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Ruth King

Just 36% Agree With Biden That The Economy Is ‘Strong’ — I&I/TIPP Poll Terry Jones


Once upon a time, Democratic presidents understood how important a healthy economy was. President Bill Clinton and his advisers won two elections living by the mantra, “It’s the economy, stupid.” Get that right, they thought, and everything else follows. But today, Americans think President Joe Biden doesn’t get it, June’s I&I/TIPP Poll shows.

The online I&I/TIPP Poll, taken from May 31-June 2 and including responses from 1,358 adults nationwide, asked the following: “To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The American economy remains strong, as it transitions to steady and stable growth.”

That statement, by the way, was not made up. It’s a direct quotation of what Biden told Americans after the Commerce Department reported in April that real GDP growth in the first quarter was a disappointing 1.1%. It has since been revised up slightly to 1.3%. We did not, when surveying Americans, identify who made that statement.

Do Americans agree with Biden that the economy’s strong, steady and stable? Overall, I&I/TIPP found, 55% of Americans disagreed that the economy “remains strong,” while just 36% agreed. The poll has a margin of error of +/-2.7 percentage points.

The Horror of Being Christian in Muslim Pakistan: Just One Month by Raymond Ibrahim


“[T]here was absolutely no case. There was no proof against Noman, and none of the witnesses produced by police could corroborate the blasphemy allegation against him…. This is murder of justice.” — Lazar Allah Rakha, lawyer for Norman Masih, a 22-year-old Christian man, sentenced to death for “blasphemy”, Morning Star News, May 31, 2023,

“Several people have been lynched over false accusations of blasphemy in Pakistan. At least 57 cases of alleged blasphemy were reported in Pakistan between Jan. 1 and May 10 [2023], while four blasphemy suspects were lynched or extrajudicially killed during the same period…” — Morning Star News, May 22, 2023

“The blasphemy laws have been consistently misused to settle personal disputes, persecute minority groups, and incite mob violence and hatred. We demand prompt action and a collective effort by the government to address these human rights violations.” — Retired Justice Nasira Javaid Iqbal, Morning Star News, May 22, 2023.

[A] Muslim policeman, hired to protect a Catholic school run by the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, instead attacked the school and murdered two young girls. — British Asian Christian Association, May 16, 2023.

“[T]he incident [murder] has been officially blamed on the ‘mental health’ of the man, without investigating his possible relations with Muslim extremist groups.” — bitterwinter.org, June 1, 2023.

“[W]hy this horrific terrorist event occurred at the missionary school is due to a hatred of education for women, in radicalised Pakistan.” — British Asian Christian Association, May 16, 2023.

The Espionage Act’s Ugly, Un-American History From Eugene Debs to Donald Trump, it’s been used to target politically disfavored opponents. By Vivek Ramaswamy


Donald Trump is charged with violating the Espionage Act, one of the most un-American laws Congress ever enacted. President Woodrow Wilson set the tone in his 1915 State of the Union address: “There are citizens of the United States . . . who have poured the poison of disloyalty into the arteries of our national life; who have sought to bring the authority and good name of our Government into contempt,” he asserted. “Such creatures of passion, disloyalty, and anarchy must be crushed out.”

Congress obliged two years later by enacting the Espionage Act with the express purpose of quashing dissent. The law criminalized not only spying for enemies, but also any attempt to encourage “disloyalty” among military ranks. Prosecutors enforced the act aggressively, using it to imprison hundreds of antiwar activists and political dissenters. The Socialist former presidential candidate Eugene Debs was sentenced to 10 years in prison in part for denouncing the Espionage Act itself. The law was also used to charge religious leaders who preached pacifism, newspaper editors who republished German accounts of the war, and even the producer of “Spirit of ’76,” a film about the Revolutionary War that portrayed Britain, a World War I ally, in an unfavorable light.

Those who support prosecuting Mr. Trump claim the Espionage Act of 1917 bears little resemblance to the law today. The act was “once used to stamp out dissent,” the New York Times claims, but today punishes only “spies and unauthorized leakers.”

The 1917 law criminalized, among other things, willfully attempting to cause “insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, refusal of duty in the military.” The statute has been amended over time. Today it criminalizes sharing, gathering or refusing to return “information relating to the national defense” that “could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation.”

The present law is arguably more expansive than the 1917 act. The original act’s most expansive provisions applied only in times of war. Prosecutors were required to prove that a defendant willfully sought to harm the U.S. military. Neither constraint applies to the current version of the law. Nor is there any requirement that the defendant has acted in bad faith, that the relevant government “information” be classified, that the information ever be shared with anyone, or even that the person charged be a government official.

Hunter Biden’s ‘Fair’ Tax Share IRS agents reveal details of the son’s scheming that mock the President’s tax moralizing.


President Biden has campaigned far and wide that America’s rich should pay their “fair” share of taxes, and he’s giving the Internal Revenue Service billions more to enforce it. Does he include his son Hunter among the rich who should pay what they owe?

The question is highly relevant after last week’s under-reported testimony from two IRS whistleblowers about their investigation of Hunter’s taxes. Hunter agreed to plead guilty last week to two misdemeanor charges of “willful failure” to pay some $200,000 in tax for years 2017 and 2018. But the two whistleblowers, testifying under oath before the House Ways and Means Committee, revealed details of Hunter’s tax maneuvering that make a mockery of his father’s tax moralizing.**

The agents reported that an IRS team in January 2022 finalized a document of some 80 pages recommending that Hunter be charged with tax violations for each of his six tax returns from 2014 through 2019.

IRS supervisory special agent Gary Shapley said Hunter’s 2014 and 2015 returns involved a “scheme to evade his income taxes through a partnership with a convicted felon.” At issue was the $83,000 a month Hunter received to sit on the board of Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company. The second (anonymous) whistleblower explained that in 2014 Hunter arranged a series of “sham” transactions so he “didn’t report any of the money he earned from Burisma”—about $400,000 in 2014.

The whistleblowers say Hunter directed Burisma to pay his money to Rosemont Seneca Bohai, or RSB, an entity owned by his business partner Devon Archer, who was convicted of fraud in 2018. They say RSB would send the money to Hunter, who then “booked it as a loan.” One obvious tax problem, explains the second whistleblower, is that “you can’t loan yourself your own money.”


The Torah is Israel’s GPS. Wherever you wander you see links in the unbreakable chain of survival of the Jews from ancient Hebron and the Patriarchs to the present.

And, as Michael Ordman reminds us, the present and future also dazzle as medicine, science, technology, satellite exploration, computers and intel break barriers into new research and development to improve and enrich the lives of billions.

Ki Tavo, Deuteronomy 26:1–29:8-The Commandment to Love and Help the Stranger.




New treatment for chronic kidney disease. (TY Hazel) Israel’s Curespec, founded by Israel’s Avner Spector, has developed Europe-approved Nephrospec. It uses an acoustic wave treatment called eHAT to treat chronic kidney disease (CKD) by promoting new blood vessel formation and restoring damaged tissue function.
https://www.jpost.com/health-and-wellness/article-746236   https://www.curespec.info/
Detecting pressure injuries before they happen. Israel’s IR-Med has developed an AI device powered by infrared light spectroscopy that spots pressure injuries, bedsores, and ulcers at an early stage. The PressureSafe device noninvasively detects them, preventing infections and even saving lives.
https://www.ir-medical.com/  https://www.ir-medical.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Pressuresafe-Long.mp4
Healing wounds in 30+ countries. Israels RedDress (see here previously) is saving lives with its ActiGraft bandage for chronic wounds in over 30 countries, including Brazil, Turkey, and France. In Israel, it is available to patients of Clalit – the country’s largest health maintenance organization.
US approves synthetic eye tissue. The US FDA has approved a synthetic tissue substitute for the eye that will address the worldwide shortage of donors. The EverPatch from Israel’s CorNeat Vision (see here previously) is made of a polymer that stimulates the cells to accept it and reinforce the sclera (outer layer of the eyeball).
No more peanut allergies. Researchers at Israel’s Sheba Medical Center and Volcani Institute have developed a powder made from unripe peanuts that weans children off peanut allergies. There are no allergenic proteins in unripe peanuts, and food made from their powder (cookies, pancakes etc.) will slowly desensitize the allergy.
When melanoma becomes dangerous. A new study at Tel Aviv University and Israel’s Sheba Medical Center reveals how melanoma cancer cells metastasize. They change their environment to spread deeper into the skin and to other parts of the body. Research continues and could eventually lead to the development of a vaccine.
When the ventilator can be removed. Four women students at Ben-Gurion University won the 9th round of the “Students Leading Innovation in the Public Sector” competition initiated by Shoham hospital in Pardes Hanna-Karkur. Their Clarity decision-support model predicts if patients can be weaned off ventilator support.
Better training for ADHD sufferers. Trainers at Tel Aviv University’s Constantiner School of Education have developed Computerized Progressive Attention Training (CPAT) that significantly improved the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms of many participating students.
Transforming hospital healthcare. (TY Hazel) Israel’s Sheba Medical Center has signed an agreement with Deloitte Consulting to transform the future of healthcare. Deloitte operates in 150 countries and aims to implement Sheba’s revolutionary ARC (Accelerate, Redesign, and Collaboration) platform worldwide.

Biden Administration Empowering Iran’s Deadly Regime by Majid Rafizadeh


Since the Biden Administration assumed office, the Iranian regime has been steadily gaining more power, funds, and becoming more emboldened to export weapons, advance its nuclear program, deepen its presence in Latin America, and spread its radical Islamist ideology around the globe.

Iran has also become key exporter of weapons to Russia. Last week it was reported that the Biden Administration is also planning to release $17 billion in frozen assets to Iran, a country that the US Department of State has called the top state sponsor of terrorism. The mullahs will likely use this windfall to fund terror groups abroad, suppress opposition at home, enrich even more uranium, enlarge its military, export more weapons, and arm Russia even further against Ukraine.

Thanks to the Biden Administration’s policy of reviving the rancid nuclear deal enabling the mullahs to have as many nuclear weapons as they like — and bribing them with $17 billion, most likely not to use these weapons on the Biden Administration’s watch — the regime is at its peak.

Since the Biden Administration assumed office, the Iranian regime has been steadily gaining more power, funds, and becoming more emboldened to export weapons, advance its nuclear program, deepen its presence in Latin America, and spread its radical Islamist ideology around the globe.

When US President Joe Biden was elected, Senator Ted Cruz told Fox News Digital:

“Iran’s nuclear program was in a box, and their economy was in a downward spiral. Biden looked the other way as the Ayatollah steadily advanced to nuclear weapons, and the regime resumed exports of millions of barrels of oil a day.

Joe Biden Is Not Ok By David Harsanyi


On June 16, President Joe Biden ended a big gun-control speech in Connecticut with the words, “God save the queen, man.” Why did the president express adoration for the departed Brit monarch? Was he confused about royal succession? Who knows.

When asked about the incident, White House aides offered nonsensical and conflicting answers — because they have absolutely no idea, and neither does the president. It’s likely that the octogenarian spontaneously used a cool-sounding phrase, much like when your elderly neighbor tells you to “keep on truckin’” for no apparent reason. It happens.

Yet, Axios writer Alex Thompson points out that Biden “has an arsenal of wacky phrases.” And the president’s “quirky aphorisms,” he contends, “are sometimes weaponized by Republicans to insinuate the 80-year-old president is in mental decline.”

There is no need for insinuation. Biden’s mental acuity, never impressive, has considerably deteriorated. Sure, he also tends to botch “old-timey” sayings like, “lots of luck in your senior year,” which he says is a gibe from his Corn Pop days. But most reporters who pretend perceptions of Biden’s decline are due to his propensity for homespun maxims or previously unknown stuttering problems almost surely wouldn’t find him fit enough to babysit their kids.

Every week, the president of the United States says something completely bonkers, and everyone goes on with their day. We’re not talking about his propensity to lie about politics or his blustery lifelong fabulism. We’re talking about his inability to articulate simple ideas without notes — and often with notes. There are rarely any fact-checks of these statements. How can there be? They don’t even make sense as lies. There is no handwringing about the role of competency in our democracy. There is no discussion about the 25th Amendment.

Just listen to any one of his speeches. “Put a pistol on a brace, it turns into a gun — makes it more — you can have a higher-caliber weapon, higher-caliber bullet coming out of that gun,” the president explained before wishing Her Majesty his best. This was also complete gibberish. There is so much gibberish.

More evidence the media got the signal to turn against Biden By Thomas Lifson


The combination of dementia and corruption that no longer be hidden has turned the leading organs of establishment propaganda against Joe Biden, and the treatment afforded press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre yesterday at the WH press briefing shows that the inflection point has been reached.

Yesterday, I noted the fascinating media response to the IRS whistleblowers’ testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee, where obvious evidence of Biden corruption was presented. The leading organs of establishment propaganda that signal the rest of the media on the approved narrative evidently spent most of the day Thursday thinking over whether the scandal was likely to be contained successfully, just like all the others involving the Biden crime family to date. Late in the day, they made the decision to cover the whistleblowers’ testimony. So, the New York Times, Washington Post and other pilot fish media that signal the news agenda to lesser outlets went with the story, including the message where Hunter Biden shook down a Chinese businessman by threatening vengeance from his father who was, he said, “in the room.”

That’s it for Biden. His dementia already is obvious and troubling, and now it sems that the corruption can no longer credibly be denied. It’s time to pressure him and Dr. Jill out of running again in 2024. Ideally, if The Kamala Problem can be solved and a chosen instrument 2024 candidate (now looking like Gavin Newsom) installed as vice president so as to become an incumbent after Joe resigns or is taken out via the 25th Amendment, this all can be taken care of before the nominating process gets underway and the troublesome RFK Jr. challenge becomes serious.

My sense that an inflection point had been reached, that the powers-that-be have decided that Joe’s corruption no longer can be successfully buried, was reinforced when White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was hounded by the assembled reporters.

Mr. Secretary, what are you telling Cuba? By Silvio Canto, Jr.


China moving in on Cuba, Antony Blinken about to burst into tears.

Our Secretary of State just got back from China and said this:   

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Tuesday that the United States would have deep concerns about Chinese military activities in Cuba, after the Wall Street Journal reported that Beijing was planning a new training facility there.

Speaking at a press conference in London after wrapping up a trip this week to Beijing, Blinken said he made clear to his Chinese counterparts “that we would have deep concerns about PRC intelligence or military activities in Cuba”.    

Blinken added: “This is something we’re going to be monitoring very, very closely and we’ve been very clear about that. And we will protect our homeland, we will protect our interests.”

The Wall Street Journal, citing current and former U.S. officials, reported on Tuesday that China and Cuba are negotiating to establish a joint military training facility on the island that could lead to the stationing of Chinese troops just 100 miles off Florida’s coast.

Well, I’m sure that the Chinese are really concerned, too. Don’t expect that ship from China to turn around anytime soon, unless we are prepared to go to “blockade” mode and shut down the island.  

The Chinese are just taking advantage of our weakness.  The key player is Cuba, and that’s where the behind the scenes talk need to be directed.

Sorry Greta, Humanity Is Still Here and Stronger Than Ever By Jason Isaac


Hope you don’t have any exciting weekend plans. By the time you read this, humanity has already been wiped out.

Hasn’t it?

On June 21, 2018, Greta Thunberg tweeted that “climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.” Five years have come and almost gone, and the tweet has been suspiciously deleted.

Thunberg is claiming her point was misinterpreted, but any way you look at it, the climate cartel is dead wrong — again — about the fate of humanity. In fact, there’s almost nothing about the climate change movement that stands up to science.

Since Thunberg’s fatalist tweet, climate rhetoric has risen to a fever pitch, but fossil fuel usage hasn’t dipped at all. Nationwide oil, natural gas, and coal consumption last year was about equal to annual averages from the 2010s.

It’s not for lack of trying. Even after decades of multibillion-dollar subsidies and seemingly unanimous public support, renewables still only represent 4% of our energy. As nice as wind and solar energy sound, renewable technology just isn’t capable of serving as a primary energy source. It may not be for generations, if ever. If “whole of government” support from Washington, mind-boggling corporate investment, and rabid virtue-signaling from the media and pop culture isn’t enough to move the needle, what will?

No matter how shrill the climate cartel cries that the end is near, the American public just isn’t willing to sacrifice the benefits of affordable, reliable energy — which only fossil fuels can provide.

They see through the disinformation the climate cartel is spreading. Not only is the human race nowhere near the brink of extinction, but our lives and our environment are better than ever before.