Under regulations announced Friday, fracking on federal lands will be subject to a costly new set of rules covering the entire process of drilling, from application to production. Under the new rules, drillers must submit a detailed plan with site and wastewater control information as part of a lengthy approval process. They must provide covered tanks for wastewater storage, a requirement now in force in only ten states. They must submit a complete report, including a listing of chemicals used within 30 days of well completion. Drillers on federal land will also be required to post their proprietary formulary of chemicals on a website, which could be subject to hacking or leaks. Since when has Coke been forced to post its secret formula online?
Coming on top of Obama’s veto of the Keystone XL pipeline and a host of other anti-oil and gas actions, including continued opposition to arctic drilling, the fracking regulations are further proof of the administration’s indifference to economic growth. Altogether, the administration’s hostility toward drilling is costing the nation hundreds of thousands of high-paying jobs.