According to Sharia law, if one’s father is Muslim, one automatically becomes Muslim. “Most of the Muslims I know (me included) can’t seem to accept that Obama is not a Muslim.” Many in the media are indignant with Reverend Franklin Graham, head of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Invited on “Morning Joe” last Tuesday […] “The organization was established in 1928 to re-establish the Caliphate destroyed by Ataurk [the founder if modern Turkey]…..With Allah’s help [the Muslim Brotherhood] will institute the law of Allah.” — Mohammed Shaker Sanar, Member of Muslim Brotherhood Parliament. Since the launch of Arab Spring, Obama’s administration has been supportive of the Arabs’ call for […]
Fox News’ Bret Baier reported the Hamza Kashgari story in brief on February 20, giving it little more three tweet’s worth of space (the amount of Kashgari’s “blasphemous” material):
Baier said:
Finally, a young Saudi blogger has been sent back to his homeland to face trial and possible execution triggered by comments he made on Twitter that were seen as blasphemous against the Prophet Mohammed.
The smooth passive voice eliminates state actors and state religion.
Hamza Kashgari has apologized for sending three tweets of a fictional conversation with the prophet Mohammed that quickly sparked thousands of angry responses and even death threats.
No official reaction from the Saudi government.
Gee, did they even have anything to do with it?
U.S. human rights groups have asked the State Department to intervene.
Kind of takes it out of Fox News’ hands. What a relief! That’s Saudi Conservative Media for you.
Now, for a liberal take on the story, courtesy Richard Cohen:
Keep your eye on Hamza Kashgari. He’s the 23-year-old former columnist for Saudi Arabia’s Al-Bilad newspaper who had the extremely bad judgment to tweet an imaginary conversation he was having with the Prophet Muhammad.
“Extremely bad judgment”? Love the casual concession to totalitarian Islam. What would Cohen say about Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago? I guess that was super-extremely mega-colossal bad judgment.
In almost no time, he was running for his life, hopping a plane in Jeddah and hoping to reach New Zealand. In Malaysia, where he apparently had to change planes, he was held incommunicado until a private plane arrived from Saudi Arabia. He’s now back home, in jail and possibly facing a death sentence.
Rather more detail that Bret Baier gave Fox viewers.,1518,druck-817092,00.html
Successful Chinese Emigrating to West in Droves
Despite their country’s stunning economic growth, many successful Chinese entrepreneurs are emigrating to the West. For them, the Chinese government is too arbitrary and unpredictable, and they view their children’s prospects as better in the West.
Though the room is already overcrowded, more listeners keep squeezing in, making it necessary to bring in additional chairs for the stragglers. Outside on the streets of Beijing, the usual Saturday afternoon shopping bustle is in full swing. But above the clamor, in the quiet of this elegant office high-rise, the audience is intent on listening to a man who can help them start a new life, one far away from China.
Li Zhaohui, 51, turns on the projector and photographs flicker across the screen behind him. Some show Li himself, head of one of China’s largest agencies for emigration visas, which has more than 100 employees. Other pictures show Li’s business partner in the United States. Still others show Chinese people living in an idyllic American suburb. Li has already successfully arranged for these people to leave the People’s Republic of China. Loony Left: the Sean Penn edition 1. SEAN PENS HIS CASE FOR LAS MALVINAS Sean Penn, self-styled defender of civil liberties, once wrote an open letter to George W. Bush criticising his ‘simplistic and inflammatory view of good and evil’. It seems that he’s now taken a hiatus from his role as philosopher-at-large. Or […] Politically correct ways to wipe your bottom? Indoctrination of two-year olds? Only in the Guardian The Left does not have a monopoly on self-delusion but Guardian readers have a pretty big share of the market Oh dear. When the Guardian runs an op-ed headlined: “My baby’s not a Christian or a Muslim. She’s a Guardian […],0,3701177.story
Skulduggery undermines the case for global warming
Earlier this month, the Internet lit up with a tantalizing whodunit. Someone had leaked to bloggers confidential internal fundraising and strategic documents from the Heartland Institute, a Chicago-based think-tank that questions global warming orthodoxy.
The apparent goal: to discredit and embarrass those who raise doubts about the science behind climate change.
Heartland officials cried foul, asserting that at least one of the documents was forged. They vowed to track down the leaker and pursue charges.
This week, Peter Gleick saved them the trouble of a search. He confessed that he had assumed a false identity to obtain some of the documents and then leaked them. That sounded plausible: Heartland had said last week that someone got the documents by calling its Chicago headquarters and posing as a Heartland board member seeking information, the Tribune reported.
So who is Gleick? Some anonymous cyberhacker with a grudge against climate skeptics? Not quite. Gleick is a prominent environmental activist, head of the Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment and Security in Oakland, Calif. He’s also a former MacArthur Foundation “genius grant” recipient, and … chair of the American Geophysical Union’s Task Force on Scientific Ethics. Many keyboards have been worn down in the churning out of learned commentary, pro and con, regarding the fiscal redistributionist policies of socialist-leaning governments. Those who favor the averaging out of national income and the sharing of global reserves point to the presumably “growing gap” between rich and poor that needs somehow to be […] Every February 21, a little-known observance occurs: International Mother Language Day. Created in 2000 to promote and encourage the diversity of language, this benign and idealistic-sounding commemoration actually marks a bloody day in 1952 when an Islamic minority shot and killed university students protesting the imposition of an Islamic language, Urdu, on a Bengali-speaking […]
With gasoline prices spiking, a presidential election looming in the fall, and recent failures at reaching sweeping global agreements on environmental policy, the Obama Administration is heading into this summer’s Rio + 20 Conference on Sustainable Development with modest goals, looking for areas of broad agreement and civic engagement that can be touted as populist environmental progress.
“We consider it an aspirational meeting,” a U.S. State Department spokesman told Fox News.
“This is a good, positive meeting,” in which “we go forward in as pragmatic a way as possible.”
The apparent aim is to turn the June Rio + 20 Conference –a nostalgic reference to the last environmental summit Rio de Janeiro hosted in 1992– into a festival of global greenness, in order to create the widest possible sense of participation around the planet. In short, something like a global Green Woodstock, this time enhanced on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
Nevertheless, the long-term goal of Rio + 20 remains the same: to push the world as fast as possible toward a drastic reordering of social, economic and industrial policies, reorganize global distribution of food and water supplies, and engage in mammoth international financing exercises and new exercises in “global governance” to make the whole scheme work.