–Reportedly-offered-chaired-professorship-at-UVA – By Marc Morano – Climate Depot Climate Depot has learned that Climategate professor Michael Mann, who has been at the center of a legal firestorm, may be moving back to the University of Virginia. Climate Depot has heard that the UVA Environmental Sciences department has just offered Mann a “chaired professorship”. Sources tell […]
Nigeria: Christians stream southward after Muslim attacks
Turkey: Evangelical church assaulted by Muslim activists
Kenya: Christians killed in grenade attack by Islamists
Beheadings benight the Arabian Peninsula
A witch was beheaded in Yemen, and two murderers beheaded in the Oil Kingdom.
Saudi Arabia: Woman to be flogged for cursing
Gray And Blue Jews Of The Civil War Yonatan Grossman-Boder
Passover was just around the corner that spring in 1862 when J.A. Joel, like so many other Jews, sought fixings for his seder. But it was a little harder for Joel, who was stationed at Sewell Mountain in eastern Fayette County, W.Va., with the Union’s 23rd Ohio Infantry.
Joel turned to his fellow Jews in the regiment — 20 in all — to acquire the necessary items. With some foraging, the group found eggs, chickens and cider. Also, the group members procured matzoh and haggadot from their Jewish regimental merchant.
Unfortunately, they could not find horseradish. However, Joel recounted they “found a weed, whose bitterness, I apprehend, exceeded anything our forefathers ‘enjoyed.’” They also obtained a lamb. Though uncertain which part to use for the seder, Joel wrote that “Yankee ingenuity prevailed, and it was decided to cook the whole and put it on the table.”
With matzoh, egg, maror (bitter herbs), a shank bone and wine in hand, the men of the 23rd celebrated the Festival of Freedom in grand style. Joel was proud of their accomplishment and wrote to a local newspaper, “There, in the wild woods of West Virginia, away from home and friends, we consecrated and offered up to the ever-loving G-d of Israel our prayers and sacrifice.”
During the Civil War, J.A. Joel was one of approximately 10,000 Jews who fought in the armies of the Union and Confederacy. His story reminds us during this sesquicentennial anniversary of the Civil War that the history of the Jews in the United States is part of the larger story of American history.
Australia’s most senior-ranked Catholic official has risked an international backlash by claiming that Jews are ‘intellectually and morally inferior’.Cardinal George Pell said ‘the little Jewish people’ were shepherds who lacked intellectual development during a debate with atheist Richard Dawkins.
He went on to claim that Germans had suffered more than the Jews during the horrors of the holocaust in the Second World War.
The remarks came during a televised debate with Dawkins on Australian TV in which the pair became locked in a heated discussion on religion and evolution.
‘I’ve got a great admiration for the Jews but we don’t need to exaggerate their contribution in their early days,’ Cardinal Pell said during the debate on ABC television.
‘They weren’t intellectually the equal of [the Egyptians or Persians] – intellectually, morally … The poor – the little Jewish people, they were originally shepherds. They were stuck. They’re still stuck between these great powers.’
Cardinal Pell said Jews had been stuck between the Egyptians and Babylonians, and that this reflected their intellectual development. He said this included Jesus.
It is this right – I would even say duty – to describe, criticise and oppose a totalitarian ideology that I have tried to exercise to the best of my ability.My speech and my writings have had no other purpose than to alert my fellow citizens to the danger inherent in the Islamic concept of the state and the law.I have made no secret of the fact that I consider this fight for our liberties to be the most important political struggle of our time.I would not be able to live with my guilty conscience if – out of fear of public condemnation and ridicule – I refrained from telling the truth as I see it.And regardless of the outcome of this trial, I intend to continue my struggle for free speech and against totalitarian concepts of any stripe.
Today, Friday, April 13th, a Supreme Court Hearing was held for Danish Free Press President and heroic free thinker, Lars Hedegaard arising from his prior convictions and fines imposed at the Eastern Superior Court in Copenhagen in May, 2011. He was accused of “racism” for criticizing Islamic doctrine and treatment of Muslim Women. He was denied under Danish law something that we take for granted in the US, the defense of the truth based on facts. Our interview with Hedegaard is included in the recently publish collection, The West Speaks.
We noted at the conclusion of our recent post on the background of Hedegaard’s Surpeme Court Hearing in Denmark:
In the Epilogue after noting the predicament of Hedegaard and other free thinkers, we concluded:
By recognizing the courageous actions of these free thinkers and advocates, we might follow their example thereby informing and emboldening others to rise up and avert the severe decree of Islamic conquest by Grand Jihad.
Everybody in trouble with the law is entitled to a fair trial. Nobody is guilty until a court looks at the evidence and decides. A man is innocent until proved guilty. But sometimes we hold the trial at the circus, not the court house.
The state of Florida says George Zimmerman is guilty of second-degree murder for the killing of Trayvon Martin. Mr. Zimmerman says he shot the boy in fear of his life. Now the court, and a jury if it gets that far, must shut their ears to the shriek and clatter of the circus, listen to cold facts, and decide.
This won’t be easy. The suspect made his first appearance in court Friday, arraigned on the second-degree murder charge, and his lawyer in his best judgment declined to ask for bail, citing “fervor” outside the courthouse. New Jersey Voters Support NYPD Tactics on Jihadism, Reject Christie’s Criticism Andrew G. Bostom Quinnipiac University polling data released today (4/11/12) indicate that by a wide margin, 71% to 20%, New Jersey voters the affirm that the New York City Police Department (NYPD) is “doing what is necessary to combat terrorism” by gathering information […]
The Devil We Don’t Know, Part I Posted By Mark Tapson URL to article: The “Arab Spring.” The mainstream media clung to this phrase last year in their giddy haste to promote what they saw as a flowering of freedom-loving, democratic uprisings across the Arab world, for which they were eager to credit President […]
Günter Grass has been transformed overnight into the poster boy of Neo-Nazis, leftist anti-Semites, and jihadists from all around the world. This is of course thanks to his “poem,” in which he proclaims Israel a far worse danger to world peace than Iran is. (Grass’s original poem is in the language of Himmler but an English translation can be read here.) Grass insists that an Iran openly building nukes and threatening to use them against Israel and the West is far less of a global threat than an Israel that dares to defend its civilians from terrorist attacks.
While the condemnation of Grass from most corners of civilization has been massive and dramatic, Grass is also attracting a considerable following and outpouring of support from the Axis of Evil, the one that allies the radical Left to the genocidal Islamofascists. Statements endorsing the Teuton and his “poem” have come from the radical Left, all the way from Noam Chomsky to the Israel-hating Israeli professor of German history, Moshe Zimmerman from the Hebrew University. No relation to the shooter in Florida.
Grass has quite a bit of a track record when it comes to Jew bashing (but is hardly the only anti-Semite literary figure). Best recognized for his Hitler moustache, Grass had served in the Waffen SS as a Panzer soldier. He is putting his SS experiences to good use these days in his lobbying for Israel’s destruction. His poem, expressing clearly his underlying desire to see Israel exterminated, triggered Israel’s Minister of the Interior to declare him persona non grata, in effect banned from Israel. Even leftist “post-Zionist” Tom Segev, writing in Israel’s radical leftist daily Haaretz, denounced Grass in these words:
URL to article:
This week on FP Raymond Ibrahim published a short but powerful report on a Tunisian church coming under threats and abuse from Islamists. “Church members,” Ibrahim notes,
are described [in Al Quds] as “living in a state of terror…. Salafis covered the cross of the church with garbage bags, telling the church members that they do not wish to see the vision of the Cross anywhere in the Islamic state of Tunisia.”
Ibrahim also points out that Tunisia has long been considered one of the most “secular” and “liberal” Arab countries—while now “its very few churches are not tolerated, and their crucifixes abhorred…. More evidence of the true nature of the ‘Arab Spring.’”
But it is not only minority groups in the region, like Christians in Tunisia and elsewhere, who suffer from this sort of abuse, and by no means only Salafi elements who perpetrate it. Jews are a majority in Israel, and they grant full citizenship to non-Jews in the country including those in East Jerusalem (who mostly decline it). But it doesn’t necessarily help.
A recent Jerusalem Post editorial lamented a difficult situation on the Mount of Olives—the mountain ridge in East Jerusalem that has served as a Jewish cemetery for over three thousand years. In an incident late last month,
a young bridegroom wished to say a short prayer at his mother’s grave on [the] Mount of Olives…. He was driven up by his friend Dror Klein.
As they neared their destination, a bucket of white paint crashed into the front windshield, obscuring Dror’s view. A hail of stones followed.
In minutes some 30 to 40 young Arabs surrounded the vehicle, rocking it menacingly and hurling large rocks, cement blocks and broken pavement fragments at the two.
The bridegroom was dragged out of the car, a boulder was smashed on his head and he was beaten up to the sounds of Alahu Akhbar (God is great). Dror somehow managed to maneuver his Hyundai directly at the attackers. As they momentarily scurried, the bridegroom and his resourceful driver got away by the skin of their teeth.
The two—who felt that they were threatened with death and started reciting a Jewish prayer for that situation—got out with what the police defined as “light injuries.”
But as the editorial notes, the incident was by no means unusual: