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Ruth King



America needs an “inner jihad” in order to cope with the jihad being waged against us. That’s the thought-provoking message of The Control Factor by Bill Siegel, a new book that analyzes the psychological impulses driving the West’s misreading and denials of the jihadist threat.

Siegel argues that there’s a psychological process, which he calls the “Control Factor,” that copes with anxiety and insecurity from a lack of control. This is born into us and is not a reflection of one’s nationality, personal strength or intelligence. Other circumstances fostering insecurity, such as America’s economic condition, make the Control Factor more powerful.

This is a unique take on the problem. The downplaying of the Islamist threat is often condescendingly chalked up to a willful denial of reality by those who are weak or unintelligent. The Control Factor adds depth by identifying this psychological process so readers can see how it has been in motion since 9/11.

Insecurity is a major driving force behind human action and controlling behavior. It is, at least to a degree, why there are micromanaging bosses, strict parents and obsessive relationships. It is part of why there are so many Islamic preachers demanding punishment for those who criticize their religion. Insecurity and the resulting drive to control is something that is all around us and foreign policy formulation is no exception.


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/eco-communism-celebrated-annually-on-earth-day?f=must_reads I came of age in the 1950s during a period when Joe McCarthy was raising hell about communists in the federal government. He was spectacularly inept, often made intemperate and inaccurate charges, but for the most part he was right. He managed to alienate his fellow Republicans and earn a slap-down from then President […]


http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3026/lars-hedegaard-acquitted The ruling showed that while Judaism and Christianity can be disparaged with impunity, speaking the truth about Islam is subject to swift and hefty legal penalties. The Supreme Court stressed that the substance of the charges — public criticism of Islam – is still a crime punishable by imprisonment. Under Danish law, it is […]


Article 266b, under which I was charged, remains unchanged. Thus, we still have no right to refer to truth if we are indicted under this article.

I am satisfied that the Supreme Court has delivered a verdict in accordance with the evidence given in lower and superior court. The prosecution had this evidence before it decided to press charges so I cannot understand why it went ahead.

The prosecutor has burdened the courts and the taxpayers needlessly for more than two years.

This judgment is not necessarily a victory for free speech. Article 266b, under which I was charged, remains unchanged. It remains a disgrace to any civilised society and is an open invitation to frivolous trials. Thus, we still have no right to refer to truth if we are indicted under this article.

There have been several attempts to make 266b conform to normal standards of justice but successive governments and parliamentary majorities have steadfastly refused.

I am, however, happy that my acquittal means that at least the Supreme Court has set a limit to how deeply the State may penetrate one’s private life. The Supreme Court has clearly upheld the principle that for a statement to be criminal, it must have been made with the intent of public dissemination. We may still talk freely in our own homes.

My personal reaction to more than two years of fatiguing litigation is to demand written guarantees from people who want to talk to me. With their signatures they must confirm that nothing be passed on without my express approval and without me having had a chance to vet it. This goes whether people are journalists or not.

I would advise everybody to do the same for we all know that the prosecutor lies in wait.

The Free Press Society will strengthen its struggle against the penal code’s despicable Article 266b.

Lars Hedegaard, President of The Free Press Society in Denmark, was acquitted two days ago after a three year struggle through three layers of Danish courts, of “hate speech” for having spoken freely in his own home. Article 266b, however, under which he was charged, still stands, ensuring that anyone who fails to submit to continual self –censorship, or who inadvertently says something in public “that might offend somebody” — even if what he said was true – can be placed under arrest and subjected to financially, emotionally and socially ruinous years on trial. It would be hard to think of a more effective way totally to crush free speech. Until article 266b is revoked, free speech is an outlaw in Denmark.


Blood Libels from Israel-Hating Students in Florida Posted By Arnold Ahlert

URL to article: http://frontpagemag.com/2012/04/23/blood-libels-from-israel-hating-students-in-florida/

Students who vocally call for the destruction of Israel have created a stir in Florida with their promotion of modern-day blood libels and lies demonizing the Jewish State. On March 30th, 200 mock eviction notices were placed on dorm-room doors by the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) in Boca Raton. “We regret to inform you that your home is scheduled for demolition shortly,” begins the notice, which can be seen here. “You have three (3) days to vacate the premise persuant (sic) to code no. 208.2A or you will be subject to arrest. If you do not leave, we reserve the right to destroy your home. Anyone left inside is not our responsibility.”

The notice continues: “Harsh? So is this reality: The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions reports about 25,000 homes have been destroyed by Israeli military forces since the Occupation of Palestine began in 1967.” Further down, the notice repeats the lie that Israeli forces deliberately murdered American peace activist Rachel Corrie.

For the legions of college students reliably ignorant of history, 1967 is the year of the Six Day War during which Israel neutralized the attempt by Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq to annihilate the Jewish State. As for Corrie, she was killed when she attempted to interfere with Israeli counter-terrorism operations taking place in a declared war zone. The zone was part of an area concealing weapon smuggling tunnels used to attack Israel. Corrie was acting as a human shield and was accidently crushed by falling debris. Yet her death remains a cornerstone of anti-Israeli propaganda.

Op-Ed: Danish ISM Activist Used Fake Name to Enter Israel! Lee Kaplan


The anarchist who scored a coup and may have ended the army career of a brilliant and dedicated officer was not whom he said he was. Something didn’t fit.

Every time I heard or read the name of the Danish activist struck by Lieutenant Colonel Eisner it didn’t ring true. He identified himself at Andreas Ayas, sometimes spelled Ias. But Ayas is a Muslim Arab name, not a Scandinavian one.

When I dyed my skin, hair and eyebrows to go undercover as a Pakistani at an ISM training event in San Francisco in 2004, I listened as I was instructed how to harass the IDF as an ISM volunteer.

Of the ten ISM volunteers I went through training with that day, all were arrested and deported on arrival in Israel.

The Foreign Ministry didn’t want to see my report on the training at all and I had to get it to the Shin Bet via other means.

The lead trainer, Jamie Spector, then tried to get access to Israel via the Supreme Court demanding to be allowed to enter the same country she wanted destroyed for the Arabs because she was of Jewish descent. She failed and was deported and is still an anti-Israel activist in San Francisco.

I was also told by Spector during training, that if I was caught and deported, I could easily get a new passport and return yet again to make trouble.

Israel stamps the passports of ISM activists who are deported, so they are banned from the country for ten years. Despite the strict passport laws in the US against passport fraud that mete out a fifteen year sentence for such actions, the US State Department almost never enforces the law against ISM agitators.


http://isracampus.org.il/third%20level%20pages/Editorial%20-%20BGU%20-%20Oren%20Yiftachel%20-%20Legacy%20of%20Fraud%20and%20Incompetence.htm Oren Yiftachel: Legacy of Fraud, Incompetence, and Struggle against the Existence of Israel So How Exactly do you say “Pseudo-Academic Fraud” in Bedouin? Oren Yiftachel is one of the worst anti-Israel “academic” extremists in Israel. After being turned down for an academic position in urban planning at the Technion due to his poor academic […]


The new anti-Semitism Op-ed: Anti-Israel campaign identifies Jews as immoral, Jewish state as historical fraud Op-ed: Anti-Israel campaign identifies Jews as immoral, Jewish state as historical fraud
It’s Jew-hating time, again. No cross-burnings or bomb-wearing psychos screaming for Allah. It’s sophisticated, draped by UN and EU glitz, banal reports about Israeli atrocities, and Palestinian liberation. It’s so holy, so morally pompous, and fashionable.

Criticizing Israel doesn’t lack for issues: “apartheid,” “war crimes,” “stealing Palestinian land,” “oppressing Palestinians,” “the occupation,” etc.

NGOs funded by European governments, the UN, and most Arab and Muslim organizations and countries, condemn Israel as a pariah state, unworthy of existence. In this pogrom of conscience they wear no hoods. Their masks are self-righteousness.

The mechanism for vilification and de-legitimization, Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) campaigns, is coordinated by the Palestinian BDS National Committee, an umbrella organization for dozens of Palestinian organizations, located in Ramallah and supported by the Palestinian Authority. A global movement, it is behind the spread of anti-Israel actions by churches, unions and student groups.

The mantra chants are easy: “End the Occupation,” “Justice for the Palestinians,” “Peace Now.” No need to think about complicated issues; just blame Israel. And Hate. Hate.

Anti-Israel campaigns overlap anti-Jewish sentiments. This explains why hate-Israel campaigns garner support from atheists, anarchists and even some Christians, why young people wrap themselves in checkered scarves, like Arafat, and come to Israel in order to fight alongside Arabs, some placing themselves in danger, and why EU countries, with hard-hit economies, spend hundreds of millions of Euros every year supporting anti-Israel organizations.


The Left’s War on Ann Romney — on The Glazov Gang
by Jamie Glazov
Leftist film producer Tommi Trudeau joins Dwight Schultz and Evan Sayet on the gang — and the fireworks ensue.


Northeastern University Attacks Holocaust Survivors By Stella Paul

Page Printed from: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/../2012/04/northeastern_university_attacks_holocaust_survivors.html at April 22, 2012 – 09:03:12 PM CDT “Why would anyone want to give money to Northeastern University?” asks Holocaust survivor Helga Lustig. That’s a question that many donors and parents may be asking, after watching a chilling new video that documents Northeastern’s institutional anti-Semitism and its vicious attacks on survivors […]