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Ruth King



Islamic countries have become more Islamic because of a deliberate policy that drives non-Muslims out; non-Islamic countries have become more Islamic because of a deliberate policy that invites Muslims in and ensures that they feel in no way hindered or upset.

Islam. the elephant in the room of European politicians on both the Left and the Right, recently became a concern again when French President Nicolas Sarkozy angered the family of Abel Chennouf — a 25-year old corporal of the French army, who murdered by the terrorist Mohammed Merah because he was wearing a French army uniform — by suggesting that Chennouf, a Catholic, was murdered because he “appeared to be a Muslim.”

Chennouf and a colleague were shot by the Islamic jihadist,Mohammed Merah, in Montauban on March 15, four days before Merah assassinated a rabbi and three Jewish children in Toulouse. In an attempt to absolve Islam from having inspired Merah to commit his terrorist acts, Sarkozy tried to emphasize that some of Merah’s victims were killed because they “looked like” Muslims.



Anti-Zionism: A Fortified Stupidity By Michael Devolin

Stephen Vizinczey wrote, “Strange as it seems, no amount of learning can cure stupidity, and higher education positively fortifies it.” When I first read this quotation, I was at once reminded of the sophisticated –and by now commonplace– hatreds that have been directed against the State of Israel and those courageous Jews who dwell therein. These hatreds, once seized upon, can fester fast, and be disseminated as truth even faster. And believe it or not, those who should know better, those who boast of intellect and morality, are more often than not found to be at the forefront of this character assassination of Jews and their Judaism (which, by definition, includes a Jewish state). And no amount of placation, not even the weight of truth, can dissuade these anti-Zionists from their odious obsession.


New English Review http://www.meforum.org/3213/swing-low-sweet-sharia The play within the play In October 2011 an extraordinary opportunity to apprehend the ill-defined “Middle East” conflict was offered in the form of a play within the play. Discourse was disabled by flesh and blood images acting out the drama with exquisite unity and perfect casting. Playing the role of […]


Well the “Flytilla” of pro-terrorism anarcho-fascists and Hitler
Youth pretty much was halted in their airport espresso lounges
yesterday. Only a handful of the gutternsnipes made it into Israel.
Unfortunately, the government did not take my advice of shipping those
into Gaza and then refusing ever to let them leave. The women
“anarchists” could stay in Gaza and find work as comfort girls.

The big story seems to be the IDF colonel who hit a Danish
guttersnipe in the face with the butt of his rifle. The anarchists
videotaped the incident and edited out what CAUSED the colonel to
strike the guttersnipe. Well, now we know. The colonel, who is
religious, has a long track record of keeping order and staying calm
in the face of “anarchist” provocations. So what set him off? The
Danish guttersnipe struck him violently and broke several of the
colonel’s fingers. This is not shown in the anarchist edited
videotape. That full story is here:



March 11, Toulouse: parachutist Imad Ibn Zlaten, 30 years old, is shot dead by a lone gunman on a motor scooter.

March 15, Montauban: parachutists Abel Chennouf, 25, and Mohamed Legouade 23, are shot dead by a lone gunman on a motor scooter. The critically wounded survivor, parachutist Loïc Liber, may be tetraplegiac.

March 19, Toulouse, Ozar Hatorah day school: Rabbi Yonathan Sandler, 30, his sons Aryeh, 6, and Gabriel, 3, and Miriam Monsonego, 7, are shot dead by a lone gunman on a motor scooter. Brian Aaron Bijaoui, 15, critically wounded as he protected other pupils, left the hospital on April 12th to continue a long convalescence at home in Nice.

March 22, Toulouse: murderer Mohamed Merah is killed in a shootout with the RAID commandos.

The state of alert in southwest France is subsequently lowered. As if Merah were a one-time phenomenon.

How do we close the gap? How do we connect the public mind to the massive evidence of 21st-century jihad strategy revealed since 9/11? Democratic societies cannot defend citizens against Islamic jihad without popular consensus — the informed will of the people.

The jihad assassination in Toulouse and Montauban of three soldiers, a rabbi, and several Jewish children shocked French society. Could this be the tipping point, where a European country begins to push back against Islamization? Or is it, as many jihad-savvy commentators have concluded, a flash in the pan?


Al Sharpton’s Sincerity? — on The Glazov Gang by Frontpagemag.com Dwight Schultz,Georgette Gelbard and Tommi Trudeau mix it up on Frontpage’s television show. http://frontpagemag.com/2012/04/16/al-sharptons-sincerity-on-the-glazov-gang/




“We disagree with notion that Obama is a sociopath. He’s a progressive leftist, a post-modern Democrat, and that translates into a virulently anti-Israel ideology if not outright Jew-hatred. The Democrats are no longer the political party of Henry “Scoop” Jackson, Daniel Moynihan, or even John and Robert Kennedy. The Dems have, in their Orwellian parlance, evolved into a mob of Marxists, Socialists, Environmentalists, Occupy Nihilists, Earth Warmers, Victimhood groupies, all-purpose radical leftists whose tolerance of the intolerant—black racism, Islamism, Jew-hatred—is disguised as multiculturalism.”


Forget the bread. The economy is in the toilet and unless you know someone who ponied up for a front row seat at an Obama fundraiser, it’s staying there. Better together is the slogan, which means it only gets better if you stay together with The One. And I don’t mean vote for him, I mean get the hook up. Just ask Warren Buffett, economic reform crusader, billionaire class warrior and inside dealer.But don’t worry, we may not have bread, but we do have racial circuses, brought to you live with occasional commercial interruptions by every network and news site in America. Forget the bread, we’ve got a new OJ Simpson trial, except with the races reversed and a defendant without a whole lot of money who’s already being lynched by a corrupt prosecutor looking to build a political career over his body.

The Trayvon-Zimmerman trial may not be the trial of the century, but it can strive to be the trial of the election. One of those things that reminds black voters to vote along racial solidarity lines, reminds white voters to feel guilty about how racist our white hispanic country is and distracts everyone from the economy.

The losers in this are everyone not named Barack Obama or Angela Corey, who will suddenly be the country’s most famous prosecutor since Marcia Clark and the subject of adoring profiles from the media that fall just short of a tongue bath.


http://www.dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/EntryId/2092/Repeat-After-Me-The-Identity-Thief-Is-a-Socialist.aspx This week’s syndicated column: Now that Election 2012 is shaping up as a contest between President Obama and Mitt Romney, an observation and a prediction. Our nation heads into a presidential campaign with an incumbent whose online birth certificate and Selective Service registration card are almost certainly forgeries, and this is a nonissue. (Don’t […]


URL to article: http://frontpagemag.com/2012/04/13/remembering-mike-wallace/

Was there anyone who more surely embodied everything unpalatable about the traditional news media?…

Channel surfing the other night, I ran across All the President’s Men for what felt like the thousandth time. I came in about twenty minutes before the end, and – not for the first time – I felt compelled to watch it to the end. What a splendidly written, brilliantly directed, terrifically acted movie! What a stirring story! What a beautiful piece of filmmaking, from the cinematography to the lighting design! And what a crock!

All the President’s Men converted a generation of innocent, impressionable, pre-Internet Americans – myself included – into unthinking fans of the mainstream news media. Some people in the government might be out to screw us over, and certainly every last man and woman in corporate America was up to no good, but the knights in shining armor at the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the network news divisions were there to come to our rescue – to save our freedoms and preserve our Constitution, wielding the truth like a shining sword.

As I watched Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman, in the last shot of the film, taking down Richard M. Nixon one typewriter keystroke at a time, my thoughts naturally turned to Mike Wallace, who since his death the other day at the age of 285 – sorry, 93 – has been celebrated by many commentators as the quintessential embodiment of the crusading, principled, virtuous mainstream news media in its now-bygone, widely lamented heyday. His death, indeed, has provided his colleagues in the traditional media with a magnificent opportunity – which many of them, of course, have seized upon – to try to resurrect the heroic myth perpetrated by All the President’s Men and many other films. (Remember, for example, another Redford film from 1976, Three Days of the Condor, in which he’s betrayed and hunted down by the CIA and ends up, incriminating evidence finally in hand, at the entrance to the New York Times building, the logo of that newspaper symbolizing his, and justice’s, salvation?) A typical posthumous tribute to Wallace in the Washington Post began as follows: “Mike Wallace had a glorious career at CBS, racking up 21 Emmy awards and an endless reel of great interviewing moments. And to think that this fantastic career….” Check, please!



This week, James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas released video showing a young white man entering a polling place in Washington D.C. to vote in the presidential primary.

He walked up to the desk and asked a poll worker for the ballot of Attorney General Eric Holder, and gave Holder’s address. The worker began to hand him the ballot, at which point the young man said he wanted to show his identification. “You don’t need it,” the poll worker replied. “It’s all right. As long as you’re in here, you’re on our list, and that’s who you say you are, you’re okay.”

The tape broke huge, with Matt Drudge championing it at the top of the Drudge Report. And sure enough, the Department of Justice, which sometimes plays to Drudge’s tune, responded with ire and outrage: “It’s no coincidence that these so-called examples of rampant voter fraud consistently turn out to be manufactured ones.”