As you read this, some European families are already at 15 degrees (59° Fahrenheit) in their living rooms . Happy New Year!
Of course, nuclear energy is not without risks and shortcomings… After the progressive banishment of coal in much of Europe, however, and as the EU countries have practically no easily extracted gas of their own, there are only two options: nuclear energy, and imported gas.
The countless restrictions on heating and electricity that Europeans have to impose on themselves — they have no choice — will have devastating consequences.
Due to the current insane energy prices, The Economist explained, 147,000 Europeans will die this winter in excess of the annual average… If the winter is mild, according to the magazine, this drops to 79,000 “excess” deaths. If the winter is harsh, the number of “excess” deaths is projected to be 185,000…
Tens of thousands of soldiers are estimated to have been killed in the Ukraine war. Put another way, even in a best-case scenario — a mild winter — according to The Economist, exploding energy prices could kill more Europeans than the war in Ukraine has killed soldiers. Staggering.
Cold kills. The cold directly kills those who give up heating, those who perish in the street. The cold encourages the deadly diseases that thrive in winter. The cold kills those who try to heat themselves by alternative, makeshift means.
This tragedy the direct consequence of the green energy policies that have been pursued in Europe for the past 20 years.
The biggest European environmental organizations have been massively financed (bought, bribed) by Gazprom — in other words, by the Russian government.
The explosion in energy prices after the war in Ukraine began, but above all as a consequence of the “green” energy policies which have made Europe so dependent on Russian gas for the last 20 years, has led and is leading hundreds of millions of Europeans to restrict their energy consumption, especially this winter, in heating.