Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis blasted woke antisemites and anti-Zionists in American colleges, the media, and the “worthless” United Nations on Saturday on Newsmax.
“I don’t care what some imbecile on a college campus says; I don’t care what liars in the media say; and I certainly don’t care what worthless institutions like the United Nations say: We are going to stand with Israel in this dark hour for them,” DeSantis told “Saturday Report.”
DeSantis, who is campaigning for president and speaking Saturday in the Las Vegas gathering of the Republican Jewish Coalition Conference, hailed his state for having revoked Florida college students’ “privilege” to support Hamas in the war against Israel over “material support to terrorism.”
“You may have a right to say certain things, but that’s material support to terrorism if you’re saying you’re part of what they’re doing, so we deactivated the Students for Justice in Palestine and were the first state to step up to the plate and do that,” DeSantis told host Rita Cosby before his RJC address.
“I was the first candidate to say that if you have foreign visa holders out there making common cause with Hamas, I’m canceling their visa and I’m sending them back,” DeSantis added. “That’s a bare minimum.
“They don’t have a right to be here on a student visa. It’s a privilege to be here on a student visa. There’s a lot of Americans that would probably want those slots. There’s other foreign nationals who actually like the United States who would probably want [one].
“They have no right to have those visas, and if they’re going to make common cause with terrorism, we are going to eject.”
The problem on college campuses in sharing anti-Israel progressive narratives has been building for a long time, according to DeSantis.