Who needs nausea when we’ve got Nancy Pelosi?
The outgoing House speaker wrote a farewell letter to her fellow Democrats, with this load of pearl of Pelosi wisdom:
One final thought that I wanted to leave with you is my belief that the House Democratic Caucus is the greatest collection of intellect, integrity and imagination assembled for the good of the American people.
Breitbart News first spotted that letter and noted it here.
Which is a rather surreal thing to say, given the animal farm menagerie the Democrats have become on her watch, going from a party of moderates and ward heel politicians, to a woke socialist echo chamber where dissent is not permitted.
Is Pelosi really saying that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who condemned cauliflower as racist, expressed amazement about garbage disposals, got caught with her hand in the till on accepting gifts, deceiving voters on a fundraiser, and paying her boyfriend as staff, was a paragon of intelligence and integrity? The woman does her makeup on Instagram. She claimed that “facts don’t matter” when you’re “morally right” when she was caught making up some of them. Is she the best the Democrats can do? That’s what counts as intellect and integrity?
How about Rep Ilhan Omar, who, evidence suggests, married her brother for immigration purposes and has repeatedly been caught spewing anti-Semitic statements?
Let’s move on to some other of these paragons of integrity cited by Pelosi, such as Rep. Adam Schiff who repeatedly lied about the evidence he had regarding his grand show trial of President Trump called impeachment — which ended up amounting to nothing? Let’s also not forget that Mr. Integrity has yet to return those campaign donations he got from convicted pervert and Democrat donor Ed Buck. That’s some intelligence and integrity.