Periodically, the broken record skips back to the beginning, and we hear the same old tune again and again…We poor Arab victims (who “only” have about two dozen states so far–which were conquered and forcibly Arabized from mostly non-Arab peoples) will never recognize Israel nor honor any peace agreements with the Jews.
For this latest replay, the song comes from the simply more honest Hamas folks in Gaza–but it could have come from virtually the rest of the so-called “Arab” world as well.
The allegedly “moderate” good cops of Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah no more accept the permanence of a Jewish State of Israel any more than the Hamas and the Islamic Jihad bad cops do–and have said so repeatedly (even if all of their assorted whitewashers aren’t listening). Take a good look at what’s happening in Egypt these days as well with the rise of Hamas’ parent, the Muslim Brotherhood, regarding the same issue.
It’s all about appearances right now–that’s all.
To make themselves feel less guilty after Auschwitz, those in the dhimmi West, who would just as soon like to see Israel disappear, feel better when they’re lied to instead by Arabs with similar genocidal plans for Hebrews that Europe excelled in itself for millennia.