It’s hard to believe how many high-ranking government officials have been serving time behind bars these last couple decades. Bill Clinton got caught selling military secrets and influence to communist China in return for campaign contributions. Hillary Clinton got caught storing top-secret materials on an unsecured email server in a bathroom closet. Lois Lerner got caught using the IRS as a weapon for targeting conservatives and influencing the 2012 election. Attorney General Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress for withholding subpoenaed documents concerning the Obama administration’s transnational gunrunning racket. Barack Obama, Jim Comey, John Brennan, and James Clapper were all thrown in the clink for spying on a political opponent’s campaign and then covering up their illegal activities by framing the victim as a covert Russian agent.
The saddest thing was watching Dementia Joe Biden stumble out of the White House in cuffs, as remaining federal agents finally arrested him for decades of corruption involving quid-pro-quo schemes that enriched his family by selling the powers of his various offices to the highest foreign bidders.
Oh, right — none of that happened, because the Deep State and those in bed with the Deep State protect their own. At this point, anybody not being attacked or politically persecuted should be presumed as secretly working for some shady enterprise hostile to the best interest of the United States.
Yet somehow special counsel Jack Smith has the temerity to stand before the American people, announce the federal government’s continuing crusade to keep President Trump from office, and shamelessly declare, “We have one set of laws in this country.” Right. What he really means is, “The Deep State controls America, and if you mess with those gangsters, we’ll lock you up and throw away the key.” Jack Smith — like Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissmann, so many inspectors general who ignore crimes under their purview, and too many partisan political operatives posing as judges — is just another thug enforcer sent out to protect the ruling regime. Well done, Jack! Collect your thirty pieces of silver and career advancement as your reward!