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Ruth King

Biden’s Disaster — Most Voters Give Him Failing Marks For Leadership, Key Policies: I&I/TIPP Poll Terry Jones


The days remaining for the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration are few, but before they go, it’s only fair to ask Americans what kind of job the pair did over the last four tumultuous years. As it turns out, data from the latest I&I/TIPP Poll suggest, voters will not be sad to see this Democratic tenure come to an end.

The national online poll of 1.424 adults, taken Jan. 8-Jan. 10, asked a number of questions to get at how voters feel about the job Biden has done, including questions on how Biden did in particular policy areas. The poll’s margin of error is +/-2.6 percentage points.

Apart from Democrats, Biden finds little support anywhere across the nation.

The first broad question posed involved leadership: “Overall, is your opinion of Joe Biden generally favorable, generally unfavorable, or are you not familiar enough to say one way or the other?”

Biden doesn’t come out well in the reckoning. Of those surveyed, just 38% give him a “favorable” rating, while 51% rated him “unfavorable” and another 7% said they didn’t know enough to render an opinion.

But, when gauged by political party affiliation, Americans were far apart.

Democrats handed Biden high ratings (71% favorable, 17% unfavorable), while Republicans slammed Biden (15% favorable, 81% unfavorable) and independent voters more or less followed suit (26% favorable, 59% unfavorable).

Jihad Must Have No Place in the West by Guy Millière


That the attacks were jihadist is rarely mentioned, or only briefly. Then everything gets forgotten until the next jihadist attack.

In many American universities, tenured professors have openly supported radical Islam for years, described Hamas as a liberation movement, supported terrorism, shown their hatred of the United States and brainwashed students. Radical imams in many mosques have incited their followers to hate and even murder Jews (here, here and here) and appear to be trying to legitimize jihad.

Political Islam, support for Islamic terrorism and incitement to jihad – holy war — needs be squarely faced and defeated.

It is hoped that the Trump administration will allow no place for Jihad in the US or the West.

The jihadist attack on Bourbon Street in New Orleans on January 1st by an American who converted to Islam and became an Islamist should come as no surprise.

This was not the first time that a Jihadist in the United States or Europe had used “vehicular jihad. The Islamic State (IS) appears to have “encouraged” it in 2010. IS even recommended that to cause “maximum carnage,” it be used preferably in “pedestrian only” sites.

In the US, Jihadist attacks, vehicular and other, include 9/11/2001, the Boston Marathon Bombing, the Fort Hood slayings, and the New Orleans attack {for more, see Appendix 1).

In Europe there have been at least 15 vehicular attacks, including two on Christmas markets in Germany; one on Nice’s seaside in France on July 14, 2016, and more in France, Spain, the UK , and Stockholm. There have also been countless non-vehicular jihadist attacks there , including the London Underground attacks of 2005, the slaughter at the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, the murders at Paris’s Bataclan theater, among many others (see Appendix 2).

Christopher F. Rufo Meta’s Abolition of DEI May Be a Turning Point Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement could encourage others to stop pretending they believe in the cultish ideology of “systemic racism” and race-based guilt.


Last week, Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, formerly Facebook, made a stunning announcement. He was abolishing the company’s DEI programs and discontinuing its relationship with fact-checking organizations, which he admitted had become a form of “censorship.” The left-wing media immediately attacked the decision, accused him of embracing the MAGA agenda, and predicted a dangerous rise in so-called disinformation.

Zuckerberg’s move was carefully calculated and impeccably timed. The November elections, he said, felt like “a cultural tipping point towards once again prioritizing speech.” DEI initiatives, especially those related to immigration and gender, had become “disconnected from mainstream conversation”—and untenable.

This is no small about-face. Just four years ago, Zuckerberg spent hundreds of millions of dollars funding left-wing election programs; his role was widely resented by conservatives. And Meta had been at the forefront of any identity-based or left-wing ideological cause.

Not anymore. As part of the rollout for the announcement, Zuckerberg released a video and appeared on the Joe Rogan podcast, which now functions as a confessional for American elites who no longer believe in left-wing orthodoxies. On the podcast, Zuckerberg sounded less like a California progressive than a right-winger, arguing that the culture needed a better balance of “masculine” and “feminine” energies.

Executives at Meta quickly implemented the new policy, issuing pink slips to DEI employees and moving the company’s content-moderation team from California to Texas, in order, in Zuckerberg’s words, to “help alleviate concerns that biased employees are excessively censoring content.”

Zuckerberg was not the first technology executive to make such an announcement, but he is perhaps the most significant. Facebook is one of the largest firms in Silicon Valley and, with Zuckerberg setting the precedent, many smaller companies will likely follow suit.

The Environmentalist War on California By Gamaliel Isaac


Misguided environmentalist policies were major contributors to the California fires. The first policy led to a self-inflicted shortage of water, the second policy led to the buildup of tinder in California’s forest, the third to the large number of EVs that exploded. Additional environmental policies were indirectly responsible for the self-inflicted shortage of firemen, fire equipment, and powerlines that desperately needed to be fireproofed.

The first major factor that contributed to the massive fires was lack of water. Southern California has more than enough rainfall to put out fires. However, the majority of rainfall occurs during the rainy season. In order to avoid out-of-control conflagration during the dry season, such as the one that just took place, that water should be stored in reservoirs.

Why hasn’t this been done? In the last century California built dozens of dams creating the reservoir system that supplies the bulk of the state’s drinking and irrigation water. This century California has been unable to complete even one. The Sites reservoir was planned in a remote corner of the Sacramento valley for at least 40 years. One reason is that environmentalists blocked it with lawsuits and another is the difficulty in getting permission from the environmentalist state water board to use Sacramento River water to fill the reservoir.

Another reason more reservoirs have not been built is that nearly half of California is protected land and so is off limits for reservoir building. One of the objections to the Sites reservoir was that it might increase greenhouse gas emissions due to the breakdown of submerged organic matter. The environmentalists ignore the fact that algae that grow on lakes and sink to the bottom when they die capture the carbon that environmentalists are so worried about. In addition, any such possible increase in greenhouse emissions is dwarfed by the emissions of fires that water in reservoirs could put out.

Border Agents Find ‘Sophisticated’ Migrant Tunnel Built On Biden’s Watch Hudson Crozier


Homeland Security officials are searching for the makers of an underground tunnel crossing from Mexico under the U.S. border into El Paso, Texas.

Border Patrol and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agents discovered the “man-made smuggling tunnel” during an inspection of a storm drain, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said in a Friday press release. The agency said the tunnel is equipped with electricity and ventilation and is used by “criminal organizations” to smuggle illegal border crossers.

The discovery highlights the dire situation along the U.S.-Mexico border that President Joe Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas will pass on to President-elect Donald Trump, policy experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“Tunnels have always been a feature of the border, but Biden and Mayorkas diverted so much of DHS resources to bringing in and processing illegal aliens that they took their eyes off the ball,” Simon Hankinson, a senior research fellow on immigration at the Heritage Foundation, said in an email to the DCNF.

Officials said the six-foot-tall, four-foot-wide structure was built over the past year and called its discovery “historic,” KTSM reported. CBP said federal, state and local law enforcement agencies and Mexico’s government are working to find and arrest the builders.

“The only conceivable need for tunnels would be to traffic into the U.S. the worst – people, drugs, guns, and other [things] cartels don’t want seeing the light of day,” Hankinson said.

Agents found a suspected drug smuggling tunnel near the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona last month, the third one reported near the state in 2024, according to Newsweek. HSI also found one tunnel stretching 1,744 feet between California and Mexico in 2022.

LA Fires Illustrate a Nationwide Competency Crisis California’s fires expose systemic neglect, where poor leadership, declining standards, and ignored maintenance have left a first-world city vulnerable to chaos. By Christopher Roach


Los Angeles is burning, and the raging fires appear to be some of the worst in recent memory. Entire neighborhoods, fancy and regular alike, have burned to the ground. Harrowing video of people trapped in their homes convey some of the human cost of the fires and foretell the inevitable deaths that will be confirmed in the weeks ahead.

There are a surprising number of obstacles challenging the emergency response, considering that we are supposed to live in a first-world country. Fire hydrants ran dry for reasons not yet fully explained, and there were cuts to statewide firefighting budgets in advance of the fires. It now appears that the ongoing homelessness crisis in Los Angeles was a harbinger of third-world conditions across the board.

The political leadership also leaves a lot to be desired. Governor Gavin Newsom shrugged and pinned empty hydrants on locals. In spite of extreme risk warnings, the Los Angeles mayor was away on an overseas junket and went catatonic when reporters asked her some basic questions about events. She is now back and facing sustained criticism from her erstwhile supporters.

Multiple Failure Points Contributed to Disaster

There are lots of theories about what went wrong, and everyone is reaching for their well-worn hobby horses. Some say it’s affirmative action destroying once-competent institutions. Others blame generic incompetence and mismanagement.

Another factor may be changing patterns of home building. Apparently, building on the hills and in the canyons—which are periodically subject to fires—is inherently risky. The recent dry spell, coupled with heavy winds, only made things worse.

Finally, at least some of the fires appear to be a result of arson, whether by the mentally ill or the malevolent.

My intuition is to blame all of these things in combination. While I do not know enough to have a strong opinion about the relative weight of one cause versus another, I start with the prejudice that most failures in life arise from systemic failures, which themselves result from the accumulation of smaller errors similar to the stacking of tolerances in engineering.

A well-designed system can withstand incompetent executives, some affirmative action appointees, and even a shortfall in funding for one year. But most systems cannot withstand all of these things, year after year, which seems to be the unifying factor in Los Angeles’ current predicament.

You know who will cheer the death of DEI? The working class The boss class’s diversity initiatives were a knife in the heart of workplace solidarity. Brendan O’Neill


So, is it RIP DEI? The boss class’s favourite ideology certainly seems to be in trouble. Big business everywhere is rethinking its devotion to ‘diversity, equity and inclusion’. As part of his coming out as a pretty standard tech bro who bristles at woke and loves Joe Rogan, Meta boss Mark Zuckerberg has said DEI might be for the chopping block. He even instructed his minions to take the tampons out of the men’s bathrooms at Meta HQ. Expecting people who menstruate to use the ladies’ loo? Guys, this is big.

The legacy media is noisily lamenting Zuck’s bonfire of the diversity initiatives. Meta is ‘eliminating’ DEI, weeps CNN. It quotes an internal Meta memo that basically says it’s game over for ‘equity and inclusion’. To these people, Zuckerberg is an apostate. To renounce the religion of DEI, the divisive ideology that holds such fierce sway on college campuses and in HR departments, is to make oneself an enemy of the new elite. I reckon we’re days away from a Vox piece calling Zuckerberg a fascist.

And the Rogan-pilled Facebook founder is not alone. Other corporations are likewise beating a retreat from DEI. Capitalist giants including McDonald’s, Walmart, Ford and Amazon have ‘pulled the plug’ on DEI, says a clearly emotional CBS. Cue meltdown among the woke. These once right-on capitalists are capitulating to MAGA, we’re told. They’re initiating a ‘rightward shift’ ahead of the inauguration of Donald Trump. We’re witnessing a ‘conservative backlash’ against diversity, cries business bible Forbes, and the repercussions could be dire.

Of course the cultural class will mourn the flailing regime of DEI. After all, they were its architects and enforcers. Both their social sway and personal wealth were boosted by this insidious ideology that empowered them to re-educate the great unwashed in the finer details of racial correct-think. But you know who won’t mourn it? The working class. For them, this poisonous dogma was never anything more than a patrician system of moral instruction that diminished their workplace clout and divided them from their fellow workers.

DEI is always presented as a nice, fair thing. It’s about ‘embracing the differences’ that ‘everyone brings to the table’, said CNN last year. It’s about making workplaces welcoming to all, regardless of their ‘race, age, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation [or] physical ability’. These knackered platitudes mask the grim truth about DEI, which is that it is divisive rather than unifying, and spectacularly intolerant of difference – especially political difference – rather than ‘welcoming to all’.

De Tocqueville On the Difficulty of Freedom “Those who will not be governed by God will be governed by tyrants.”Mark Lewis


“Nothing is more wonderful than the art of being free, but nothing is harder to learn how to use than freedom.”  (Alexis de Tocqueville)

There have actually been people in history who have found slavery to be more comfortable than freedom, and indeed, I would argue that many such individuals exist today.  They would rather be taken care of by the government (or, socialism) than risk the “freedom of opportunity” necessary to provide for themselves.  Sadly, that just feeds the egos and lusts of power-hungry politicians who live to control other people and tell them what to do.  And when you control somebody’s finances, you definitely control them.  Congress can’t even go home for Christmas until they try to pass some kind of budget that gives them trillions of dollars to spend to enslave the masses.

We today don’t call such government oppression “slavery” (our Founding Fathers did), but in one sense, that is exactly what it is.  People are “enslaved” if it is only the government which allows them to have and do.  “Allowed freedom” is not freedom, it is indeed another term for slavery.

But many who do want freedom do not really understand what it is or where it comes from.  It is a gift of God, as Jefferson said in the Declaration of Independence, and thus is defined by that Author.  “There is no liberty without morality,” Edmund Burke wrote, and by that, he meant the morality that comes from on High.  Modern Marxist Leftism has rejected that morality for a human-defined selfishness and decadence that starts with “every man does that which is right in his own eyes.”  But this godlessness and immorality will end in tyranny, not freedom.  And Leftists know it.

Burke explained this very nicely:  “Society cannot exist unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere; and the less of it there is within [i.e., self-control], the more there must be without [government].  It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free.  Their passions forge their fetters.”  Self-government is not Washington, D.C.  Self-government is a person governing themselves, controlling themselves in harmony with the laws of God, which provide true freedom.  Otherwise, as Burke said, a person’s “passions forge their fetters.”  They will be self-destructive, and destructive of others.

Burke further wrote:  “But what is liberty without wisdom, and without virtue? It is the greatest of all possible evils; for it is folly, vice, and madness, without tuition or restraint.”  This is what de Tocqueville meant in the quote at the beginning of this article.  Too many people do not know how to use freedom for they do not know from whence it comes.  Such has long been a curse of man and the main reason why “slavery” (government oppression) is far more common in history than true freedom is.

Qatar’s Al-Jazeera, Bullhorn for the Muslim Brotherhood, Promotes Jihad, Radical Islam, Terrorism. Even Israelis and Palestinians Agree! by Khaled Abu Toameh


“Among the Islamist terrorist organizations that Qatar and Al-Jazeera have supported over the years are the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Hezbollah, the Al-Nusrah Front/Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham, ISIS, Hamas, and even the Shiite proxies in Yemen, Ansar Allah (the Houthis).” — MEMRI.org , May 6, 2024

“The Al-Jazeera TV network is an arm of the Qatari regime. It is owned by the government and carries out its foreign policy by means of indoctrination of the Arabic-speaking masses worldwide. Al-Jazeera, therefore, should not be discussed as a means of telecommunications, but instead as an unyielding and forceful political tool of Qatari foreign policy under the guise of a mass media network. )” — MEMRI.org May 6, 2024

The MEMRI report points out that Al-Jazeera was the prime power for toppling the secular authoritarian regime in Egypt, when Qatar, by means of Al-Jazeera, supported the Muslim Brotherhood in ousting then Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Al-Jazeera, the single most significant platform for mainstreaming Jihadi and Muslim Brotherhood ideology, was the power that accorded [Muslim Brotherhood presidential candidate] Mohamed Morsi his victory.

Al-Jazeera’s role in providing a platform for promoting extremist Islamist ideologies goes back decades: “The case of promoting Al-Qaeda is of particular interest…. Al-Jazeera’s official role in the current Israel-Hamas war is nowhere more evident that its exclusive broadcast of Hamas military commander Mohammed Deif… at the very time that Hamas terrorists were carrying out their mega-terror attack in Israel… Deif declared the launch of ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ and incited all Palestinians to join the war, using all means in their possession – guns, knives, Molotov cocktails, and vehicles.” — MEMRI.org , May 6, 2024

They [Israelis and Palestinians] have both come to the conclusion that Al-Jazeera’s goal is to promote radical Islam and terrorism. It now remains to be seen whether the US and other countries will follow suit and stop the Qatari-owned TV station from supporting terrorism, poisoning the hearts and minds of millions worldwide, and ravaging global security.

The Palestinians have finally discovered that Qatar’s Al-Jazeera television network — which has long been serving as a mouthpiece for the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and virtually all other Islamic terrorist groups — is “broadcasting inciteful content, spreading misinformation, and interfering in internal Palestinian affairs, which [the Palestinian Authority Ministerial Committee] claimed stirred division and instability.”

Sweden: A New Hotbed of Jihad Terror A rapidly Islamizing country is turning out jihadis regularly. by Robert Spencer


Welcome to the new, multicultural Sweden: in early Dec. 2024,according toRemix News, “four men, including two Swedish brothers who converted to Islam, have been charged with preparing to commit acts of terror and involvement in a terrorist organization, according to an indictment submitted to Nacka District Court. The group is accused of acting on behalf of the Islamic State in Somalia, with plans allegedly targeting Jewish individuals as part of their intended ‘jihad.’”

They were just one such group among many. The Swedish-language Fria Tider reported in late Nov. 2024 that “two Afghans with connections to the terrorist group IS-K are on trial in Germany – suspected of plans to carry out a terrorist attack against Sweden’s parliament and kill at least ten people. The oldest of the defendants, a 30-year-old, has admitted to the plans during the ongoing trial in Germany. He states that he was brainwashed by the Islamic State and was motivated by the Koran burnings in Sweden.”

The Swedish government has taken a strong stand regarding those Qur’an burnings: Agence France Presse reported on Nov.5, 2024 that a Swedish court court had “sentenced a Swedish-Danish right-wing activist to four months in jail for inciting ethnic hatred at two 2022 protests that included the burning of Korans. Rasmus Paludan provoked rioting in Sweden in 2022 when he went on a tour of the country and publicly burned copies of the Koran. In August, prosecutors charged him with ‘agitation against an ethnic group’ over a protest in the southern city of Malmo in April 2022, where he desecrated and set fire to the Muslim holy book while making disparaging comments about Muslims.”

This has been a long time coming. Sweden’s third-largest city, Malmö, had by 2004 become one-quarter Muslim, and that number was rapidly growing. Nor were the Muslims of Malmö inclined to demonstrate their moderation. Even the police were afraid: “If we park our car it will be damaged — so we have to go very often in two vehicles, one just to protect the other vehicle,” reported a police officer in Malmö. Meanwhile, Swedish ambulance drivers would not enter some areas of Malmö unless police accompanied them.”