The extreme political Left talks quite about “intersectional struggles,” including the racist intersectionality that equates African-Americans who were once forced to sit in the back of the bus and drink from separate-but-unequal water fountains (the one for Caucasians had a chiller, the one for Black people did not) to Palestinian terrorists who murder children and Olympic athletes, and fire rockets into cities while using their own people as human shields. It’s just so woke to equate American citizens of color to the absolute dregs of the human species, isn’t it?
The only intersectional struggle is the one between the world’s civilized people and its depraved violent savages who still cling to the Dark Age mentality that the only way to improve one’s situation is to steal from others and destroy whatever is left. Savage is as savage does, and technological advancement does not necessarily equate to civilization. Nazi Germany was very advanced technologically, and so were the USSR and Imperial Japan. This did not stop them from committing monstrous crimes against humanity throughout Europe and Asia. Communist China now uses advanced electronic surveillance methods to oppress its own people. The intersectional struggle includes that of Israel versus Hamas and other terrorists, Ukraine against Russia, and Taiwan against communist China.
There is however yet another intersectionality, and that is denial of the right of Israel to exist with advocacy of the murder of American law enforcement professionals. I wonder how Americans who are somewhat receptive to the propaganda of the “Justice in Palestine crowd” will feel that they learn that the same camp glorifies cop-killing domestic terrorists.
Black Lives Matter’s Support for Cop Killers
Black Lives Matter’s anti-Semitic denial of the right of Israel to exist is well known, and so is its support for convicted cop killer Joanne Chesimard, whom BLM calls “Mama Assata.” Here is BLM praising not only the murderous dictator Fidel Castro but also (alleged until proven guilty, but also fugitives from justice) domestic terrorists “Brother Michael Finney Ralph Goodwin, and Charles Hill.” These individuals allegedly murdered a New Mexico police officer, carjacked a tow truck, and hijacked a TWA flight to Cuba while menacing a flight attendant with weapons. BLM, whose rallies have featured chants like “Israel, we know you, you murder children, too” also glorifies four individuals who have been implicated in two cop killings.