It is striking just how much leftists enjoy being dominated by Big Government. Please make us stand six feet apart! Please monitor and police our speech! Please punish us for skirting COVID lockdowns! Please mandate new experimental goop for our veins! Every time the oppressive authoritarians in positions of power abuse that power to make outrageous and unconstitutional demands of the American people, the leftists hop to and beg for even more obnoxious restrictions. Politicians and bureaucrats are just people (often bad people), but to leftists, they’re celebrities, (needed) father figures, and the atheist’s empty-suited pantheon of false gods.
As Sam J. wrote in a righteous, all-caps, truth-telling rant over at Twitchy, no matter how nonsensical or harmful the government’s often-illegal-but-always-idiotic commands, the masochistic left can be heard shrieking, “YEAH, THAT’S A GOOD IDEA. GOVERN ME HARDER, DADDY! MASK ME UP! TAKE SCHOOL FROM MY KIDS! YAAAAS!” Nothing makes the left happier than a system that insists on ruling over leftists in perpetuity. No group is more worthy of the left’s hero worship than an army of control freaks who take pleasure in inconveniencing, voyeuristically surveilling, and intimidating the masses. Silence the vaccine skeptics! Force the anti-maskers into hiding! Imprison anyone who still attends church even after the State’s Marxist priests banned the unapproved exercise of religion! In this brave new world, the cowards demand cowardice from everyone.
Or, as the Babylon Bee insightfully observes, the reason Democrats are so irrationally offended by the appearance of Revolutionary War–era Gadsden flags is because everything they have been brainwashed to believe screams out, “TREAD ON ME!” Perhaps it is natural for those with crushed souls to plead for crushed spines, too. If leftists didn’t snuggle up next to tyranny, after all, there would be little else to keep them warm at night. It is as O’Brien — the enigmatic Inner Party inquisitor from Orwell’s 1984 — tells Winston Smith: “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – for ever.” Leftists alive today crave that boot stamping on their collective face. They need the threat of that boot’s punishment to find any sense of meaning in their otherwise empty, fruitless lives. Receiving and inflicting pain is the only way for them to feel…something.