Watching the political Establishment freak out over twenty Republican members of Congress voting their own consciences in the election for House speaker has been hilarious. Karl Rove, Dan Crenshaw, Sean Hannity, and just about anyone else whose sinecure and preeminence depend upon religious devotion to Washington’s status quo sounded like little Greta Thunberg whining, “How dare they!” Oh, my goodness, some congressional representatives took it upon themselves to vote as they believe their district constituents would desire and not as the Uniparty nobles who insist on ruling the nation from their petty thrones demand. Whatever shall we do if this lowly democratic spirit sweeps the land?
This is what’s wrong with the People’s House, where it is still occasionally possible to elect an iconoclast unbeholden to the Leviathan’s palace guard despite mail-in ballot fraud and outside money operations distorting local races: sometimes a freethinking heretic shows up in the nation’s capital with the beastly notion that a vote is more than ornamental pageantry garnishing a foregone conclusion. Weren’t these Republican holdouts properly instructed that Kevin McCarthy is the Uniparty’s man? An empty vessel of mediocre intellect and flaccid beliefs, Kevin is surely the only Republican who can lead the House! We must bring McCarthyism back to Washington, or D.C. will become home to the right-wing nuts!
What a spectacle this whole affair has been. Pretend President Biden and Senate Republicans agree: forcing the world to watch American legislators partake in repeated democratic votes without devolving into bloodshed (despite the anger management issues of Mike Rogers) is so embarrassing. It is much more elegant when ballots can be printed, signatures forged, and elections certified according to the wishes of the ruling elites. The appearance of democracy in the absence of it is ideal. The practice of actual democracy would bring the whole government’s house of cards crashing down!