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Ruth King

CDC admits not including diagnostic codes showing COVID vax as ’cause’ on some death certificates Georgia-based agency’s response to Just the News will be incorporated into grand jury petition to investigate its COVID statistical practices, death-certificate analyst says.By Greg Piper


The CDC’s explanation for leaving certain diagnosis codes off Minnesota death certificates that cite COVID-19 vaccines as a cause of death, allegedly hiding vaccine injuries in federal records, shows “intent to deceive,” according to a person who helped analyze the death certificates for the Brownstone Institute, a think tank that challenges the scientific basis for COVID conventional wisdom and policy.

John Beaudoin Sr., who is suing Massachusetts for submitting “fraudulent” death certificates to the feds falsely labeling COVID as a cause of death, says CDC spokesperson Kristen Nordlund’s comments on the matter to Just the News will be incorporated in an “affidavit to petition for a grand jury investigation of the CDC” in its home of Georgia.

Beaudoin’s law school expelled him for refusing its vaccine mandate, which he says was based on federal COVID guidance devised in part from Massachusetts death certificate data. 

The suit includes a 123-page exhibit analyzing death certificates Beaudoin claims either wrongly omit vaccine-induced deaths or falsely attribute them to COVID. And in May he requested a hearing in response to the state’s motion to dismiss his January amended complaint. His website includes legal filings.


The Minnesota analysis is part of three years of questions about the reliability and integrity of federal and state governments’ COVID-related statistics.

The New York Times found up to 90% of COVID-positive tests officially recorded in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada in summer 2020 were based on SARS-CoV-2 viral loads too small to be infectious.

Oregon lawmakers similarly sought a federal grand jury investigation into COVID statistical manipulation nearly two years ago, claiming the Center for Disease Control and Prevention employed a “double-standard exclusively for COVID-19 data collection” that inflated cases and deaths starting early in the pandemic.

Fareed Zakaria To Biden: Why Are You Giving Ukraine The Same Weapon You Said Would Be A War Crime If Russia Used It? Posted By Ian Schwartz


In an interview with President Joe Biden, CNN’s Fareed Zakaria asked the president why he changed his mind on providing Ukraine with cluster bombs, a weapon that his administration said would “constitute war crimes” if Russia used them.

The news is that the administration is going to provide cluster munitions to the Ukrainians. These are weapons that 100 nations ban, including some of our closest NATO allies. When there was news that the Russians might be using it, admittedly against civilians, your then-press secretary said this might be — constitute war crimes.  What made you change your mind and decide to give them these weapons?  

Politics Here’s How You Know Conservatives Are Winning


If you want a good indication that conservatives are, at long last, scoring a few actual victories these days, look at the apoplexy it’s causing those on the left.

A prime example is a piece written by Jill Lawrence, a former editor at USA Today, which posted on July 4 on MSNBC and carried the scary title: “Seeing the erosion of our freedoms makes it hard to celebrate this Fourth of July.” It is a remarkable display of fearmongering, incoherence, and illogic.

“The Supreme Court, conservative governors and gerrymandered state legislatures are racing to shrink fundamental rights and freedoms,” Lawrence writes. “The result is that tens of millions of Americans are being deprived of rights that other Americans have. The scale of the disparity is frightening and growing.”

Ok. So, how about some examples?

Well, the “marquee setback,” according to Lawrence, was the Dobbs ruling overturning Roe v. Wade.

But wait, that ruling actually restored a right — the right of the people to decide through democratic means how the lives of unborn children should be treated. It also upheld several of the founding principles Lawrence claims are being attacked, such as the “right to life,” and “equal protection” — unless, of course, you assume that the unborn have no such rights.

Never mind that. To Lawrence, abortion is “a right so significant it was until recently a constitutional right.”

Really? This right is “so significant” that it wasn’t discovered (or, more accurately, invented) until 186 years after the Constitution was ratified?

Lawrence cites other examples of threats to what she describes as “America’s most sacred promises”:

The Supreme Court’s ruling that a web designer can’t be forced to create products that violate the basic tenants of her faith.
The Court’s decision banning the use of race in college admissions.
The fact that some states are restricting puberty blockers and sterilization procedures for gender-confused children, removing pornography from public school libraries, and forbidding teachers from “transitioning” children behind their parents’ backs.

Biden’s Army Secretary Doesn’t Want 2nd Gen Military Recruits for Fear of a “Warrior Caste” There are 7th-generation military families who fought for this country since the Revolution. by Daniel Greenfield


Army Secretary Christine Wormuth, who got her start as a Clinton intern, has a lot of thoughts on the military.

Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said she expects within weeks to begin drafting a proposal for a recruiting overhaul so sweeping that Congress might need to pass legislation to enact all of it.

Depending too much on military families could create a “warrior caste,” Wormuth said. Her plans seek to draw in people who have no real connection to the military and to broaden the appeal of service.

There are sixth and seventh-generation military families. There is a ‘warrior caste’ insofar as you have families who have fought for this country since the War of Independence. They showed up, they bled, and now they’re to be replaced by drag queens and identity politics quotas.

“The Army is strategically deploying recruiters to communities across the country based on demographics, ethnicity, race, and gender,” Wormuth had claimed in a written statement.

Here’s what that ends up looking like.

In pursuit of REDCAT quotas, a message from the United States Army Special Operations Command urges soldiers to “select the ethnic group code that includes the most accurate description of ethnic background or combination of ethnicities in their ethnic background.”

At the Virginia National Guard, past recruitment was aimed at making the Guard “match the demographics of the state within 1% of the REDCAT” and when that failed, developing a “target for underrepresented groups each FY by comparing census data” and then “if the demographics are not within the 1% target develop three (3) COAs to attain the objective by 28 February of each year.”

Rather than getting the best people or even adequately qualified people, the goal is to match the force to the census data in a completely senseless exercise so that the people they do get are 20% black, 7.2% Asian, and 0.6% American Indian, or develop a plan to get those Asians.

Wormuth claims that, “the Army is also on track to meet its directed level of 5,800 officer commissions while increasing diversity representation within the combat arms branches.”

Who needs a warrior caste when you can pick your fighters by race?

The Politics of Pronouns by Linda Goudsmit


This article is a chapter from my new book, Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier–Reality Is, scheduled for release at the end of 2023.

CHAPTER 25: The Politics of Pronouns

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite themselves. The globalist war on the nation state cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses psychological, informational warfare to destabilize Americans, and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. The primary target of globalist predators is America’s children. 

A child’s ability to test reality is a reference to his ability to identify the world of facts. It is a human psychological survival skill. When little Johnny tells his Mommy he is a bird that can fly, it is his Mommy’s responsibility to keep Johnny in objective reality, and explain to Johnny that he is a child, not a bird, and he cannot fly. If instead of objective reality, Mommy or Daddy encourages Johnny’s subjective reality, and escorts him to the top floor of their apartment building to fly, Johnny will fall to his death. Objective reality always prevails.


Objective refers to a reality that is outside of your mind (world of facts), and subjective refers to the inner reality of your mind (world of feelings). Conflict between objective reality and subjective reality generates cognitive dissonance––tension in your mind created by holding inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes. The tension is often so intolerable, it causes people to change their thoughts and behaviors to eliminate the pain. Cognitive dissonance is an important dynamic of psychological warfare.


The catastrophic consequences of encouraging children to live in subjective reality, conflicts with parental responsibilities and protections. Children are being intentionally indoctrinated to believe that objective reality does not exist. Hans Christian Anderson’s famous folktale, “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” published almost 200 years ago, dramatizes the difference between objective and subjective reality, and exposes why reality is the final frontier. In objective reality the emperor is naked. In subjective reality the emperor is wearing new clothes. Weaponized education tries to persuade children the emperor is wearing new clothes.

Iran’s Plan To Drive Jews Out of ‘Palestine’ by Bassam Tawil


Iran’s mullahs are seeking to create a situation where Jews no longer feel safe in their own country and are forced to leave Israel. To achieve this goal, the mullahs have instructed their Palestinian terror proxies, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), to step up their campaign of terrorism against Israel and Jews.

“Islamic Jihad & other Palestinian resistance movements have found the main key to fighting the Zionist regime. The continually growing authority of resistance groups in the #WestBank is the key to bringing the Zionist enemy to its knees, & this course must be continued.” — Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, Twitter, June 14, 2023.

The leaders of Iran, Hamas and PIJ share the same goal: eliminating Israel and killing as much Jews as possible. They do not differentiate between a Jew living in Israel and a Jew living in the West Bank. In their view, all Jews are settlers, regardless of where they live. For them, there is no difference between Tel Aviv and a Jewish settlement in the West Bank. They see Israel as one big settlement that must be removed from the face of the earth.

“The Jews in other countries live in peace and prosperity. The only place where they’re being killed is in Palestine. Therefore, when we continue our fight, they will change their mind and realize that they made a historical mistake by coming to this place. They will realize that there is no chance of life for them and that they therefore should leave this country.” — PIJ Secretary-General Ziyad al-Nakhalah, al-vefagh.net, June 8, 2023.

This statement by the PIJ leader is important because it shows that the Palestinian terror attacks against Israel are not being carried out because of checkpoints, settlements or harsh economic conditions. Instead, the purpose of these attacks is to force the Jews out of their country and replace Israel with an Islamic state controlled by Iran and its proxies, especially Hamas and PIJ.

Those who believe that the Palestinian campaign of terrorism is a legitimate resistance against the “occupation” in the West Bank are totally clueless.

Thanks to Iran, Nakhalah said, the Palestinian terror groups are now capable of manufacturing their own weapons.



This week’s amazing list of Israel’s varied, outsized, and vital contributions is about “connections” prompted by the news that Israel is building infrastructure to establish the Jewish State as a communications and solar energy hub connecting Europe and Asia. Meanwhile, Israel’s connections with the UAE prevented a major cyber-attack on the Gulf state. Its connections with Africa provided food for the disadvantaged in Senegal and saved the lives of children from Eswatini (Swaziland).

It evoked a memory in me of the late Menachem Begin’s first visit to the United States as the elected Prime Minister. In one of dozens of speeches, Begin used the word “connection” referencing the bonds between Zionists in every corner of the world and the State of Israel. That “connection” stokes the pride that I and all friends and supporters  share with every issue of Very Good News from Israel. Thank you Michael Ordman! rsk


Programming tumors to self-destruct. (TY WIN) Researchers at Tel Aviv University encoded a toxin into mRNA (messenger RNA) molecules and delivered them directly to cancer cells. The cells were instructed to produce the toxin that eventually killed them. Another breakthrough from the lab of Professor Dan Peer.
https://en-lifesci.tau.ac.il/news/2023/peer/cells  https://www.jpost.com/health-and-wellness/article-748548
A molecule to prevent tooth decay. Scientists in Israel, China and Singapore have discovered a molecule 3,3′-Diindolylmethane (DIM – also known as bisindole) reduces the biofilms that produce dental plaque and cavities by 90%. The molecule is also found to have anti-carcinogenic properties and could be added to toothpastes.
Proton Irradiation Center opens. Israel’s P-Cure (see here previously) has opened its Proton Irradiation Center (PIC) in Modi’in. Dozens of Israeli cancer patients will now be able to receive treatment with proton irradiation. Permission has been given for the PIC to treat hand-and-neck cancers and recurring brain cancers.
US approves treatment for lazy eye. Israel’s NovaSight (see here previously) has received FDA approval for its CureSight digital therapy device for amblyopia (lazy eye). Clearance was given following a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial of 103 participants under 9 years of age. 79% of children improved in the trial.
Safe removal of varicose veins. Israel’s VVT Medical has received US FDA approval for its Sclerosafe medical device for the treatment of varicose veins. Its unique, dual syringe injects a sclerosing substance into the vein through one syringe while simultaneously removing blood and residuals through the second syringe.
https://www.prnewswire.com/il/news-releases/vvt-medical-receives-fda-510k-clearance-for-its-sclerosafe-system-301857362.html  https://www.vvtmed.com/  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZqSIcWT4Hk
Another Israeli spine surgery navigation system. The 3D Optical Navigation System from Israel’s PathKeeper Surgical performed its debut commercial spine surgery on US patients. It was used in two successful lumbar spinal fusion surgeries for degenerative disc disease at VHC Health in Arlington, VA.
https://www.path-keeper.com/post/pathkeeper-surgical-commercializes-spine-navigation-system-with-first-u-s-cases    https://www.path-keeper.com/   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfhhLUgcHxg
Prolapse treatment gets European funding & US approval. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s Escala Medical (see here previously) has received €5.5 million from the European Innovation Council for its non-surgical, incision-free 20-minute solution for patients suffering pelvic prolapse. It also recently received US FDA clearance.
Israeli surgeons reattach Palestinian Arab boy’s head.  This sounds like science fiction. 12-year-old Suleiman internally decapitated his head in a bicycle accident that detached the base of his skull from the top of his spine. Hadassah surgeons performed an extremely rare and complex operation to save Suleiman’s life.

Michigan Republican Sets the Record Straight on Hate-Crime Bill That Could Criminalize Using ‘Wrong’ Pronouns By Haley Strack


Michigan’s hate-crime bill is subjective and illogical and could criminalize the use of biologically accurate gender pronouns, state representative Andrew Beeler told National Review, pushing back against local supporters of the legislation who have dismissed claims that it threatens free speech.

The bill would punish speech that “intimidates another individual” with up to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Democrats blamed misinformation last week after several outlets reported that the bill would criminalize the refusal to use preferred pronouns. The bill doesn’t dismiss an individual’s First Amendment right to constitutionally protected activity but does criminalize speech if a “reasonable” person feels “intimidated,” a standard state Republicans say is too vague.

“This entire bill hinges on how you define ‘intimidation,’” Beeler said. “I’ll define it the way that the bill defines it: The full definition is, ‘willful course of conduct involving repeated or continuing harassment of another individual that would cause a reasonable individual to feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened,’ etc. If you intimidate by that definition, anyone in the protected classes, you are subject to criminal prosecution and a potential felony.”

Although Michigan’s 1988 hate-crime law already makes it illegal to intimidate based on race, religion, sex, or nationality, the new bill expands protections for gender identity or expression, which it defines as “having or being perceived as having a gender-related self-identity or expression whether or not associated with an individual’s assigned sex at birth.”

A standard of reason, by which juries determine whether or not a person acted with average care and consideration, is difficult to apply when Michiganders can’t agree on basic truths about the nature of gender, Beeler said.

In Blow to Academic Freedom, Court Rules Universities Can Punish Faculty for ‘Lack of Collegiality’By Jeff Zymeri


The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Thursday that a public-university faculty member can be punished for the “lack of collegiality” he purportedly showed when he criticized a higher-ed-degree program for prioritizing social justice over scholarship.

To academic-freedom advocates, the decision is a blow, and there are fears the “collegiality” rationale could chill unpopular speech at universities throughout the country.

By a vote of 2-1 in Porter v. Board of Trustees of North Carolina State University, the court ruled against professor Stephen Porter of NCSU, who had been removed from a degree program for complaints he made during a 2016 department meeting, in a spring 2018 email to colleagues, and in a personal blog post written that fall.

According to Porter, “the field of higher education study is abandoning rigorous methodological analysis in favor of results-driven work aimed at furthering a highly dogmatic view of ‘diversity,’ ‘equity,’ and ‘inclusion.’” He also called an academic conference in his field a “woke joke.”

Porter was accused of “bullying” his colleagues, and it was suggested he leave the degree program in question. The professor was soon forcibly removed. Porter also claimed his colleagues were making it impossible for him to recruit new doctoral advisees, jeopardizing his tenure.

Appeals Court Rules University Can Punish Professor for Criticizing ‘Diversity’ Hiring George Leef


The academic left has no tolerance for faculty members who aren’t all in favor of the DEI agenda. It will look for any pretext to punish those who dare to disagree.

That was the case at North Carolina State where Professor David Porter complained about a departmental hire that he thought was ill-advised, done just to increase “diversity.” That bit of honesty caused the university to punish him. Porter sued, but the Fourth Circuit, in a 2-1 ruling, held that the university was in the right.

Hans Bader examines the case in this Liberty Unyielding post. 

A slice:

Yet the Fourth Circuit ruled that the professor’s email about a diversity-oriented faculty search, which complained that a colleague ‘cut corners [in] vetting’ a black finalist ‘out of a desire to hire a Black scholar whose work focused on racial  issues,’ was not on a matter of public concern — and thus not protected by the First Amendment, because it (a) ‘was an unprofessional attack on one of [his] colleagues,’ and (b) was ‘sent only to other faculty members.’ This “unprofessionalism” claim is diametrically at odds with the Supreme Court’s Rankin decision saying that ‘the inappropriate…character of a statement is irrelevant to the question whether it deals with a matter of public concern.’