With the advent of the Jewish holiday of Passover (Pesach in Hebrew) this week, we are witness to another astonishingly brazen attempt by the Palestinian Authority to hijack one more obviously Jewish holiday and claim its narrative as its own. Now anyone with a semblance of Jewish knowledge understands that the story of the […]
The Four Questions for the Seder at the Obama White House
Introductory Question
Mr. President, why is this administration different from all other
The First Question
Why is it that all other administrations acknowledge Jerusalem as the
capital of Israel, but this administration refuses to say Jerusalem is even
located in Israel?
The Second Question
Why is it that all other administrations try to be friendly to the
democratically elected prime minister of Israel, but this administration is
bitter towards him?
The Third Question
Why is it that all other administrations try not to pick fights with Israel
even once, but this administration picks fights with Israel more than twice?
The Fourth Question
Why is it that in other administrations the president visits both Muslim and
Jewish states, but this administration visits only Muslim states?,1518,druck-825818,00.html
“…. since the 1960’s he had come to represent the conscience of a country with much to lament. But in 2006 the author stunned Germany and the world by confessing that he had a buried past. In his autobiography ‘‘Peeling the Onion,’’ he revealed that he had been drafted into the Waffen SS in the final months of World War II. It was an admission for which he was widely condemned because he had kept his Nazi service a secret for more than 60 years while urging other Germans to confront their painful histories.”
Never in the history of postwar Germany has a prominent intellectual attacked Israel in such a cliche-laden way as Günter Grass with his controversial new poem, “What Must Be Said.” The Nobel Prize laureate has delivered a lyrical first strike against Israel.
“What Must Be Said” is the title that Günter Grass chose for his poem. It begins with the words: “Why have I been silent, kept quiet for too long, about what is obvious.” The poem, which was published in Germany’s Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper on Wednesday and which has already provoked considerable outrage, deals with Grass’s silence on Israel and the threat of military conflict between Israel and Iran. It’s also about Germany supplying weapons to Israel, and about the relationship between Germans and Israelis. It’s about a subject, where the title alone, “What Must Be Said”, implies an unpleasant flippancy: the flippancy of breaking taboos.
Ken Timmerman Scores a Decisive Win in the Maryland 8th CD Primary
by Jerry Gordon
Ken Timmerman, Veteran Iran watcher and author, won decisively the GOP primary in the redrawn Maryland 8th C.D. He beat his next leading contender by a margin of 46.3 versus 32.39%. Earlier this morning at 12:45AM Ken tweeted his victory. Timmerman had the endorsement of former US UN Ambassador John Bolton , former Maryland Governor Bob Ehrlich, Rep. Roscoe Bartlett , who won his GOP primary in the redrawn Maryland 6th CD, Republican State officials and Tea Party leaders. Both Timmerman and Bolton were nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize by a former Swedish deputy Prime Minister for their ground breaking work in disclosing the threat of Iran’s nuclear program.
Beinart’s response here:
“I wrote this book because of my grandmother, who made me a Zionist. And because of Khaled Jaber, who could have been my son.”
So begins Peter Beinart’s new book, The Crisis of Zionism, and already you know he’s off to a bad start. Leave aside the oleaginous appeal to Grandma. The real question is: Someone named Khaled Jaber could have been Beinart’s son?
Sorry if I just can’t get past hello, but this curious little intro tells us something about the methods—factually cavalier and emotionally contrived—of the whole book. Here’s the story: Khaled Jaber is a young Palestinian boy whose father, Fadel, was arrested by Israelis in 2010 for stealing water after being repeatedly denied access to pipes serving a nearby settlement. The arrest—and Khaled’s frantic efforts to reach his “Baba” as he’s being hauled away—were caught on a video and later reported in the Israeli press.
The connection to Beinart is that Beinart’s son also calls him Baba. That’s it. Yet watching the video sparked in Beinart what he describes as a kind of Damascene conversion: “For most of my life,” he writes, “my reaction to accounts of Palestinian suffering has been rationalization, a search for reasons why the accounts are exaggerated or the suffering self-inflicted. … But in recent years, for reasons I can’t fully explain, I have been lowering my defenses, and Khaled’s cries left me staring in mute horror at my computer screen.”
This is disturbing, though not in the way Beinart intends. Many people form their views of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on snapshot impressions, often shorn of the most basic context. That’s a shame, but at least most of these people don’t go on to write books on the subject. Journalists, by contrast—and Beinart is a former editor of the New Republic who currently teaches journalism at City University of New York—are supposed to, you know, dig deeper. Get the full picture. Go where the facts lead.
So, you might expect that Beinart would have made the effort to reach out to the Jabers, perhaps even by flying out and meeting them in person. Who is this family in whose name this book is ostensibly written? Are they supporters of peaceful co-existence with Israel or advocates of terrorism? Do they intend to vote for Fatah or Hamas at the next poll? Was Fadel’s arrest as unjustified as Beinart makes it seem? Is it true that Israel deprives Palestinians of their fair share of water rights? Would the Fadels be better off as farmers in a Palestinian state? What was the state of Palestinian agriculture—not to mention education, health, and infrastructure—before 1967?
Moshe Sharon is a professor of early Islamic history at Hebrew University and the author of several books. He has been lecturing to one government of Israel after another that when they negotiate with the Arabs they must remember that they are negotiating in a Middle Eastern Bazaar, not in Washington DC or in Brussels, Belgium, the capital of the European Union.
For those who have forgotten or never knew, Mr. Sharon was the only Arabic speaking person at the peace negotiations between Israel and Egypt. As Sharon tells his audience often, at that time, The treaty was signed in Washington , D.C.on the 26th of March 1979.
One time, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, said to Sharon, in Arabic, “This is a [Middle East] market. Tell your prime minister.” What Sadat was telling Israel, explains Sharon, to learn the language of the Arab bazaar, but Israel never has learned. Because Israel hardly ever listens.
On October 5, 2006, Professor Sharon wrote the article, ‘No peace, No peace plans, No price for Peace (A short guide to those obsessed with peace)
Sharia in America — on The Glazov Gang
by Jamie Glazov
Robert Spencer, Bruce Thornton and Nonie Darwish shed light on Islam’s war on free speech in the U.S.A. Muslim lawyers representing the plaintiffs prevented the defense team from entering the court. “They said no Muslim will defend a Christian. The Muslims decided later that even Christians would not defend him.” Apologists sometimes try to explain away Islamic terrorism as a byproduct of something else, calling it the “weapon of the weak.” The […] As part of the agreement, however, the ruler of Ras al-Khaimah required Real Madrid to remove the cross from the crown on its logo for all promotional materials. The president of Real Madrid dutifully complied. The top-ranked football team in Spain, Real Madrid, has removed a Christian cross from its official logo as a […]
URL to article: The Israeli left is dead. It’s politically dead, conceptually dead and brain dead. But like the fabled Norwegian blue parrot, there is an industry dedicated to assuring us that it’s still alive and well, just pining for the peace process. The left in Israel is one of the few in the […]