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Ruth King



In a 2010 article in the New York Review of Books, pundit and writer Peter Beinart accused the U.S. Jewish establishment of alienating young American Jews by refusing to criticize Israeli government policies. He has now published a book, The Crisis of Zionism, which expands on his argument and proposes that Zionists support “democratic Israel” but boycott goods produced in the settlements. In advance of the book’s publication, Beinart launched a blog on the Daily Beast titled Open Zion (formerly Zion Square)—dedicated, he said, to an “open and unafraid conversation about Israel, Palestine, and the Jewish future.” The blog engaged Dr. Yoel Finkelman to report regularly on the ultra-Orthodox community. Finkelman was enthusiastic about participating in the project. But after several weeks of Open Zion, he has concluded that its conversation is not, in fact, open—and is not one in which he can continue to take part. In the letter below, he resigns his position. —The Editors



Around the world there are thousands like Myriam, kidnapped, raped and murdered by the followers of Allah because of religious doctrine and a culture that hates Jews and despises woman and girls. It won’t begin to end until political correctness ends.

Writing these words and looking at your picture with tears in my eyes, I wonder what kind of man would kill an eight year old girl. What does this person gain by his cruel and heinous act? At the moment I saw your picture in the news as a victim of the shooting, I immediately understood why this tragedy took place.
Myriam, you are another victim of jihad – an act of pure hatred perpetrated against you. The one who boldly pointed his gun toward your little body had to fulfill the dictates of his Allah – kill the infidel, kill the hated Jew.
I speak of the morning of Monday, March 19th, in Toulouse, France when three children were shot to death. The shooting occurred in front of a Jewish school. The French media reported the tragedy with political correctness in order to appease Jihadist terrorists, which only assures more horrible attacks in the future. We are all responsible for the loss of innocent lives, all of us who deny reality and hide behind political correctness.

Lawmakers Probe Lax Visa Enforcement and Terrorism Jim Kouri, CPP


The House of Representatives’ Homeland Security Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security, chaired by Rep. Candice Miller (R-MI), held a hearing entitled “From the 9/11 Hijackers to Amine el-Khalifi: Terrorists and the Visa Overstay Problem” last week, according to officials from the National Association of Chiefs of Police (NACOP).

“This important hearing examined the track record of the Department of Homeland Security to secure the U.S. borders through the passport and visa system. It also addressed the challenges U.S. law enforcement faces in identifying individuals who overstay their visas — specifically those individuals who entered the U.S. prior to implementation of post-9/11 reforms,” said a Michigan police commander, Maj. George Thompson.

According to a DOJ press statement released last month, a 29 year-old Moroccan man, Amine el-Khalifi, was arrested by FBI agents for plotting to detonate a bomb during a suicide attack on the U.S. Capitol Building. El-Khalifi entered the United States in 1999 on a tourist visa that expired later that year, but remained undetected in the United States illegally since that time.

“This hearing gives [committee] members the opportunity to examine how gaps and vulnerabilities in the visa and immigration system have been addressed in the 10 years since 9/11, and review what deficiencies in tracking visa overstays remain,” said Rep. Miller in a press statement.



The global atmosphere has been poisoned by an ocean of oily, bloody money that feeds those who incite anti-Jewish riots, promote divestments from Israel and spread blood libels under the guise of “objective journalism.”
Some academic careers are funded by those who believe Jews have no right to exist. Saudi Arabia spent one hundred billion dollars to spread Wahhabism in the West, the most anti-Semitic version of Islam (the Soviet Union during the Cold War invested much less for its propaganda).

Currently there are 17 federally-funded centers on American campuses devoted to Middle Eastern studies: All of these support pro-Islamist and anti-Israel ideas. Stephen Schwartz, director of the Center for Islamic Pluralism, just summarized these in a report for the Middle East Forum. Georgetown, the oldest Catholic university in the US, received 40 million dollars from the Saudis.



The recent killing of Trayvon Martin needs more investigation. But where’s the outrage over the daily scourge of black-on-black crime?

The shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida has sparked national outrage, with civil rights leaders from San Francisco to Baltimore leading protests calling for a new investigation and the arrest of the shooter.

But what about all the other young black murder victims? Nationally, nearly half of all murder victims are black. And the overwhelming majority of those black people are killed by other black people. Where is the march for them?

Where is the march against the drug dealers who prey on young black people? Where is the march against bad schools, with their 50% dropout rate for black teenaged boys? Those failed schools are certainly guilty of creating the shameful 40% unemployment rate for black teens.

The Rules of Outrage — Or Why the Trayvon Martin Tragedy Divides the Country: Victor Davis Hanson

From the Trayvon Martin Tragedy to a National Travesty Posted By Victor Davis Hanson

URL to article: http://pjmedia.com/victordavishanson/from-the-trayvon-martin-tragedy-to-a-national-travesty

Every year hundreds of Americans are shot and killed under controversial circumstances, where the evidence is incomplete and subject to dispute, often making impossible an immediate charge of murder or manslaughter, at least until further witnesses or information come forth.

We, the public, rarely, if ever, hear of such tragedies. These certainly are not national news items. What, then, made the Trayvon Martin shooting so different?

A few unpleasant facts were assumed that explain the subsequent protests—and the growing backlash against the protests. I think they run something like this, presented here without much editorial commentary.

1. If Trayvon Martin had been white, or George Zimmerman had been black, or had both been black or both white, there would have been no outrage: 94% of murdered blacks are killed by other blacks, to almost no national outcry. Just this past Friday in Florida, fourteen were gunned down (two killed) to silence (at a funeral parlor, no less), as the protestors of the single Martin fatality went ahead with further demonstrations.

Whites are far more likely to be murdered by blacks than vice versa, despite the latter comprising only 11-12% of the population — again to no national outcry. The distinction in this case was that Martin was black. Zimmerman was not. The rule in America is apparently that only rare white on black crime — not far more common black on black, or black on white, or white on white — is symbolic of larger pathologies, both past and present. In earlier decades of American history, the reverse was more likely true: black on white crime aroused public furor in a way white on white or black on black or white on black crime did not. That fact in time was accepted as clearly symptomatic of racial bias, but the inverse of that today is said not to be.


Robert Spencer, Bruce Thornton and Nonie Darwish on The Glazov Gang
by Jamie Glazov
Three modern-day freedom fighters discuss the Islamic war on free speech in America.



http://www.andrewbostom.org/blog/2012/04/01/egyptian-mb-presidential-candidate-indeed-islam-is-religion-and-state/ As noted yesterday, Dr. Khairat Al-Shater, Deputy Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), will be the popular, mainstream Egyptian Islamic party’s candidate for the Presidency, breaking the MB’s pledge not to seek this executive office, and assure itself a potential monopoly on state power. Despite being predictably measured and guarded, thus far, in his […]


Insight: In Sinai, militant Islam flourishes – quietly

NORTH SINAI, Egypt (Reuters) – The group of 50 young men who had blocked off access to a small international military base in the Sinai desert would say nothing of who they were but their appearance held a few clues.

Dressed in army fatigues and armed with AK-47s, they wore the long beards of the hardline Islamists who are increasingly a law unto themselves in this part of Egypt.

Quietly, barely noticed by outsiders fascinated by upheavals in Cairo and other Arab capitals, they are building a presence in Sinai that might offer a new haven for anti-Western militancy at the strategic junction of the Mediterranean, Africa and Asia.

When finally one of the men broke a silence that hung heavy on the barren plain, it was to explain to a reporter their demands: for the government to release five comrades jailed for bombings of tourist resorts in Sinai more than six years ago.

Sun, Apr 1 2012

“We are ready to die under tanks for this,” he said, refusing to give his name and saying little else beyond muttering Islamic mottos as he toured the positions the militants had established to surround the base, inconveniencing dozens of troops from the Multinational Observer Force, a unit set up in 1979 to monitor Egypt’s U.S.-brokered peace treaty with Israel.

Under a rare rainy sky on a Thursday night in March, the men would only speak with the permission of a man they simply referred to as “sheikh”. A wolf’s cry pierced the otherwise tranquil scene outside the remote base that is home to foreign peace observers including Fijians, Americans and Spaniards.


In 1987 the movie, Good Morning, Vietnam, was released, starring Robin Williams, whose character is an unorthodox and irreverent DJ (disc jockey), who begins to shake up things, when he is assigned to the US Armed Services Radio station in Vietnam. Each time I see there is a need to a shake things up I […]