Eighteen and a half years have passed since the signing of the Oslo Accords, known to some as “Gaza and Jericho First” (because it called for an Israeli withdrawal from those territories as a first stage), and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is still the most important issue Israel will face in the coming decades. True, […]
The Superiority of Western Values in Eight Minutes
In a public debate in London against Tariq Ramadan, Ibn Warraq was given
eight minutes to argue the superiority of Western values. Here is his
defense of the West, which forms the basis for his new book, Why the West is
Best: A Muslim Apostate’s Defense of Liberal Democracy.
The great ideas of the West-rationalism, self-criticism, the disinterested
search for truth, the separation of church and state, the rule of law,
equality before the law, freedom of conscience and expression, human rights,
liberal democracy-together constitute quite an achievement, surely, for any
civilization. This set of principles remains the best and perhaps the only
means for all people, no matter what race or creed, to live in freedom and
reach their full potential.[1]–VIII–Enter-totalitarian-democracy-7329 I would not look to the U.S. Constitution if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012.” The speaker was Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg of the United States Supreme Court. These, therefore, were astonishing words. The authority over American law enjoyed by Justice Ginsburg and her colleagues on the Court owes solely […] Romney’s Only Option Who else but Paul Ryan for veep? Mitt Romney’s likely win in tomorrow’s Wisconsin primary (he’s up by more than seven points in yesterday’s RealClearPolitics poll average) won’t lock up the Republican nomination for him, but it will be another long step toward it. And the closer the nomination becomes, the […]
Rev. Wright’s Role in the ‘Destroy Israel March’ Posted By Arnold Ahlert
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On March 30th, the Global March to Jerusalem (GMJ), an attempt to mobilize millions of demonstrators aimed at converging on the state of Israel and inevitably breaching its borders, took place. Joining the likes of Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Mavi Marmara flotilla veterans, were the inevitable horde of useful idiots from the West, including British anti-Semite George Galloway, anti-war Bush-basher Cindy Sheehan, Truther conspiracy advocate Richard Falk, and radical race theorist Cornel West. Yet it was one of the movement’s “official advisers” whose name stood out: president Obama’s former spiritual advisor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright.
In earnest, the GMJ was little more than a modern-day, jihadist-inspired confrontation aimed eliminating the Jewish State. It was an aim revealed by the GMJ’s logo, showing a map of Palestine in place of Israel. The GMJ rejects any two-state solution with the nation they consider the epicenter of ”apartheid, ethnic cleansing and Judaisation.” Furthermore, the organizers insist that they are “renewing the struggle to liberate Palestine,” a particular expression that is a common euphemism for the destruction of Israel.
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Here’s the story. Back in June 2010, Krekar – who at the time was facing possible expulsion to Iraq, where he insisted he was in danger of execution –issued the following warning: “My death will cost Norwegian society. If, for example, Erna Solberg tossing me out of the country leads to my death, she will suffer the same fate.” Solberg is head of the Norwegian Conservative Party.
So it was that on Monday of last week, to the surprise of many, an Oslo court actually took action against Krekar – not only for his threat against Solberg, but also for similar threats against other, less high-profile individuals. Sentenced to five years in prison, he was released pending appeal. His lawyer, Brynjar Meling, admitted that the court’s decision took him and his client aback. And understandably so – after all, Krekar has been a clear and present danger in Norway for years and yet has been allowed to reside in Oslo, living proof of the fecklessness of European governments in the face of the enemy within. Why start taking this peril seriously now?
In court last Monday, Krekar insisted, in his defense, that his singling out of Solberg was mere happenstance. “Solberg was just a name that popped into my head,” he said. “It’s as if I’m talking about German philosophy and mention Schopenhauer or Hegel – it’s just a name. She was just a symbol for me.” In other words, he isn’t particularly set on killing Solberg – there’s a whole bunch of other Norwegian officials whom he could just as happily kill instead. (Great defense: if I’m willing to blow just anyone to bits, you must acquit!)
Krekar went on to say something that came off (such is his wont) as yet another threat: “Muslims must provide security to the country that has given them security. As long as I received security and safety here, Norwegians were able to enjoy the same thing.” And now that Norwegians were threatening to lock him up? The mullah’s point is clear: if Norway makes war on him, he’ll make war on Norway.
Following his court appearance, Krekar headed for the studios of Norway’s TV2 to be interviewed by Al-Jazeera. When a TV2 reporter asked for a comment on the way out, Krekar got a tad violent (video here). Two, um, journalists from Al-Jazeera restrained him, whereupon one of them asked TV2′s cameraman to hand over the video of Krekar’s outburst. His request was, admirably, denied. One of the two Al-Jazeera boys then complained that TV2 had been wrong to videotape Krekar: it was, he said, a simple matter of “respect.” Among other things, this encounter tidily demonstrated – old news, of course – that for many Muslims, “respect” between themselves and infidels is a one-way street.
Merchandising Trayvon Martin URL to article: In the music industry, it’s not about the music; it’s about the t-shirt, the poster and the songbook. In the modern politicized tragedy, it’s not about the dead body; it’s about the hoodie, the t-shirt and the keychain. At a rally in Sanford, Florida, where the whole thing […]
“That’s why all Republicans need to stop playing games and united behind Romney and get him elected in November. I love Rick Santorum, but he has to understand that he’s not on a mission from God, and that no miracle will make him president. Santorum needs to use his rapport with the religious right (that includes people like me) to rally support for Romney and ensure a maximum turnout in November. If Santorum can accomplish this, all the effort and passion he invested into his campaign will accrue to the common good.”
Palos Verdes, California — Mitt Romney didn’t attend this year’s retreat of the Horowitz Freedom Center — he’s got other things on his agenda — but he was an interrupted presence in the minds of conservative politicians, journalists and business people who gathered here for the weekend in the advent of the most important presidential election since 1980. Remarks were off the record (mine better have been) but I can report one telling incident: a panel on the presidential election featuring four well-known political consultants and journalists turned into a Romney-bashing fest. The man was out of touch, he wasn’t a real conservative, he didn’t know how to campaign, he was facing inevitable defeat at the hands of Obama, and should be replaced at the convention by Christie or Daniels.
The session’s last question fell to me, and I undertook a defense of the former Massachusetts governor. Do you really want Romney to be Scott Walker? I asked, and answer came there none.
This election might be more important than 1980, but it wasn’t 1980, because the crisis was of a different order. The problem Republicans face is clear from Wisconson Gov. Scott Walker’s troubles. Walker is the most courageous Republican official in the country, the only one to assault the fortified positions occupied by government unions and take on entitlements. For his trouble he is facing a recall election that has the state’s undivided attention: a recent poll shows that Wisconsinites care more about the Walker recall election than the presidential election by a margin of 51-37. Other polls show that Walker has a 50-50 chance of withstanding the recall vote. On Christmas Day of last year, Muslim terrorists set off bombs in churches across Nigeria. It was one of the worst attacks by Boko Haram which is determined to continue its reign of terror until the country is ruled by Muslim law. Christian pastors have been beheaded by Boko Haram and a spokesman for […]
Right Now 24|7
Anti-Putin flash mob leads police to close Red Square
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Anti-Putin flash mob leads police to close Red Square
A protest against Vladimir Putin erupted outside Moscow’s Red Square today, with police arresting dozens of activists after a planned opposition flash mob turned into a full-blown demonstration, the Ria Novosti news agency reported. Read
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China threatens U.S. with high-technology arms
Commentary Magazine
Sunday, April 1, 2012
China threatens U.S. with high-technology arms
In November 2011, the Pentagon conducted an unusual rollout of a new military unit called the Air Sea Battle Office. The concept calls for the Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps to integrate forces and other capabilities to defeat high-technology arms that can prevent or deter the United States military from operating in certain areas. Read more…
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Danish group rallies against growing Muslim presence
Arutz Sheva
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Danish police arrested 80 protesters Sunday in a rally against the growing Muslim threat of turning Europe into part of an Islamic empire. Read more…
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