The university has not received any support from government officials; the Salafists seem to have met with no negative consequences from their occupation of administrative offices.
Tunisian Universities are being threatened by Salafist activists. Since late November 2011, the Faculty of Letters, Arts, and Humanities at the University of Manouba, north of Tunis, has been attacked by a group of Salafist students, demanding the creation of a prayer room, and demanding that women wear the niqab (full-face veil), and attend only segregated classes, In early December, Salafists held hostage the department’s dean, Habib Kazdaghli, but he courageously refused to fulfill to their demands. Liberal and secular professors and students staged peaceful sit-ins to protest against the Salafists and the Islamist-led government’s “double standards” in refusing to do anything to stop the Salafists. As reported by Ahram Online, until now, the university has not received any support from government officials; the Salafists continue to have met with no negative consequences from their occupation of administrative offices.
The professors of the Manouba have now written a petition, in the hope that the international community will put pressure on the Tunisian government, which prefers to turn a blind eye and let the Islamist take over the educational institutions of the country. The following is the English translation of the circulating petition, sponsored by Dean Habib Kazdaghli.
Call for the setting up of a Committee for the defense of academic values, institutional autonomy and support to the Faculty of Letters, Arts and Humanities of Manouba (FLAHM)