. But these alone won’t have a material effect on Tehran or its decades-long effort to acquire deliverable nuclear weapons.

The real issue is whether America will abrogate Barack Obama’s deal with Iran, recognizing it as a strategic debacle, a result of the last president’s misguided worldview and diplomatic malpractice. Terminating the agreement would underline that Iran is already violating it, clearly intends to continue pursuing nuclear arms, works closely with North Korea in seeking deliverable nuclear weapons, and continues to support international terrorism and provocative military actions. Escaping from the Serbonian Bog that Obama’s negotiations created would restore the resolute leadership and moral clarity the U.S. has lacked for eight years.

But those who supported the Iran deal, along with even many who had opposed it, argue against abrogation. Instead they say that America should “strictly enforce” the deal’s terms and hope that Iran pulls out. This would be a mistake for two reasons. First, the strategic miscalculations embodied in the deal endanger the U.S. and its allies, not least by lending legitimacy to the ayatollahs, the world’s central bankers for terrorism.

Second, “strictly enforcing” the deal is as likely to succeed as nailing Jell-O to a wall. Not only does the entire agreement reflect appeasement, but President Obama’s diplomacy produced weak, ambiguous and confusing language in many specific provisions. These drafting failures created huge loopholes, and Iran is now driving its missile and nuclear programs straight through them.

Take Tehran’s recent ballistic-missile tests. The Trump administration sees them as violating the deal. Iran disagrees. Let’s see what “strict enforcement” would really mean, bearing in mind that the misbegotten deal is 104 pages long, consisting of Security Council Resolution 2231 and two attachments: Annex A, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (the main nuclear deal, known by the acronym JCPOA); and Annex B, covering other matters including ballistic missiles.

Annex B isn’t actually an agreement. Iran is not a party to it. Instead it is a statement by the Security Council’s five permanent members and Germany, intended to “improve transparency” and “create an atmosphere conducive” to implementing the deal. The key paragraph of Annex B says: “Iran is called upon not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons” for eight years.

Prosecute the Rioters And make sure that we condemn them as well. By Andrew C. McCarthy

From time to time over the years, the eminent historian Daniel Pipes has lamented that treason, not just as a crime but as a concept, appears defunct in the West. The question of bringing treason charges against jihadists has been raised from time to time. Often its very asking proves Dr. Pipes’s point: Most radical Islamic terrorists are not American citizens; as to them, treason is not a cognizable offense because traitorous conduct is central to the crime.

Even against American jihadists, a treason charge is of dubious usefulness. The 1996 overhaul of federal counterterrorism law codified crimes tailored to terrorism that are easier to prove than treason. The aim of an indictment in a national-security case should be the surest route to the severest sentence. The point is not to teach a civics lesson, regrettable as our education system’s default has been in that regard.

Yet what is true of treason is not true of sedition. There are charges to bring against those who would destroy our society. They should be brought. Case in point: the University of California at Berkeley.

As our National Review editorial observed in the aftermath of this week’s Berkeley rioting, “there is within the American Left an increasingly active element that is not only deeply illiberal — fundamentally opposed to free speech — but also openly violent.”

I’d further contend that the problem is not confined to this increasingly active element, the Left’s “progressives in a hurry.” Whether it is Berkeley or Benghazi, it is standard operating procedure among the most influential, most allegedly mainstream Democratic politicians to rationalize rioting as mere “protest.” In their alternative reality, violence in the name of sedition is “free speech” — a passionate expression of political dissent — while the actual political speech they so savagely suppress is the atrocity.

There is no mystery about how we got to this dark place. Violent rampaging was the coming-of-age rite of the New Left. That would be the Sixties Left that eventually won the battle for control of the Democratic party and, in its extremism, has estranged that party from its traditional working-class base, and thus from much of the country. The New Left rioted against racism, capitalism, colonialism, and the Vietnam War. They gleefully announced their hatred for AmeriKKKa. They bombed and killed. And in large measure, they got away with it. In fact, they got rewarded for it.

One of the worst legacies of those Days of Rage was the failure of will to prosecute violent leaders of the radical Left to the full extent of the law — particularly the likes of Bill Ayers and



US approves two Teva asthma treatments. The US FDA has approved two treatments developed by Israel’s Teva, for adolescents and adults with asthma. They are AirDuo RespiClick (fluticasone propionate and salmeterol inhalation powder) and ArmonAir RespiClick (fluticasone propionate inhalation powder).

Combatting fatty liver disease. (TY Atid-EDI) In advance of Phase 2 trials, preclinical data showed the potential efficacy of Namodenoson (CF102) from Israel’s Can-Fite (see Jan 2012). It inhibited the growth and proliferation of liver fibrosis cells, supporting its potential ability to combat non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Europe approves focused ultrasound treatment for prostate cancer. (TY Atid-EDI) I reported previously (several times) on the focused ultrasound treatment from Israel’s Insightec to cure shaking and remove uterine fibroids. Now Insightec has been given the CE mark to use focused ultrasound to treat prostate cancer.

Patching up the brain after surgery. Israeli biotech Nurami Medical is developing the ArtiFascia, a biodegradable nanofiber patch that protects brain tissue and spinal cord damaged during neurosurgery. Nurami, founded by Jewish and Arab graduates, has just secured NIS 2.5 million ($650,000) of funds.

Diagnosing sleep apnea by smartphone. Ben-Gurion University researchers have developed a system to assess obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) severity by analyzing the patient’s speech using his or her smartphone. It also records and evaluates overnight breathing sounds and has been tested successfully on 350 subjects.

A shining example. Former Lieutenant Colonel Yossie Cohen made many life and death decisions in the IDF. But he never thought that filling in a form at the Ezer Mizion Bone Marrow Registration Station was one of them. Ten years later he received a phone call. He donated some cells and gave another man the gift of life.

Universal flu vaccine – latest news. Knowing many sufferers of the current flu bout, it is timely to report positive preliminary results in the Phase 2b trials of the Universal Flu vaccine from Israel’s BiondVax. And thanks to a $2.8 million investment (see Jan 15), BiondVax is to “proceed confidently into Phase 3 as planned.”

The West’s Real Bigotry: Rejecting Persecuted Christians by Uzay Bulut

“Unfortunately, the West has rejected the idea of solidarity with the Christians of the Middle East, prioritizing diplomacy based on oil interests and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Thus, the United States, Britain, and France have largely ignored the persecutions of the Christians of Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, and Sudan, while rushing to save the oil-rich Muslim states of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait…” — Hannibal Travis, Professor of Law, 2006.

Indigenous Christians in Iraq and Syria have not only been exposed to genocide at the hands of the Islamic State and other Islamist groups, but also their applications for immigration to Western countries have been put on the back-burner by, shamefully but not surprisingly, the UN.

When one brings up the issue of Western states taking in Muslim migrants from Syria and Iraq without vetting them for jihadist ties, while leaving behind the Christian and Yazidi victims of jihadists, one is accused of being “bigoted” or “racist”. But the real bigotry is abandoning the persecuted and benign Middle Eastern Christians and Yazidis, the main victims of the ongoing genocides in Syria and Iraq.

The German government is also rejecting applications for asylum of Christian refugees and deporting them unfairly, according to a German pastor.

Nearly a third of the respondents said that most of the discrimination and violence came mostly from refugee camp guards of Muslim descent.

It is high time that not only the U.S. but all other Western governments finally saw that the Christians in the Middle East are them.

Finally, after years of apathy and inaction, Washington is extending a much-needed helping hand to Middle Eastern Christians. U.S. President Donald Trump recently announced that persecuted Christians will be given priority when it comes to applying for refugee status in the United States.

Christians and Yazidis are being exposed to genocide at the hands of ISIS and other Islamist groups, who have engaged in a massive campaign to enslave the remnant non-Muslim minorities and to destroy their cultural heritage.

The scholar Hannibal Travis wrote in 2006:

Populism, VI: Populism versus populism by Andrew C. McCarthy

On the competing strains of populist politics.

The West is abuzz with reports of a populist wave: rolling through Europe, sweeping across the Atlantic, and crashing into Gomorrah-by-the-Potomac. Donald Trump’s election as president of the United States—a watershed event as unthinkable as it was improbable to many across the ideological spectrum of American punditry—followed hard on the British people’s vote to exit the European Union, a cognate popular rejection of bipartisan elite opinion.

In short order, Matteo Renzi was the next shoe to drop. Italy’s now-former prime minister, a young, attractive, politically “progressive” technocrat, darling of the European cognoscenti, had been hailed—it seemed like only yesterday—as Rome’s (or is it Brussels’s?) answer to Barack Obama. He resigned in November, though, after the Italian people resoundingly defeated his proposed constitutional “reform.” The scare-quotes are offered advisedly: Italy having been virtually ungovernable since Garibaldi forced what passes for its unification, Sig. Renzi’s reform was a scheme to end the paralysis by accreting power to himself at the expense of the legislature. Think of it as a gambit to codify U.S. President Barack Obama’s “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone” style of centralized rule.

The victorious Trump had the populist wind at his back. Thus, efforts to caricature the real-estate mogul and reality-television star as a budding Hitler fell flat. Renzi, by contrast, ran into the teeth of that wind. The hyperbole casting him as a would-be Mussolini took its toll.

Renzi’s fall is the continental aftershock of the Brexit earthquake. The “Remain” camp’s failure ushered out David Cameron of the Europhile center-right. He is succeeded by Theresa May, who has promised to carry out the public will despite her (understated) support for “Remain.”

But that’s not all, not by a long shot.

In France, the socialist President François Hollande’s favorability rating is so infinitesimal—well under 10 percent in some polls—that a reelection bid was inconceivable. The two viable candidates to succeed him are both riding the populist wave: the virulently anti-Islamist Marine Le Pen of the Nationalist Front, and the intriguing François Fillon, the former prime minister. As Fred Siegel incisively details in City Journal, Fillon is a social conservative whose economic program is Thatcherite (sacré bleu!) and has its sights trained on Paris’s bloated public sector. One way or another, dramatic change is coming.
Is “populism” the right diagnosis for the upheavals in the West?

End climate propaganda By Viv Forbes

It’s time to stop wasting taxpayer funds on climate propaganda masquerading as “research.”

In Australia, the CSIRO; the BOM; government universities and media; and federal, state, and local governments are all wasting our money trying to prove that the trace amount of colorless CO2 gas produced by human activities is producing dangerous global warming.

With a solidarity that makes North Korea look distinctly liberal, they have relentlessly claimed that “the science is settled.” This “fixed opinion,” supported by a deluge of government cash and media control, means that open-minded research is impossible – all we get is one-eyed propaganda, doctored data, and vilification of skeptics.

Worldwide, taxpayers have financed over 100 computer models requiring massive computers with a well paid priesthood, all trying (unsuccessfully) to forecast global climate trends. If they worked, one is enough. Bigger, faster, more expensive computers using the same failed greenhouse assumptions just get the wrong answers faster.

In addition, there are the frequent climate conferences, where well financed bureaucrats and government propagandists get recycled through the world’s smartest cities, seeking powerful roles for themselves in collecting carbon taxes and dispensing climate aid.

This vast expenditure has failed to forecast or change world climate, but it has taken funds from the infrastructure needed to cope with inevitable recurring natural disasters such as floods, fires, droughts, and earthquakes.

In fact, the paranoiac focus on the supposed dangers of global warming has left the world more vulnerable to the biggest climate risk: global cooling. And it has starved research on bigger climate factors such as solar and ice age cycles, deep sea volcanism, plate tectonics, and massive oceanic weather events like El Niño.

President Trump is right. All government expenditures on anything with “climate” in its title or mission statement should be scrapped immediately.

Democrats Find a Use for Violence By Karin McQuillan

Conservatives are torn these days. We wake up happy and excited to read the headlines and see what great new thing Trump has done. Then we’re hit with images of thugs in black masks beating up Trump supporters. It is very disturbing.

Democrats are scared stiff that Trump’s sensible, practical polices will make our country safer, boost our economy, and deliver jobs to blacks and millennials. That’s why they are running around in pink hats and black masks, beating dissenters up literally or verbally.

Democrats are rejecting the heart of our democracy: the peaceful transfer of power via the ballot box.

Democrat leaders says Trump has no right to enact the conservative policies we voted for, that our election victory is illegitimate. They have embraced violence and violent rhetoric. In Congress, senators boycotted committee meetings, forcing an emergency rule to move nominations forward. Progressives are training government employees in passive resistance. That will create another confrontation. There is talk of impeachment before Trump is in office two weeks.

This is not the 1960s. This is not a mass movement protesting an unpopular war or supporting civil rights legislation. We have Obama’s community agitation, not Martin Luther King’s nonviolent resistance.

It is hard to claim the moral high ground when men in black masks beat a Trump supporter unconscious, sending him to the hospital with a concussion. They are “protesting” Americans’ right to vet Syrian refugees.

Leftist Judges Appointed by Carter and Obama Block Trump’s Appeal for Reinstatement of Temporary Refugee Ban Jim Hoft

Early this morning a US Appeals Court rejected President Trump’s appeal to immediately reinstate the travel ban executed by the administration.

A US appeals court has rejected a request by the White House to immediately reinstate its travel ban, just hours after a defiant Donald Trump promised to win the court battle.

The Department of Justice had filed notice of its intention to challenge Friday night’s order by Judge James Robart which put the ban on immigration from seven Muslim majority countries on hold.

On Sunday morning, news broke that the challenge had been rejected.

The judges making the decision were appointed by Obama and Carter.

Appeals Court that denied DOJ’s appeal on Trump’s EO was 2/3 liberal who are now acting as activists instead of judges upholding the law pic.twitter.com/JEkI32jv5P

Mohajer vs. Greenfield on Trump’s Travel Restrictions — on The Glazov Gang.

In this new special edition of The Glazov Gang we host a debate between Alex Mohajer, a Huffington Post Writer and Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Bros For America and Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Fellow at the Freedom Center and editor of The Point atFrontpagemag.com.

Alex and Daniel went toe-to-toe on President Trump’s Executive Order on Immigration, in which they tackled the issue of how to best fight terror, if Trump is legitimate in his approach, the nature of Islam, and much more.

Don’t miss it!