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Ruth King

Leftist Hysteria & Hate Crime Hoaxes Anti-Trump agitators engage in campaign of violence and fabrication while media lends helping hand. Ari Lieberman

The 2016 elections are finally over and America has chosen its next leader but the stench of hate emanating from the radical Left still lingers. A lethal mix of professional agitators, anarchists, illegal aliens and basement-dwelling social justice warriors, has taken to the streets to voice protest over the results. In actuality, they are protesting against the democratic process itself.

Some of the anti-Trump manifestations have become violent. In Redwood City, California a high school student was physically assaulted after she voiced support for Trump on social media. Her attacker, a fellow student, accused her of “hating Mexicans” and without provocation proceeded to punch, kick and throw her to the ground. The school said that it would discipline the perpetrator but failed to elaborate further.

In Chicago, a group of five thugs – three men and two women – brutally savaged 49-year old David Wilcox while screaming “You voted Trump” and “Don’t vote Trump.” One of the gang riled the others by taunting, “Yeah, it’s one of them white boy Trump guys.” Several days passed before the mainstream media gave the incident any attention while the website Snopes initially issued a sanitized account of what occurred, downplaying or burying outright, other aggravating factors. The New York Times, the paper that recently apologized to its subscribers for its slanted coverage of the election, dedicated a grand total of five short paragraphs to the story.

The attack on Wilcox commenced following a minor traffic accident. Another vehicle had sideswiped his car. Wilcox’s sole offense was to ask the other motorist is she had insurance. That was enough to trigger the unprovoked violent assault. He was thrown to the ground and repeatedly punched and kicked and then robbed of his personal belongings. Ultimately, one of the attackers managed to steal Wilcox’s car while Wilcox desperately clung to the side of the vehicle (and nearly died doing so). Chicago police said they were “investigating.”

In Sweden, a chef was set upon by a group of Muslim men because they said he looked like Trump. Two men grabbed Anders Vendel from behind while a third proceeded to pummel him. He eventually fell to the ground where the beating continued with a flurry of kicks and punches. Vendel sustained a fractured thumb, broken nose as well as other facial injuries.

The Left’s Orwellian Tactics Yearnings for a thugocracy. Michael Cutler

Since the election of Donald Trump to be America’s next President, large groups of protestors and rioters have fanned out around the United States, smashing windows, damaging property and physically attacking other people to express their anger of Trump’s victory.

Their conduct in the aftermath of the election of a president is unprecedented but, given the riots launched by “Black Lives Matter” not a huge surprise.

The central theme of the anti-Trump demonstrators is to equate his calls for border security and effective immigration law enforcement with racism and bigotry.

Undoubtedly some of the demonstrators, particularly the non-violent demonstrators, are truly concerned about racism. However, they are grossly misinformed and are tragically being exploited and manipulated by the globalists and immigration anarchists, having been convinced by the decades of lies told about immigration by our politicians and pundits.

Our immigration laws as we will see, have absolutely nothing to do with xenophobia or racism.

During the first Republican presidential debate Fox News correspondent Bret Baier opened the debate by asking all of the Republican candidates on stage to raise their hand if they would not support any Republican candidate who would win the primaries and possibly run as a third party candidate.

Trump was the only candidate on stage to raise his hand. Trump’s reaction was reported on by news media across the country, typical of those reports was “Trump tells Republicans in 2016 debate he may not support GOP nominee.”

None of the reporters thought, however, to ask the Democratic candidates if they would support the Constitution of the United States if a Republican won the general election. Perhaps those reporters should have.

Steve Bannon and Keith Ellison: Do the Democrats Really Care About Anti-Semitism? The record is clear. Robert Spencer

When is anti-Semitism not anti-Semitism? When it comes from the Left, of course.

President-elect Trump has enraged the establishment media by choosing Steven K. Bannon as his chief strategist, because Bannon, they claim on the flimsiest of evidence, is a white supremacist and an anti-Semite. Meanwhile, that same media is hailing Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) for announcing his candidacy for Chairman of the Democratic National Committee – despite Ellison’s very real links to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, two groups that are outdone by no one in anti-Semitism.

“A chorus of critics took to Twitter,” said the New York Times, “to lament what they said was a frightening normalization of the fringe views that Mr. Bannon promoted as the chairman of Breitbart News. The site has for years given voice to anti-Semitic, racist and white nationalist ideology.”

The evidence? Slim to none. As David Horowitz pointed out Monday, the source for the claim that Bannon is anti-Semitic is “a one sentence claim from an angry ex-wife in divorce court no less, that Bannon didn’t want their kids to go to school with Jews.” Horowitz noted in response that Bannon had wanted to produce a Horowitz biopic: “I find that particularly amusing since Bannon wanted to make a film to celebrate this Jew’s life.”

Horowitz also noted that CNN hit Bannon over “a headline at Breitbart.com calling Bill Kristol a ‘renegade Jew.’” Surely that proves Bannon’s anti-Semitism, right? Wrong. Said Horowitz: “In fact, neither Breitbart nor Bannon is responsible for that statement. A Jew is. I wrote the article, which was neither requested nor commissioned by Breitbart. And I wrote the headline: ‘Bill Kristol, Republican Spoiler, Renegade Jew,’” because “Kristol and his friends betrayed the Republican Party, betrayed the American people, and betrayed the Jews when he set out to undermine Trump and elect the criminal Hillary Clinton. Obama and Hillary are supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, the organization that launched the Arab drive to destroy Israel and push its Jews into the sea (that was their slogan).”

Joel B. Pollak, senior editor-at-large at Breitbart News and an Orthodox Jew, declared: “I have worked with Stephen K. Bannon, President-elect Donald Trump’s new chief strategist and senior counselor, for nearly six years at Breitbart News. I can say, without hesitation, that Steve is a friend of the Jewish people and a defender of Israel, as well as being a passionate American patriot and a great leader.”

More Than Half of the Anti-Trump Rioters Arrested in Portland, Oregon Didn’t Vote By PJ Media

More than half of the protestors arrested in Portland, Oregon last weekend did not vote in the state.

According to 13 News Now, 69 of the rioters did not vote or are not registered to vote in the state.

KGW compiled a list of the 112 people arrested by the Portland Police Bureau during recent protests. Those names and ages, provided by police, were then compared to state voter logs by Multnomah County Elections officials.

Records show 34 of the protesters arrested didn’t return a ballot for the November 8 election. Thirty-five of the demonstrators taken into custody weren’t registered to vote in Oregon.

Twenty-five protesters who were arrested did vote.

KGW is still working to verify voting records for the remaining 17 protesters who were arrested.

Nationwide riots or “protests” have dominated the headlines while violence against Trump supporters has gotten barely a mention. Some of the more inflammatory elements of the rallies has also been downplayed.

One report shows empty buses used to transport “participants” to a weekend protest in Chicago. Another shows that ads were placed on Craigslist looking to hire people to show up at the election protests. Recently reports surfaced that the protestors were paid to disrupt Trump rallies during the campaign. Is it really a surprise that the protestors in Portland are not really aggrieved voters?

Stop the H8: 5 Recent Examples of Anti-Trump Violence By Debra Heine

While the media obsesses over a number of allegations of hate crimes supposedly perpetrated by Trump supporters, several well-documented cases of assaults on Trump supporters by unhinged lefties on the streets of American cities are being ignored.

During a “60 Minutes” interview yesterday, President-elect Donald Trump was asked if he had a message for people engaging in hate crimes against minorities since he won the election last week. The subtext being, “call off your racist, sexist, homophobic dogs, Mr. McTrumpHitler.”

Trump said: “I am so saddened to hear that. And I say, ‘Stop it.’ If it– if it helps. I will say this, and I will say right to the cameras: ‘Stop it.’”

I don’t remember anyone in the media ever asking President Obama to comment on the questionable behavior of any of the left-wing agitators who supported his agenda these past eight years. No one ever called on Obama to denounce the violent union goons who protested Scott Walker in Wisconsin, or the Occupy Wall Street yippies who stunk up public spaces all across the nation, or the Black Lives Matter thugs who instigated riots in a number of cities including Ferguson, Baltimore, and Milwaukee. Heck, they’re not even asking him about the Soros-funded anti-Trump riots that are going on RIGHT NOW. They had a chance to ask about the violent anti-Trump riots at the press conference today, and they blew it.

But the same media that just suffered a humiliating rebuke at the polls last week can’t stop themselves from pushing stories that are either minor in comparison (some middle school kids — perhaps jokingly — yelled “White Power!” in the hallway?) or are unproven and may well turn out to be hoaxes — as so many SJW hate crime allegations turn out to be.

At the same time, the lib-media is largely ignoring the actual beatdowns Trump supporters are suffering at the hands of their “peaceful” fellow travelers. Sure, local news outlets dutifully report each individual incident, but the MSM refuses to link them all together because the narrative that would emerge would be entirely unhelpful to the progressive agenda.

1. In New York last Thursday, an “anti-bullying ambassador” was arrested after pushing a 74-year-old Trump supporter to the ground.

A female anti-bullying ambassador and gospel singer was arrested on Thursday night for pushing an elderly man to the ground in a fight outside Trump Tower in Manhattan.

Shacara McLaurin, 23, from Brooklyn, New York, joined angry protesters outside the President-elect’s New York City home in the second night of uproar since his election win.

The Black Lives Matter protester was arrested at 10.45pm for shoving the man, 74, to the ground, causing him to hit the back of his head on the sidewalk. CONTINUE AT SITE

The violent peace-loving left is revolting By Carol Brown

The left will not stand for a President Trump. They’re crying, screaming, threatening, and attacking. None of us is safe – whether you’re an adult, a child, or even an innocent dog.

Trump supporters are being beaten on the street. Young students who voted for Trump in mock elections are being physically assaulted. One mother kicked her 7-year-old out of the house, verbally accosting him throughout the shocking ordeal, after learning that he voted for Trump in a mock election. She then posted the disgusting scene on YouTube. (See here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.)

Violent protests riots across the country are spreading as leftist goons having unfettered pre-pubescent tantrums drone on about “peace” and “love.” Targets of the attacks are anything and anyone, including the police. Meanwhile, plans are in the works to disrupt Trump’s inauguration with “civil unrest.” (See here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.)

In addition to violence and threats of violence, the madness of the left expresses itself in other ways, such as when the CEO of one company seemed to order employees who supported Trump to resign. (Since then, shares in the company have dropped nearly 10%.) Or when a taqiyya-practicing Muslima filed a false police report claiming that a Trump supporter attacked her. She has since been charged with filing a false claim. (See here, here, here, and here.)

There are calls for the election results to be overturned, and lawsuits against Trump are in the works. One supposedly conservative journalist (cough) declared that Trump would resign or be impeached by the end of his first year in office. (I guess the crease in Trump’s pants didn’t cut mustard with the guy. You know whom I’m talking about.) (See here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.)

West Coast states want to secede from the union. Until that happens, leftists are finding all sorts of ridiculous ways to comfort their fragile selves. Some are wearing safety pins (such as used on diapers) to signify they are a safe space for other traumatized zombies. Schools are offering grief counseling, allowing students to skip exams, bringing kittens and puppies into classrooms, and providing coloring books and Play-Doh (that’s at the university level, by the way) among other measures to protect shattered souls. Videos are being made by the perpetually hysterical and tearful that give testimony to their abject trauma, including Yoko Ono recording a 19-second ear-shattering “primal scream.” (See here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.)

European Union Backs Plan to Expand Military Coordination Britain’s decision to leave the EU and the election of Donald Trump give fresh impetus to Europe to come up with new plans for security cooperation By Julian E. Barnes and Laurence Norman

BRUSSELS—European governments endorsed a plan aimed at building military cooperation so that the bloc could act alone, as pressure builds on the region to increase its own military spending with the election of Donald Trump.

European Union ministers decided Monday to move forward with a proposal to create a new planning organization to oversee training missions and to make greater use of its standing military crisis-response units.

But they made little progress on the more sweeping proposals from Brussels over the summer to build common military capabilities or tap EU funding for defense projects.

Expanding defense cooperation via the EU has long been controversial. Britain has blocked a number of proposals in the past, preferring to work to strengthen security through the North Atlantic Treaty Organization instead.

But the U.K.’s decision to leave the EU and, now, the election of Mr. Trump have given fresh impetus for efforts to build what officials call Europe’s “strategic autonomy,” an ability to act independently of other major powers. In his presidential campaign, Mr. Trump questioned the relevance of the NATO military alliance and suggested American military support could be conditional on European military spending.

According to a statement published after their meeting on Monday, the foreign and defense ministers said they were committed to strengthening the EU’s ability to act as a security provider.

“This will enhance its global strategic role and its capacity to act autonomously when and where necessary and with partners wherever possible,” they said.

Federica Mogherini, the EU foreign-policy chief called the agreement a “qualitative leap.” But even supporters of more cooperation, such as Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni, were more reserved, calling Monday’s decision a small step, albeit “in a very important strategic direction.”

Forging consensus in the EU is difficult, and divisions remain in the bloc over how to increase military spending or create new military capabilities. The agreements reached Monday fall far short of the military command-and-control headquarters some nations wanted, or an EU army, a proposal that never had wide support.

Member states are still considering options for some EU governments to enter into an agreement for a deeper defense cooperation, including working together to develop new weapons systems and military capabilities that Europe currently relies on the U.S. for. CONTINUE AT SITE

Europe’s Trump Panic Maybe EU leaders should emulate his call for more defense spending.

The European Union greeted Donald Trump’s election with gnashing of teeth and a typically chaotic “emergency summit” in Brussels over the weekend. Please, folks, get a grip.

This isn’t to say Europe doesn’t have cause for concern. The President-elect’s antitrade convictions could be economically and politically damaging on both sides of the Atlantic. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) talks between the U.S. and EU may suffer the same fate as the Pacific trade talks did last week.

Mr. Trump’s soft spot for Vladimir Putin could exacerbate divisions between EU hawks and doves on the bloc’s response to Russian aggression in Ukraine. Mr. Trump also questioned America’s commitment to NATO, though he has since walked that back. One of his surrogates, Newt Gingrich, raised doubts about the U.S. commitment to smaller allies such as Estonia, which the former House Speaker described as a suburb of St. Petersburg.

But the EU bears some responsibility for alienating American voters who have trouble understanding the rationale for continued U.S. support for European security or free trade. One of Mr. Trump’s legitimate complaints about NATO is that only Estonia, Greece, Poland, the U.S. and U.K. meet the pact’s minimum requirement of spending 2% of GDP on defense.

In 2014 the newsweekly Der Spiegel noted that Germany, which spends about 1% of its gross domestic product on defense, would be able to deploy a grand total of 10 attack helicopters, 80 jet fighters and one submarine in a war. This in a country with a GDP of nearly $3.5 trillion. Meanwhile, Mr. Trump is the candidate who vowed to increase U.S. defense spending after years of declines under President Obama.

The EU also hasn’t covered itself in glory on trade. French and German politicians declared TTIP dead earlier this year even as the Obama Administration was trying to keep hopes for a deal alive. The EU did manage recently to conclude a free-trade deal with Canada, but only after barely overcoming a veto by Belgian dairy farmers. Decades of demagogy in Europe about the evils of all things American, from genetically modified foods to the “cowboy” instincts of U.S. foreign policy, haven’t exactly fostered a spirit of trans-Atlantic amity.

Obama Says Donald Trump Will Be Driven by Pragmatism Not Ideology as President President warns successor not to unravel progress made on health care, climate change, Iran nuclear deal Carol Lee see note please

Is the lame duck clucking this advice? Does he not get the fact that the election was also a repudiation of his policies?….rsk

President Barack Obama said he believes President-elect Donald Trump will be driven by pragmatism, not ideology, as he governs, but he warned the Republican businessman’s temperament could be an issue unless he shifts course once in office.

Mr. Obama, speaking at his first news conference since Election Day, said he has “concerns” about a Trump presidency, while expressing some hope that his successor may not unravel his legacy on health care, climate change and the agreement to restrain Iran’s nuclear program.

“He is coming into this office with fewer set-hard-and-fast policy prescriptions than other presidents,” Mr. Obama said.

“I don’t think he is ideological. I think ultimately he is pragmatic,” Mr. Obama said. “And that can serve him well, as long as he’s got good people around him.”

Mr. Obama had several warnings for Mr. Trump, including suggesting he not undo some of his major foreign-policy achievements, such as the Iran nuclear deal and the international climate-change agreement.

Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks declined to comment.

Before the election, Mr. Obama had campaigned more for Democrat Hillary Clinton than any modern sitting president had for his party’s nominee. He told Americans Mr. Trump would be a danger to the country if he were elected, saying he is “uniquely unqualified” for the presidency and couldn’t be trusted with the U.S.’s nuclear weapons arsenal.

He also repeatedly promised world leaders that Mr. Trump wouldn’t get elected. CONTINUE AT SITE

Michael Galak Waiting for the Antipodean Trump

When will we see the emergence of a leader immune to the PC hectoring and abuse heaped on the US president-elect? Whenever that figure rises on our public stage, expect the same reaction we are seeing on the streets of the US: the impotent fury of the irrelevant left.
I still don’t believe it – Hillary Clinton is not POTUS. A ghost somewhat resembling Ronald Reagan is back in the saddle, the Clintons are relegated to history’s dustbin (and perhaps the penal system) and the Left, as usual, is both wrong and furious. I did not mention Ronald Reagan by mistake – the parallels are plentiful, especially in the vilification department.

There are more than enough post-mortems of the miraculously, marvelously upsetting and unexpected outcome of these elections, all featuring the allegedly wise heads who said a Trump triumph was impossible but who now, once again and undaunted, dispense their oracular wisdom about what the future will hold. In case you can’t guess, by their accounting it will be mostly terrible. I will not tell you why did Donald Trump won, except to note that, judging by the impotent fury of progressives and aggressives, various minorities and terminal idiots, the right person won the prize. The high-decibel rabble now protesting democracy and its result in America are livid that their countrymen — their lesser countrymen, as they would have it — dared to think for themselves, refused to do as they were told. How typical of the Left, which professes to love democracy but only until such time when the elections don’t go their way.

There is yet more comic relief from the ranks of the Republican elite, where we can observe an indecent haste to eat their words, uttered so recently with indignation and righteous fury when disowning their own candidate. Now the same scolds and naysayers are, pardon the pun, trumpling each other in a race to gather the crumbs of power from the table of the man they urged their fellow Americans to scorn in the voting booth. This is the same guy they maligned, undermined and betrayed at every turn. It is better to watch than a five-ring circus, albeit with more than the usual quota of clowns. To the extent that our political stage here in Australia is a sideshow beside the big top of US politics, the critics-turned-supplicants bring to mind our very own Malcolm Turnbull, PM, who bucketed Pauline Hanson in the run-up to the election and must now work with the very same woman he denigrated and reviled. You would have to be Niki Savva (or have a hubby working in the PM’s office) to see anything but an egomaniacal blowhard’s folly in that little prime ministerial outburst.

But I was talking about a US election, so let me observe that, as a long-term student of the American system, I can’t remember such fury after any other election which did not go the left’s way. Why such a strong feeling this time? I am mildly concerned that the combination of the left’s frustration and presumed moral superiority might prompt episodes of armed violence, as idiots consider it their right and obligation to resist “tyranny”. It is an impression enhanced by an internet meme doing the rounds as I type — a Facebook post allegedly authored by Hollywood scriptwriter Paul Schrader. It may be a hoax — I hope it is — but the currency of its instantly widespread circulation and endorsements is deeply unsettling. Here is the post that thousands of disgruntled leftists are “liking” (emphasis added):

I have spent the last five days meditating on Trump’s election. Upon consideration, I believe this is a call to violence. I felt the call to violence in the 60’s and I feel it now again. This attack on liberty and tolerance will not be solved by appeasement. Obama tried that for eight years. We should finance those who support violence resistance. We should be willing to take arms. Like Old John Brown, I am willing to battle with my children. Alt-right nut jobs swagger violence. It’s time to actualize that violence, Like by Civil War Michigan predecessors I choose to stand with the black, the brown and the oppressed.