America’s enemies never stop scheming about the ways in which they can bring the United States down. China, our greatest external strategic enemy, already has a plan to gain control of America through the next pandemic and United Nations agency channels. The first stage of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) accomplishing this was gaining controlling influence over the U.N.’s World Health Organization (WHO), which was achieved when the Chinese groomed Tedros Adhanom Ghbreyesus as a candidate and then got him elected as Director-General of the WHO in 2017.
The WHO’s misguided recommendations and harmful policy responses to the Covid-19 China virus included lockdowns and disruptions of holidays; school, church, synagogue, and business closures; social distancing and masking that retarded children’s’ social development—all of which led to economic contraction, bankruptcies, supply chain disruptions and inflation. That record doesn’t enhance the WHO’s trust factor, and its ability to deal with future health emergencies and pandemics. In fact, the CCP views the WHO’s COVID-19 policy results in terms of power politics rather than health care results. The COVID-19 responses are part of a test run analysis for the greater medical tyranny they may impose with the next health emergency or pandemic.
The second stage of the CCP’s gaining control of American health care policy is to forge an agreement between the WHO and its member states (including the U.S.) in which they all enter into a “legally binding” accord that would give the United Nations health agency the authority to dictate policies during a pandemic.
Admittedly, Biden may be compelled to turn over the sovereignty of U.S. health care policy to the China-controlled World Health Organization (WHO) because of the CCP’s preponderant controlling influence of the Biden administration. We know from the sworn testimony of Tony Bobulinksi, the former business partner of Hunter Biden, that the Biden family has been “compromised” by Chinese money. We know from the Hunter Biden laptop records that the monetary value of that compromise involving multiple Chinese deals was at least $31 million, which is significant bribe money.