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Ruth King

Rescuing California Requires Challenging Crony Environmentalism California’s high cost of living is driven by Democratic policies that prioritize environmentalism and government expansion, harming businesses and households while failing to address affordability. By Edward Ring


The Speaker of the Assembly in the California state legislature, Robert Rivas, recently said, “California must not fixate on Trump and forget about affordability.”

Fat chance. California has been under the absolute control of Democrats for a generation. It’s their policies that have made the state unaffordable.

By now, the only people who deny that California’s state government policies are hostile toward working families and businesses, small and large, are the people running the state government. California is run by activist state bureaucrats, the unions that are funded by their membership dues, and the politicians that are elected and controlled by these unions. This is a racket. An entirely legal, yet entirely corrupt and self-serving system that is designed to grow government, harass businesses, kill good jobs, assess punitively high taxes, and elevate the cost of living to the point where people either become dependent on government assistance, flee to friendlier states, or are so rich they don’t care.

Democrats did this. Democrats own it.

The reason this system isn’t successfully challenged and broken is because surrounding this core coalition are commercial and nonprofit special interests that benefit from the status quo. A prime example of this is the homeless industrial complex, a network of state and local bureaucracies, subsidized developers of “supportive housing,” and “nonprofit” providers of services to the homeless. They have collected tens of billions of dollars from taxpayers to implement demonstrably failed policies, and as California’s homeless population continues to grow, they collect additional billions.

Is ‘America’s Doctor’ a Good Choice to Head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid? By Janet Levy


Mountebanks peddling miracle cures in the Old West would often pretend to be qualified doctors. 

It is rare to come across mountebanks now, rarer still for qualified doctors to peddle miracle cures.  But Dr. Mehmet Oz – a former cardiothoracic surgeon, famed purveyor of ‘medutainment’ on his T.V. show, and the man President-elect Donald Trump has nominated to administer Medicaid and Medicare – has been doing so unchecked.

On his show (that ran from 2009 to 2022) and on numerous other occasions, Dr. Oz has hyped dubious medical “miracles” and recommended cures that range from the anodyne, to the bizarre and dangerous. 

Here’s a partial list: a bar of lavender soap in bed to relieve restless leg syndrome; green coffee bean extract and raspberry ketones for weight loss; red onions, endives, and sea bass to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer; a poop primer for self-assessing overall health; 200 orgasms annually to extend life expectancy by six years; selenium supplements to prevent cancer; colloidal silver for the common cold; and a supplement containing human chorionic gonadotropin (a placental hormone) for weight loss.

In fact, the AMA Journal of Ethics has called Dr. Oz “a dangerous rogue unfit for the office of America’s doctor,” earned by virtue of his show.  In 2014, a Senate hearing on weight-loss scams chided him and told him to use his immense influence responsibly.

Yet, his dubious recommendations are not the only reason Dr. Oz is a questionable choice to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency that spends $2.6 trillion annually. 

The following are of greater concern:

·    Potential conflicts of interest will likely bias Dr. Oz’s decisions, for he has significant investments in healthcare and pharma companies, including the UnitedHealth Group, a critical CMS partner; in Amazon, which runs a Medicare-linked online pharmacy; and in Domino’s Pizzas, Pepsi, and U.S. Foods, makers of products linked to lifestyle diseases.

Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius by Nils A. Haug


“Since October 7 [2023], a sort of quiet boycott of Israeli researchers has begun, of the kind that has never been seen before. This boycott is reflected in the cancellation of invitations to joint conferences, the rejection of articles for publication, the rejection of grants to Israeli researchers, and more.” — Israel’s National Council for Civilian Research and Development, December 2023.

“Antisemitism was always premised on redefining Jewish existence as unnatural and artificial. Jews were being denounced as colonizers as far back as the days of Pharaoh…. The Jews, being Semites, do not belong in Europe. The Jews, being European, do not belong in Israel. The Jews, being Zionists, do not belong at progressive institutions like Harvard or Columbia. And the Jews, being occupiers, do not belong in London…. it’s not about Israel [but] has everything to do with the Jews.” — Daniel Greenfield, journalist, JNS, August 24 2024.

At this time of international turmoil, the world needs expertise and wisdom from the finest minds and great statesmen, including the Jewish ones. It is to the detriment of Western civilization and society, should this millennia-old generational excellence be denied to the West at this dark time of post-truth, post-morality and spreading barbarism, especially in the West.

Today’s calls in the West to boycott Israelis and Jews are systemic and indicate a widespread aggressive agenda globally to erase Jewish influence in academia, science, technology and culture. The true explanation for these boycott initiatives, it seems, is one of deep-seated Jew-hatred within various Western societies.

Somewhat covertly, in November 2024, Ayelet Shaked, a former Israeli Minister of Justice, was shockingly denied permission to enter Australia for the purpose of participating in a conference discussing current Middle East events. The conference was hosted by the Australia Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC), and intended to be a Jewish community event.

Colin Rubenstein, executive director of AIJAC, denounced the visa denial, made without a reason being disclosed at the time, by Australian Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke. In Rubenstein’s view, “The decision to refuse a visa to… Shaked on the grounds that she would vilify Australians and incite discord among the community is a disgraceful act of hostility towards a democratic ally.”

Christopher F. Rufo The Coming Fight to Abolish DEI An open letter to Donald Trump’s Cabinet


There is a great clanging and clamoring around the offices in Washington, D.C. and Mar-a-Lago in Florida. Political operatives, policy wonks, and opposition figures are all planning for the arrival of the second Donald Trump administration.

I’ve spoken with many of the people in the president-elect’s orbit who are planning how to staff Cabinet departments and set a new tone on the administration’s first day. Much of our discussion has focused on the approach to DEI, or “diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

While the officials in Trump world are all committed to abolishing DEI in theory, they have yet to settle on a practical approach for doing so. With this in mind, I’m writing this open letter to Trump’s incoming Cabinet, outlining how to shut down DEI and win the fight for public opinion.

The first step is to understand how DEI bureaucracies became embedded in the federal government. That is the result of actions by two presidents: Barack Obama, who issued Executive Order 13583, which laid the groundwork for many national “diversity” initiatives; and Joseph Biden, who signed Executive Orders 13985 and 14035, which entrenched DEI principles into every federal department and routed billions of dollars toward advancing this ideology throughout American society.

Having understood this history, Cabinet officials must work with President Trump to rescind President Obama and President Biden’s executive orders.

NYT: Hamas Records Taken By Israel Show UNRWA Top School Administrators Also Were Hamas Terrorists By Hank Berrien


“Almost all of the Hamas-linked educators, according to the records, were fighters in the Qassam Brigades.”

Documents shared with The New York Times impelled the media outlet to admit that senior staff at UNRWA schools doubled as members of Hamas’ military wing.

“The agency, which employs roughly 13,000 people, including thousands in the schools, has a duty to maintain the neutrality of its facilities in the conflict zones in which it operates, including by keeping militants off its premises and payrolls,” The Times noted.

But as shown by the detailed records kept by the Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ military wing, that were seized by Israel, at least 24 people employed by the anti-Israel UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in their schools were members of Hamas or Islamic Jihad.

California’s Next Crime Wave — Fuel Theft Steve Smith


Editor’s note: This has been excerpted with permission from the Pacific Research Institute. To read the entire report, click here.

Here are a few examples:

On Sept. 27, an Inland Empire resident drove away from her job at an area hospital when her pickup truck puttered to a stop. An investigation showed her tank had been drilled and emptied.
A Valero Station in Fremont lost tens of thousands of gallons of diesel to thieves using a device to bypass pump security and transfer fuel into a specially configured pickup truck on July 10.
On July 2, the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office charged two men with an alleged fuel theft scheme involving $90,000.00 in diesel fuel thefts.
On March 1, East Bay law enforcement reported a “rash of destructive gas thefts by drilling gas tanks.”
Most recently, on Nov. 21, thieves in Otay Mesa near San Diego pumped 3,000 gallons of stolen fuel from a Circle K station. This was a loss of $16,000 for the station.

Gasoline prices in California are one area where the rules of supply and demand don’t apply to price. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, since 2005 per capita use of gasoline has dropped by 2 billion gallons per year – a net drop of 15% over nearly 20 years. They attribute this decline to improved fuel economy and the increasing use of electric vehicles. For advocates of the idea that commercial and personal vehicle use is one of the primary contributors to climate change, this is welcome news. It certainly has improved local air quality in California’s most smog prone regions.

Yet, for California’s tax collectors, this is very bad news indeed as projected 202-/2025 fuel tax revenues are just north of $7 billion and should, according to basic economic laws, drop along with consumption. The California Air Resources Board recently adopted an updated Low Carbon Fuel Standard, which is estimated to increase gas prices by 47 cents per gallon or more.

The Beginning of the End of DEI – In the Private Sector and Our Universities By Janet Levy


Ferraris are priced between $250,000 and $600,000, but it’s not enough to have the money to buy these pricey Italian sports cars.  The company’s Diversity and Inclusion Charter demands that buyers and their families pass “social status” background checks to “ensure they fit the mold of the brand and its desired image.” 

Talk about cultivating “inclusivity!”

In a similar charade of ‘woke’ virtue signaling, luxury car maker Jaguar unleashed a futuristic ad in a pinkish palette featuring men posing as women. There are no cars in it, so it’s no surprise that it landed like a lead balloon and joined the pantheon of duds like the Bud Light ad featuring trans activist Dylan Mulvaney in a bubble bath.

The Bud Light ad sparked a consumer backlash on social media, including calls for boycotting the beer brand.

In Go Woke, Go Broke: The Inside Story of the Radicalization of Corporate America, Charles Gasparino called the Bud Light fiasco the “desecration of a great American brand.”  The book—which opens with an account of an incredibly farcical discussion at Goldman Sachs over whether ordering Chick-fil-A sandwiches is sufficiently woke—exposes many such woke/DEI debacles and the brand destruction they wreaked.

Fortunately, the efforts of people like Gasparino (a seasoned business reporter who knows what makes companies succeed or fail) and anti-DEI campaigner Robby Starbuck are paying off. Moreover, the resounding victory of President-elect Donald Trump—who made a campaign pledge to dismantle “divisive,” “un-American” DEI programs—has catalyzed a corporate retreat from leftist “wokeness.”

After Starbuck told Walmart he was investigating their DEI practices, the retail chain – America’s largest private sector employer, with over 4,600 units in the U.S. – announced plans to end its DEI initiatives.  It has agreed to drop the term ‘DEI’ and instead focus on “Belonging for All.”  Not only that, it will stop financing events aimed at influencing children sexually; scrap the Corporate Equality Index, a benchmark created by the Human Rights Coalition (HRC) to monitor LGBTQ+ policies; remove gender-neutral terms such as Latinx from documents; end a program incentivizing suppliers who hire LGBTQ+, racial minorities, and women; discontinue racial equity training; and stop funding the Center for Racial Equity.  Walmart will no longer sell products such as chest binders marketed, among others, to “transitioning” children.

Where We’ve Been and Why It Matters Shoshana Bryen


Incoming President Donald Trump is correct—who governs Damascus and its environs is not a choice that the United States can or will make. However, the United States has interests that include working with our allies and ensuring that our adversaries don’t take advantage of them—or us. While we all cheer the ouster of a war criminal and the shaking of the Islamic Republic, an appropriate future-looking policy requires an understanding of American culpability in the Syrian civil war that began in 2011 and never ended.

Chemical Weapons and Obama’s Role

Russia and Iran, of course, played large roles in this. But so did the Obama administration. Determined to get to an “Iran deal,” Washington appeased Iran directly and vacillated over appropriate policy choices in Syria. The decision to arm and train Sunni rebels was made, but weapons lagged, and it was unclear that the administration knew which militias were which.

The issue of chemical weapons is crucial, as the illegitimacy of their use is one of the few points of international consensus in wartime. The first treaty against it is more than 120 years old—the Hague Declaration of 1899, which was followed by the 1919 Treaty of Versailles and the 1925 Geneva Protocol. A “red line” after the use of chemical weapons by Syrian President Bashar Assad resulted in a bizarre decision by the administration to work with Russia to neutralize Syrian chemical weapons at sea:

It was a stab in the dark, utilizing equipment never before used under these circumstances, on a ship not designed for that purpose, using downsized machinery intended for the stability of land-based operations.

The administration crowed about its success, claiming the destruction of the Syrian government’s declared chemical weapon stockpile, heralding the “neutralization of chemical agents … as a watershed moment in the Syrian conflict.” Former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said, “In record time, even amid a civil war, we removed and have now destroyed the most dangerous chemicals in the regime’s declared stockpiles.” From an inSIGHT article at the time:

Both acknowledged that it wasn’t quite the whole Syrian stockpile—after all, OPCW (The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) was relying on a self-declared Syrian arsenal. But OPCW was willing to swear that the President’s optimism was warranted. In a remarkably precise statement, Sigrid Kaag, special coordinator for OPCW-UN, said 96% percent of Syria’s declared chemical weapons were destroyed. Not 95% or 87% or 43.5%, but 96% on the nose.

It wasn’t true.

The ‘day after’ chorus was always singing out of tune Ruthie Blum


The fall of the 54-year Assad regime in Syria (the last 24 of which have been ruled by Hafez’s son, Bashar) isn’t the only major event in the Middle East that took the world by surprise. On the contrary, jaw-dropping developments have been rife in the region for the past 14 and a half months.

Despite all the signs during the period leading up to the Hamas-led terrorist attacks in southern Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, for instance—including specific warnings passed on to the general staff of the military—the massacre was missed by the very forces charged with preventing such occurrences.

That the rapes, beheadings, immolations and abductions perpetrated that day were the worst atrocities committed against Jews since the Holocaust made the launching of “Swords of Iron” imperative. And let’s be real: The extent of the horrors provided the so-called “legitimacy” for Israel to launch the war that’s still going on today.

Not that Jerusalem ever should have needed justification to wipe out Hamas. Yet until Oct. 7, operations undertaken by Israel Defense Forces in the terrorist enclave were all short and incomplete, to put it mildly. Worse, with each ceasefire, Hamas and auxiliary monsters grew richer and more emboldened.

This was due to a combination of international backing and Israel’s conseptzia that Hamas was deterred—that fear of the IDF, work permits for Gazans and a policy of containment regarding weekly riots at the border were doing the job of keeping the peace. Or at least maintaining an illusion of quiet.

Netanyahu: ‘We’re dismantling the Iranian axis piece by piece’ By David Isaac


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the significance of the collapse of the Assad regime in Syria and spoke of Israel’s progress in the “existential war” forced upon it during a nationally televised press conference on Monday, which ended in a fiery back-and-forth with reporters.

“Yesterday, a new chapter opened, a dramatic chapter, in the history of the Middle East,” the prime minister said. “The Assad regime in Syria, a central link in Iran’s axis of evil, has collapsed after 54 years.”

The billions Iran pumped into Syria to prop up Syrian President Bashar Assad’s tyrannical rule has “gone down the drain,” he noted.

That regime had spread hostility towards Israel, attacked Israel during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, and “served as an outpost of Iranian terrorism and as a conduit for weapons from Iran to Hezbollah,” he said.

Netanyahu took credit for the regime’s collapse—a “direct result” of the “heavy blows” Israel inflicted on Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.

Israel has worked since the Hamas-led terrorist attacks in the south on Oct. 7, 2023, to systematically “dismantle the axis of evil,” referring to Iran’s reach across the region via its proxies—a “path of terror from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea: from Iran to Iraq, from Iraq to Syria, and from Syria to Lebanon.”