The Seven Social Sins, as given in a sermon by Frederick Lewis Donaldson
at Westminster Abbey, London, March 20, 1925
“Wealth Without Work
Pleasure Without Conscience
Knowledge Without Character
Commerce Without Morality
Science Without Humanity
Worship Without Sacrifice
Politics Without Principle”
The above quote seems appropriate when meanness and partisanship have replaced respect and collaboration, when cronyism substitutes for service. Nowhere are these characteristics so apparent as with the two candidates our major parties have chosen as their standard bearers.
It is why so many despair at our options. The world is a dangerous place. Capitalism, which has done more to lift people out of poverty over the past two hundred years, is under siege. Western economies are underperforming. Political correctness is pervasive. Divisiveness is ubiquitous: between rich and poor, black and white, Muslims against Christians and Jews, liberals versus conservatives. The list goes on. And who have we nominated to address these problems? A loud-mouthed real estate developer and TV personality and a scheming, duplicitous politician whose lies and corruption exceed anything we’ve seen.