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Ruth King

Our Ship of State is Becoming a Ship of Fools And our reckoning fast approaches. Bruce Thornton


The Ship of Fools allegory first appears in Plato’s Republic, where Plato uses it to show how  a weak and badly trained captain creates chaos among the crew, who bicker over which of them should steer the ship, even though they have little of the knowledge and skills necessary for doing so. They end up mutinying against the captain and spending their time plundering the ship’s stores and eating and drinking, even as they sail towards disaster.

Plato, of course, was targeting the Athenian democracy, and its presumption that ordinary citizens have the capacity to govern, even though they lack the philosophical knowledge that shows what is good for people and the city they inhabit––not power, conquest, wealthy, or the pleasures of the body, but the virtue that comes from philosophical study. In other words, a technocratic oligarchy that Plato called “guardians” in his imagined perfect government.

For over a century the West has been evolving into such a government, whether it be socialism, communism, or the progressivism that has increasingly dominated our technocratic “managerial elite” and the numerous executive agencies staffed by credentialed “experts” who know better than the people what’s best for them.

This tyranny of the minority “managerial elite” has been more dangerous than the tyranny of the majority, assaulting our Constitutional structure that managed to avoid those extremes through divided and balanced government, along with the unalienable rights to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Man Falsely Credited With Ending the Cold War Dies Robert Spencer


Reuters was up front about it, headlining their obituary this way: “Last Soviet leader Gorbachev, who ended Cold War and won Nobel prize, dies aged 91.” CNN lamented that “Mikhail Gorbachev’s tragedy is that he outlived the thaw in the Cold War between Moscow and the US, after doing more than anyone to engineer it.” The same alleged news network headlined another story on their fallen hero: “Mikhail Gorbachev, former Soviet president who took down the Iron Curtain, dies.” The BBC was just a trifle more circumspect, going with the headline: “Mikhail Gorbachev: The Soviet leader who helped end the Cold War.” Gorbachev did indeed help end the Cold War, but chiefly by doing something that Reuters, CNN and the Beeb don’t deign to mention: Gorbachev helped end the Cold War by losing it.

The Leftist intelligentsia that runs the propaganda organs known as CNN, the BBC and Reuters, along with the rest of the establishment media, will never admit it, but the man who actually ended the Cold War was Ronald Reagan. As Rating America’s Presidents explains, Reagan became president in the era of détente, when it was generally agreed that the best way to deal with the Soviet Union and global Communism in general was to play down differences, turn a blind eye to the human rights abuses endemic to socialist states, seek accords that would ease tensions, prevent the use of nuclear weapons, and allow the two sides to continue in much the same way indefinitely. The détente era reached its apex on June 18, 1979, when Jimmy Carter and Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev signed the SALT II Treaty, and then, as the world watched agog, Carter embraced and kissed the Communist despot.

President Reagan set a different tone. He was a public critic of détente as disadvantageous to American interests. On June 8, 1982, in a speech before the British House of Commons, he contradicted the conventional wisdom that the Soviet Union was here to stay and boldly predicted its demise. Reagan said, “The march of freedom and democracy…will leave Marxism-Leninism on the ash-heap of history, as it has left other tyrannies which stifle the freedom and muzzle the self-expression of the people.”

Hamas in Turkey: Money Laundering, Turkish Passports, Government Collusion and Terror Bank Accounts by Uzay Bulut


Beside Erdoğan’s regular antisemitic outbursts, other alarming issues — such as Hamas’ secret investment portfolio in Turkey and Turkey’s granting passports to Hamas terrorists — need to be addressed by Turkish government authorities.
See the US Treasury’s list of specially designated nationals whose businesses operate in Turkey and elsewhere.
“It seems that Hamas has chosen to manage its secret investment portfolio in Turkey because of the weak financial system in Turkey, which enables Hamas to hide its money laundering activity and tax violations from the regulatory bodies. Trend Gyo, controlled by Hamas, has five subsidiaries in Turkey. Senior officials in the investment portfolio hold dual, high-ranking positions in all five companies.” — Double Cheque, February 2, 2018.
As Turkey-Israel relations appear to be entering a so-called “new phase”, the government of Turkey needs to publicly explain the following: When Hamas began operating in Turkey, what its political, financial, military, and diplomatic activities have been there, how many Hamas terrorists have lived in Turkey, and why Turkey has enabled them. Why did Turkey give them Turkish citizenship? And if they really deported a few of them, what has changed? Does Turkey see Hamas as a terrorist organization now? How many Hamas terrorists remain in Turkey as of today? And why?
[A] senior Turkish official and other sources told Middle East Eye that Turkey had not expelled any Hamas members and was not planning to expel the Muslim Brotherhood presence in the country, either. As Hamas is the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, it is probably not a reach to assume that Turkey has no plans to ask Hamas to leave any time soon.
Until the Turkish government officials honestly and transparently answer these questions and take concrete steps to end Hamas’ presence in Turkey, its “rapprochement” with Israel should be understood only as an unauthentic attempt to benefit Erdoğan’s regime and harm Israel.

“Tayyip [Erdoğan] is a Jew who pretends to be a Muslim,” wrote Yüksel Üstün, on his Facebook account in 2020. In November 2021, a criminal court sentenced Üstün with a fine of 7,000 Turkish liras ($385) for “insulting the president.” In the complaint, filed by Hüseyin Aydın, an attorney for President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the expression “Jew” (when applied to Erdoğan) was deemed “humiliating, damaging to honor and dignity.”

The Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office of the city in which Üstün resides filed the lawsuit against Üstün after the Ministry of Justice gave permission to prosecute him. The indictment argued that the suspect committed the alleged crime in his post by “offending the honor, dignity and respectability of the president”. The court initially sentenced the defendant to 10 months and 20 days in prison. The judge later commuted the sentence to a judicial fine. The defendant nearly went to prison for calling Erdoğan “a Jew.”

More Bad News For The Eco-Radicals


For the first time in more than 80 years, the Atlantic Ocean hasn’t produced a named storm between July 3 and Aug. 31. So the Climatistas will have to celebrate Labor Day this year for its Marxist roots rather than the weather destruction they’re constantly rooting for so they can blame it on man.

The Atlantic’s failure to form a tempest is a rarity. It “has had no #hurricanes yet this year,” Colorado State University meteorologist Philip Klotzbach tweeted Thursday. 2022’s calm spell happens to be only the seventh time since 1950 that the Atlantic “has gone through August without a #hurricane. Other years are: 1967, 1984, 1988, 2001, 2002, 2013.”

In a separate tweet, Klotzbach acknowledged something that Democrats, the know-it-all media, and the agenda-driven extremists will likely never admit: “Forecasting the weather and climate keeps you humble!”

The Atlantic storms will eventually arrive. And the alarmists will blame them on human greenhouse gas emissions. It’s the blueprint. But for now, their taste for disaster has to go unsated as their narrative fails again.

Of course this is merely a single point of reality. There are others.

For instance, Arctic ice is at a decade-high level. Wasn’t supposed to disappear altogether by now due to our miserable fossil fuel addiction?

Democrats Are the Party of the Overclass From student loans to Covid restrictions, the left seeks to make the wealthy wealthier. By Batya Ungar-Sargon


President Biden’s student-loan forgiveness plan will mostly benefit the elites. The majority of those loans are held by college graduates, who on average make $1 million more in their lives than people who don’t have a degree. How did progressives—who claim to care about the poor and working class, about fairness and equity—end up pushing a bailout for the wealthy at working people’s expense?

Well, consider who progressives are—the whitest and most highly educated members of the Democratic coalition. They’re advancing their own economic interests, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But they’re doing it under a false pretense, casting it as a moral battle for the indigent.

It isn’t the only example. Consider the push for open borders. Progressives cast it in moral terms, as a way of helping needy and oppressed foreigners. In truth, open borders benefit consumers at the expense of Americans who work in industries undercut by importing new laborers. To add insult to injury, they label you racist if you object.

The green agenda fits the pattern too. Progressives zip around in Teslas, a symbol of both affluence and virtue, while union members in the energy sector lose their jobs. Progressives push to release mentally ill drug addicts into working-class communities where they prey on vulnerable people of color—while they themselves live in nice neighborhoods with astronomical rents, polishing their halos.

A Tiny Park Becomes a Sacrifice to the Climate-Change Gods ‘Resiliency,’ according to green activists, requires cutting down trees and tearing up grass in lower Manhattan. By Jon Pepper


New York

The bulldozers will come for downtown Manhattan’s Robert F. Wagner Park as soon as next week. In the name of climate change “resiliency,” local authorities have ordered the 3.5-acre park overlooking the Statue of Liberty to be razed and raised, lest it flood from “rising seas” or “storm surges” projected several decades down the road.

Contractors hired by the state-appointed Battery Park City Authority will bring in chain saws for the park’s 112 mature trees. They’ll use shovels to rip up grass where local children now play. They’ll use jackhammers and pickaxes on the park’s benches, walkways and pavilion. Two years and $221 million later, the Authority assures us, there’ll be a new park, albeit with less green space, more commercial space from which to extract rents, and new and improved trees. (They’ll resist salt water, supposedly.)

All this effort will be made for a park that suffered no serious damage during 2012’s superstorm Sandy, the worst storm in New York’s history. Battery Park City was the only neighborhood in Manhattan south of 39th Street that kept its lights on during and after the storm.

Biden Misidentifies the Crime Culprit President Biden does political damage control amid rising urban disorder.


President Biden is stumping for Democrats in Pennsylvania this week, and law and order was his theme Tuesday in Wilkes-Barre. He was joined by Rep. Matt Cartwright, who is in a tight race to keep his House seat, and gubernatorial candidate Josh Shapiro. Democrats are worried about public anxiety over rising crime, and they should be.

Statewide, murders and non-negligent manslaughters increased 46% last year compared to 2019, according to Pennsylvania’s Uniform Crime Reporting System. Pittsburgh recorded 53 homicides last year, a 43% increase over 2019. Nonfatal shootings there were up 25% in 2021 compared to two years prior.

Earlier this year Pew reported that only 44% of Philadelphia residents said they felt safe in their neighborhood at night, while 65% said they’d heard gunshots near their homes in the past year. Some 362 people have been slain in the City of Brotherly Love so far this year, compared to 226 in the first eight months of 2019.

Mr. Biden was at pains Tuesday to neutralize the perception that Democrats want to defund the police. “When it comes to public safety in this nation, the answer is not defund the police. It’s fund the police. Fund the police.” That’s a welcome line, but remember that in 2020 such sentiments were heresy in the Democratic Party.

China Is Torturing Critics in Psychiatric Hospitals by Gordon G. Chang


In the ankang—”peace and health”—system, detainees are strapped onto beds, pumped full of drugs, receive electric-shock therapy, and left to lie in their own excrement.

Researchers Chi Yin and Jerome Cohen, writing on the Diplomat site, report that some Chinese are confined for their lifetimes.

The system also appears to be grounded in the Chinese Communist Party’s optimistic totalitarian notion that medical treatment can make people obedient.

Chinese medical personnel administered drugs that damaged the central nervous system of adherents of that faith, intentionally overdosed them, applied extreme-strength electroacupuncture, and brutally force-fed them.

The abuse of psychiatry has continued for seven decades in the People’s Republic of China. The Chinese Communist Party has changed the organizational structures and the methods of how it destroys people in psychiatric institutions, but the destruction of life continues.

Safeguard Defenders—and the international community—must finally acknowledge that the Party is inherently murderous. The only way to end the abuse of psychiatry in China as well as the Party’s other horrific crimes is to end its rule of China.

China’s regime is torturing and killing critics, petitioners, activists, dissidents, and religious adherents in psychiatric hospitals, thereby bypassing its horribly misdescribed criminal justice system. The “barbaric practice,” as a Madrid-based NGO termed it this month, is still widespread.

Yes, Some Universities Are Still Requiring the COVID Shot By Eileen F. Toplansky


Rutgers University is one of many schools of higher education that will require masking and COVID vaccination for the coming school year.  Antonio M. Calcado, executive vice president and chief operating officer at Rutgers, has written that “face coverings are required in all indoor teaching spaces, libraries, and clinical settings.  Compliance is mandatory.”  And “all students and employees are required to be fully vaccinated, obtain a booster when eligible, and upload records to the university vaccine portal.”

In light of what has been learned about the COVID jab, for those parents who will be shelling out $133,828 in tuition for their Rutgers undergrads, this edict may come as an additional shock on top of the sticker price for an education.

Recently, Dr. Robert Malone cited an analysis titled “COVID-19 Vaccines and Informed Consent” by Mr. John Allison (J.D.).  Allison’s law practice was “devoted to the litigation of cases involving medical, toxicological, industrial hygiene and product safety issues.” He was “Assistant General Counsel in the legal department of a Fortune 100 company with overall responsibility for product liability, environmental and commercial litigation.”  In addition, he was also “the lawyer for the company’s Medical Department, including Corporate Toxicology, Epidemiology and Product Responsibility.”

Allison’s 53-page analysis should be mandatory reading when deciding to send a child to a university or college mandating the jab.  Below are some highlights of his analysis.

 1. Government misinformation about the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines, censorship of credible scientific and medical information about the risks of death and serious adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccines, and vaccination coercion are depriving people of their ability to give informed consent to vaccination.

2. Safe and effective drugs on the market for many years, such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, have been proven by reputable doctors to be successful in the early treatment of COVID-19.  If those affordable drugs had been allowed to be more widely used in the United States before people needed to be hospitalized, many tens of thousands of people who died from COVID-19 would probably be alive today.

Reiner, Klobuchar and the Big Lie of January 6 By Jack Cashill


Dismayed by the failure of the courts to charge any of the protestors with “insurrection” the media have grasped at every proverbial straw within reach. When eleven members of the Oath Keepers were charged with “seditious conspiracy” a year after the riot, the zealots trumpeted their vindication across the fruited plain. Constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley, no Trump fan, quickly rained on their noisy parade.

“The charging of a relatively small number of extremists in this large protest belies rather than supports the broader allegations of an actual insurrection,” wrote Turley. “This remains a protest that became a riot.” More than six months after the incident, an informed FBI source was telling Reuters, “Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases. Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages.”

To any fair minded observer, the incident at Capitol Hill was much closer to the on-air graphic—“fiery but largely peaceful protest”—that CNN used to euphemize scenes of a burning Kenosha. The difference between the Kenosha and Capitol Hill riots is that the rioters in Washington set no fires and destroyed about $50 million less property. Then, too, Kenosha was just one of scores of BLM-Antifa riots that summer that left as many as 30 people dead and caused some $2 billion in damage.