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Ruth King

Iran’s Intensified Penetration of Latin America and the Caribbean Yoram Ettinger


While attention has been focused on Iran’s nuclear ambition, it is Iran’s conventional power, which has made it the leading global epicenter of war, terrorism, drug trafficking and money laundering, including in Latin America and on US soil. Moreover, the aim to end war and terrorism, on the one hand, and Iran’s conventional potency, on the other hand, constitutes an oxymoron. In fact, the existence of the Ayatollahs regime, on the one hand, and any attempt to end war and terrorism, on the other hand is a contradiction in terms.

According to Dr. Evan Ellis, a Latin American specialist at the Strategic Security Institute at the US Army War College, Iran’s involvement in Latin America and the Caribbean constitutes a clear and present threat to the US mainland in the following manner:

*Increasing collaboration with China and Russia, in order to undermine the US strategic posture in its own backyard, Latin America;
*Planning, financing and launching anti-US terrorism in Latin America, around the globe and on US soil;
*Empowering and weaponizing anti-US regimes and organizations in Latin America and throughout the world;
*Bolstering illegal immigration to the US, which includes drug traffickers and terrorists;
*Undermining the stability of pro-US Latin American governments, such as Argentina and Paraguay;
*Leveraging ties with Latin America (e.g., export-import), in order to bypass US economic sanctions and score mega-billion-dollar money laundering.

Ruthie Blum : The Israeli media’s favorite villain


There’s nothing new about the unabashed slant of the mainstream Israeli press. Nor is it novel that the local media’s favorite villain is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin (“Bibi”) Netanyahu.

So much so that an alien from another planet might assume that it is Bibi—not Hamas and the “civilians” in Gaza raised to annihilate the Jewish state—who perpetrated the Oct. 7 massacre.

This creature from outer space might be puzzled, however, by the way in which Netanyahu is accused by his elitist detractors of contradictory failings, often in the same breath. Indeed, the editorial line of most Hebrew dailies is that Bibi is everything bad and its opposite: He’s weak and dictatorial; too capitulatory and excessively belligerent. In other words, unlike a broken clock, he’s not even right twice a day.

It’s enough to give a UFO pilot a bad case of vertigo—intellectual dizziness caused by disingenuous rhetoric. We Israelis are used to it by now. But there’s a limit to the quantity of distortions we can tolerate.

Take the coverage of Netanyahu’s speech at the graduation ceremony of the latest Ground Combat Officers Course. In attendance at the packed event at the Holon Toto Arena were the 600 soldiers receiving their new ranks, along with proud parents, spouses and children.

“I know what we have achieved, and at the same time, I know what we have lost,” he told the crowd. “The sacrifice of our sons and daughters will carry meaning for generations—the eradication of evil and the guarantee of Israel’s eternity. … This is your home. You planted the seeds, nurtured them and provided the backing—and today, you and the entire State of Israel reap the fruits of success. Congratulations and thank you.”

After expressing appreciation for their “patriotism and willingness to fight,” the prime minister held up a photo of the Bibas family, whose bodies had been returned to Israel mere days beforehand.

Qatar’s grip on education is causing an explosion of campus antisemitism By Amine Ayoub


Universities that claim to uphold academic freedom must be held accountable for their financial ties to foreign regimes that openly undermine the very values they profess to teach.

For months, I have followed the disturbing rise of antisemitism in US universities, especially after Hamas’s brutal attack on Israel on October 7. But nothing prepared me for the jaw-dropping moment I experienced while watching a recent Al Jazeera podcast.

Khaled Al-Hroub, a professor at Northwestern University in Qatar, spoke not as an academic but as a mouthpiece for Hamas, painting the terrorist group as a symbol of resilience. His rhetoric was not just disturbing – it was dangerous.

This wasn’t an isolated case of radical bias. It was a symptom of a larger, well-funded infiltration by Qatar, which has spent billions to manipulate American academia, indoctrinate students, and turn campuses into breeding grounds for hate.

When I tuned in to the Al Jazeera podcast, I expected an analysis of the war in Gaza. Instead, I found outright propaganda. Hroub, supposedly an academic, openly glorified Hamas.

He wasn’t alone – professors at Georgetown, Harvard, and other prestigious universities have been caught pushing similar narratives.

How can American universities allow their faculty to justify terrorism? Because many of them are funded – bought – by Qatar, a country with a vested interest in spreading extremist ideology.

The more research I did, the clearer the pattern became: Qatar is using America’s elite schools as vehicles for propaganda, erasing the line between education and indoctrination.

Qatar has poured over $6 billion into US universities in the past decade, making it the single largest foreign donor in American academia.

Prestigious institutions like Harvard, Georgetown, and Northwestern have eagerly accepted these funds, establishing satellite campuses in Doha and injecting Qatari influence directly into their programs.

What does Qatar get in return? Influence, power, and the ability to manipulate curricula, reward pro-Qatar faculty, and silence dissenting voices.

Time to Bring Down the Curtain on Iran’s Terror Axis by Robert Williams


In the US, in the past — many people may have forgotten — Iran was found guilty of supporting the 9/11 attacks…. Recently, Iranian state agents have been trying to murder senior US officials who served in the Trump administration, various dissidents, and Donald Trump himself.

Iran has an interest in having Democrats re-elected as soon as possible. Even while Iran fired on US forces in the region more than 160 times just since October 7, 2023, the Biden administration never stopped being inordinately generous to Iran and compliant with its nuclear weapons program.

Iran has also been busy setting up a drone factory in Venezuela, as well as expanding its presence in Cuba.

The mullahs might well hope simply to wait until President Trump’s term is over to break out their nuclear weapons and resume “exporting the Revolution.”

While the US might be reluctant to seek regime change in Iran, if the Trump administration allows the mullahs to stay in power, there will be no peace for the foreseeable future in the US, Europe or the Middle East. In addition, almost 90 million Iranians will continue to have to suffer unimaginable abuses and human rights violations that the mullahs daily impose on them.

Ending Iran’s regime would finally put a stop to its becoming a nuclear power and its incessant attacks on US assets in the Middle East, and finally could bring peace to the region. That prospect appears worth serious consideration by the Trump administration.

Iran’s terror axis, thanks to Israel’s military operations, is finally beginning to collapse. Iranian terrorist proxies have been seeming to disintegrate across the region.

In Gaza, Israel has degraded Iran’s Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist infrastructure. In Lebanon, Israel has severely decimated Hezbollah’s capabilities and killed its leaders and commanders. In Syria, Hezbollah, along with Iranian forces, have been shown the door. Even though roughly 2,000 Hamas and 7,000 PIJ terrorists are still operating in Syria, while Iran retains proxies in Iraq and the Houthis in Yemen, the Shia terrorist “octopus,” overall, has had several of its tentacles detached. Now, what about the rest of the octopus?

Dr Denis MacEoin’s letter to the Edinburgh University Students’ Association This letter was sent to the Edinburgh University Student Association in April following their vote to boycott Israel because of its ‘apartheid’


This letter was written in 2011 by the late Professor Denis MavEoin of blessed memory in 2011. It was reprinted in the Jewish Chronicle on February 25, 2025. It is both apposite and relevant today, rsk

“May I be permitted to say a few words to members of the EUSA? I am an Edinburgh graduate (MA 1975) who studied Persian, Arabic and Islamic History in Buccleuch Place under William Montgomery Watt and Laurence Elwell Sutton, two of Britain’s great Middle East experts in their day. I later went on to do a PhD at Cambridge and to teach Arabic and Islamic Studies at Newcastle University. Naturally, I am the author of several books and hundreds of articles in this field.

I say all that to show that I am well informed in Middle Eastern affairs and that, for that reason, I am shocked and disheartened by the EUSA motion and vote. I am shocked for a simple reason: there is not and has never been a system of apartheid in Israel. That is not my opinion, that is fact that can be tested against reality by any Edinburgh student, should he or she choose to visit Israel to see for themselves.

Let me spell this out, since I have the impression that those members of EUSA who voted for this motion are absolutely clueless in matters concerning Israel, and that they are, in all likelihood, the victims of extremely biased propaganda coming from the anti-Israel lobby.

Being anti-Israel is not in itself objectionable. But I’m not talking about ordinary criticism of Israel. I’m speaking of a hatred that permits itself no boundaries in the lies and myths it pours out. Thus, Israel is repeatedly referred to as a ‘Nazi’ state.

In what sense is this true, even as a metaphor? Where are the Israeli concentration camps? The einzatsgruppen? The SS? The Nüremberg Laws? The Final Solution? None of these things nor anything remotely resembling them exists in Israel, precisely because the Jews, more than anyone on earth, understand what Nazism stood for. It is claimed that there has been an Israeli Holocaust in Gaza (or elsewhere). Where? When?

I’m speaking of a hatred that permits itself no boundaries in the lies and myths it pours out

No honest historian would treat that claim with anything but the contempt it deserves. But calling Jews Nazis and saying they have committed a Holocaust is as basic a way to subvert historical fact as anything I can think of.

The Trump Revolution in the Middle East Has Just Begun by Guy Millière


Most Democrats in the US seem to have forgotten the absolute horror of the attack of October 7, 2023. They seem not to understand why most Israelis think that there is no way to coexist with a Gaza Strip in the hands of terrorists thirsty for Jewish blood. These Democrats appear not to see that relocating Gaza Arabs elsewhere has nothing to do with “ethnic cleansing.” Trump did not propose to eliminate the Arabs, but to relocate them to safer places. These Democrats also appear to ignore that ethnic cleansing is precisely what is at the heart of the intentions of the members of Hamas, an organization with explicitly genocidal goals.

The leaders of the main European countries talk about the “two-state solution” while knowing perfectly well that the only outcome Hamas wants is a one-state solution: the destruction of Israel, not a state alongside Israel… Europe’s leaders ignore countless polls showing that the residents of the Gaza Strip, as well as those, in the territories mismanaged by the Palestinian Authority, celebrate the October 7 massacre and want above all else Israel’s destruction. That, in fact, seems to be the actual goal of everyone who disagrees with Trump.

A Palestinian state would indeed be — as the Palestinians have openly stated — a launching pad from which to keep trying to destroy Israel.

[I]n reality, Arab leaders do not like the Palestinians any more than the Israelis do, but it is considered impolite to say so. The positions of at least several leaders of the Arab world might become flexible.

Trump, however, possibly in a hurry to solve the Iran-Hamas-Israel War, should not under any circumstances “go wobbly”.

Qatar is reportedly trying to come up with a potentially duplicitous “peace plan” to allow its treasured client and Muslim Brotherhood associate, Hamas, to remain in power in Gaza so it can attack Israel again.

No one bothers to explain how the Gazans can continue to live in an area studded with unexploded ordnance, where 70% of the buildings are destroyed, and which Trump has rightly defined as a “demolition site,” while leaving nearly two million people to reside there and hundreds of armed terrorists in tunnels.

No one admits that massive population displacements have successfully taken place in the past. Millions of Germans were moved from territories conquered by Germany after 1945, with no protests voiced…. Jews who lived in the Gaza Strip were expelled in 2005 by decision of the Israeli government to give the Palestinians there a chance to create a peaceful “Singapore on the Mediterranean.”

What American Democrats and European leaders should be committed to is preventing Hamas, a terrorist organization, from remaining in power. Netanyahu explains: “[Y]ou can’t talk about peace, neither with Hamas or in the Middle East, if this, you know, toxic murderous organization is left standing, any more that you could make peace in Europe after World War II, if the Nazi regime was left standing and the Nazi army was left standing.”

American Democrats and European leaders still grant legitimacy to the Palestinian Authority (PA) and say that they would like to entrust it with the management of Gaza after the war. They apparently do not want to see that the PA is a corrupt entity that rewards terrorism and supports the atrocities perpetrated by Hamas. They appear to want Gaza to remain a terrorist entity able to attack Israel again and again. Interesting.

“The non-terrorists in Gaza move to a place where they can live in peace and dignity. The US and others then rebuild Gaza and recover their costs through the commercialization of 25 miles of what will become pristine beachfront, now open to the world… [P]eace prevails with no American boots on the ground nor expense to the American taxpayer. Hard to quarrel with this if you believe in peace, prosperity and human dignity.” — David M. Friedman, former US Ambassador to Israel, X, February 6, 2025.

Trump appears determined to profoundly change the Middle East. It is to be hoped at that he will not allow himself to be discouraged, misled or have his impressive visions diminished.

If Trump successfully manages to overcome the pressures and obstacles placed in front of him, what he is setting in motion today can magnificently transform the Middle East.

February 4, 2025, the White House, Washington, DC. President Donald J. Trump is at a press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Trump says that Hamas must be eliminated, and that “the US will take over the Gaza Strip”, dismantle “all of the dangerous unexploded bombs”, “get rid of the destroyed buildings” and “create an economic development”. He adds that Gaza’s Arabs should go to other countries and “be able to live in comfort and peace”.

The Moral Case for Mass Relocation What does history show us about President Trump’s proposal to permanently move the population of Gaza? Brian Horowitz


“Population transfer is a grave surgical operation, justifiable, not for cosmetic reasons, but only where the sole alternative would be chaos and destruction.” —Joseph Schechtman, 1953.

President Donald Trump’s proposal to permanently relocate the entire population of Gaza to neighboring countries has caused a storm of condemnation. Foreign leaders, U.N. officials and experts have decried the plan as ethnic cleansing, a violation of international law, and a war crime. But in the years before and after World War II, the imperial powers, the fledgling international bodies, and global leaders alike, operating within the post-Versailles order founded on the breakup of large multiethnic empires, saw population transfer, both voluntary and compulsory, as a humanitarian tool to avoid future wars. In fact, they considered it not only necessary and legal, but also morally justified and advantageous. For British Foreign Secretary Lord Curzon, who negotiated the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne, population transfer would achieve the “removal of old and deep-rooted causes of quarrel”—an act that reflected the very basis for the existence of nation-states, which gave a political voice to individual peoples.

A pressing problem for the post-Versailles order occurred when part of the people of one nation-state found itself trapped by map-makers and the realities of defensible geography into living in someone else’s national home. The problem was especially acute when these ethnic minorities became embroiled in war between the nation-state of their ethnicity and their country of birth. To avoid both national disenfranchisement, and to limit future wars, the answer to such problems, whenever practical, was population transfer. The first internationally sanctioned example of “unmixing populations” after the Great War was the voluntary exchange of respective ethnic minorities between Bulgaria and Greece. The Treaty of Lausanne then sanctioned the compulsory exchange of Greeks in Turkey and Turks in Greece. While 1.6 million people endured all kinds of suffering in the process, in the end the misery was widely judged to be worth the price as the transfer created a new reality in which ethnic, religious, and culturally monolithic populations were formed, putting an end to violence and conflict.

Understanding the complexities of migration, refugees, and population transfer desperately requires a capable historian. Fortunately we have one in Joseph Schechtman, a Russian Jew who authored seminal books such as European Population Transfers, 1939-1945 (1946); Population Transfers in Asia (1949); The Arab Refugee Problem (1952); and The Refugees in the World: Displacement and Dislocation (1964). Schechtman was a believer in the utility of mass population transfer, which he saw as a useful solution to thorny and bloody nationality disputes and presented a difficult subject in political terms that leaders, politicians, and ordinary people could understand.

Schechtman saw the postwar population transfers as beneficial to peace in the continent. ‘To have saddled the Polish state with millions of ardently nationalistic Germans,’ he wrote, ‘would have threatened not only the existence of Poland but the peace of Europe.’

DOGE Is Constitutional. What It’s Exposing Is Unconstitutional. Seton Motley


The Deep State Swamp and its denizens and creatures are up in arms about what President Donald Trump and Elon Musk are doing with their Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE).  

What these tens of millions of career thieves really are?  Is embarrassed – and very, very worried.  DC has been the biggest and longest-running con in world history.  These stewards of the scam have spent these many decades pocketing trillions of our dollars.  While pretending to be looking out for US.

Then Trump and Musk parachute in with their DOGE.  FINALLY someone is examining what DC has for decades been doing to US.  And the usual suspects – who should be convicts – are screeching.

My favorite of their defenses of the indefensible?  “DOGE is unconstitutional!!!”  Even a former Ronald Reagan Administration associate White House counsel – Alan Charles Raul – makes the assertion:

“What is not debatable, however, is that Congress has not authorized this radical overhaul, and the protocols of the Constitution do not permit statutorily mandated agencies and programs to be transformed — or reorganized out of existence — without congressional authorization.

“The Constitution is well known to interpose meaningful checks and balances and a separation of powers among the responsibilities of the executive, legislative and judicial branches. It is also well understood that the respective branch’s powers and duties will intersect and overlap.  Fundamentally, however, all legislative power belongs to Congress, and executive power to the president.”   

And right there – where we emboldened – Raul proves himself wrong and Trump-Musk-DOGE right.  Trump is the chief executive of the Executive Branch.  He can run his branch of the government however he wishes.  

No, Trump’s Tariffs Will Not Cause Inflation Tariffs won’t break the bank—history shows prices stay steady, and buying American is always an option. The media’s panic over Trump’s tariffs is just another round of misplaced hysteria. By Spencer P. Morrison


President Trump has imposed 10 percent tariffs on imports from China. Predictably, the media’s chicken littles shrieked that the sky was falling. Tariffs will raise prices! Not only that but the poor will be hardest hit! Just think of the children!

These arguments are easily dismissed as appeals to emotion—they are rhetorical flourishes, devoid of truth and meaning. In reality, both history and logic prove that tariffs will not increase prices in the long run. Rest easy: the sky remains high above your head.

The Time Traveler

Every time President Trump threatens to raise tariffs, the media clucks that American consumers will pay the price. This did not happen last time, and it is unlikely to happen now. Consider the great washing machine debacle of 2018.

In January of 2018, President Trump announced that he would impose a 40 percent tariff on imported washing machines. On top of this, he also imposed additional duties on imported steel and aluminum—lightning occasionally strikes twice.

At the time, liberals lost their collective minds. They lamented that low-income Americans would not be able to afford washing machines. They pontificated that we would be living in a nation of grungy, soiled masses—living caricatures of Pig-Pen from the Peanut’s gang.

Of course, that never happened.

The price of washing machines did not change appreciably over the next few years. This is obvious when looking at the Consumer Price Index (“CPI”). The CPI tracks the prices of over 80,000 consumer goods and services in cities across America. They do this every month. How? They contact stores and obtain actual sale prices.

What did the CPI have to say about the price of washing machines in the aftermath of President Trump’s insidious wave of tariffs? Not much.

Obama Judge Hands Trump a Victory But mysteries remain from the case of Democrats’ IT man Imran Awan. by Lloyd Billingsley


Fourteen states, all led by Democrats, sought to stop Elon Musk’s DOGE from accessing data systems at seven federal agencies. On Tuesday, a federal judge found that the Democrats had not carried their burden “and therefore plaintiffs’ motion is DENIED.”

The federal judge was Tanya Chutkan, a donor to Obama’s presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2012, and appointed by the composite character president in 2014. Assigned to the cases of January 6, 2021, Chutkan handed out prison sentences even longer than the government requested. Before that, Chutkan handled a case with significance for national security that after seven years remains unresolved.

Of all the IT people in all the IT firms in all the world, House Democrats thought Imran Awan was best man for the job. Sometimes working from his native Pakistan, Awan and his family team accessed the computers of some 40 Democrats on the intelligence and foreign affairs committees. Without their consent, Awan and his team stashed the Democrats’ data on a server controlled by Xavier Becerra, then chair of the House Democratic Caucus.

Capitol Police wanted a copy of the server but the one Awan produced turned out a fake. In February, 2017, Awan got booted off the House computer network but Becerra had already fled to California where Gov. Jerry Brown made him attorney general. Becerra had nothing to say about Awan’s IT intrigue, and Chutkan provided additional protection. The Obama judge repeatedly delayed Awan’s trial on bank-fraud charges, and the case did not become a factor in the 2018 election that kept Becerra in the AG slot.

In August of 2018, Chutkan sentenced Awan to time served, his single day in detention and 11 months of GPS monitoring and three months’ supervision. “There have been numerous allegations lobbed at him from the highest branches of the government,” the judge said, “all of which have been proved to be without foundation by the FBI and the Department of Justice.” In reality, Awan had never been formally charged with unauthorized possession of government material or anything of the sort. Judge Chutkan, a vocal opponent of President Trump’s travel ban, conveniently left out the context and background.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz charged that Awan was “put under scrutiny because of his religious faith and that “the right-wing media circus fringe” was jumping to conclusions. Awan’s attorney Chris Gowen, a former aide to Bill and Hillary Clinton, said Awan’s arrest for bank fraud was “clearly a right-wing media-driven prosecution by a United States Attorney’s Office that wants to prosecute people for working while Muslim.”