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Ruth King



Guessing how the Supreme Court will decide a case, based on the questions the justices ask of the lawyers, is a fool’s game. That’s why pundits can’t resist playing it.

Rarely has a case before the court attracted so much attention as this week’s arguments about Barack Obama’s health-care scheme. Everybody is studying transcripts and accounts of which judge wiggled his eyebrows at whose lawyers, looking for hints, allusions, implications and insinuations, like Las Vegas oddsmakers searching for inside dope from the training camps on the eve of the Super Bowl.


To Attack The Mullahs — on The Glazov Gang
by Jamie Glazov
Three distinguished guests battle it out on what America and Israel must do about Iran’s quest for the bomb.


This week’s Glazov Gang involved a heated discussion over what to do about Iran. Our guests were Rob Nelson, former Fox News talk show host, Doris Montrose, President of Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors and Mark Tapson, Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Below are all three parts of the three part series. Part I involved a verbal brawl about the true nature of Islam, Part II witnessed a heated standoff on Islam and what to do about Iran, and Part III focused on predictions on the Republican presidential race and the 2012 election.



“With their own earthy good-sense commoners throughout Israel’s South recognize that the best defense is offense and that good offense isn’t shelling vacant lots, eliminating the odd miscreant, and generally trying not to get IDF hands too dirty, so as not to offend sanctimonious European sensibilities.”

They know that the only way to defend is to win and that you win by breaking the enemy’s spirit and will to fight.

Rare are the violent clashes from which all sides emerge positively cheery. But the latest exchange of fire with Gaza was just such an atypical conflict. When the smoke cleared, both combatants came away upbeat and sure their respective enemy was taught a painful lesson.

We are near-giddy with gladness over the technological wonders of our Iron Dome anti-missile missiles, while the Gazans are hoarse with victory whoops because they managed to fire off as many rockets as they did. We effusively congratulate ourselves because no major catastrophes were wrought on our side of the border. Nevertheless, the Gazans know that had we truly won, they wouldn’t be left standing and able to spark another conflagration at another time.

What does all the sound and fury signify in real terms? Most likely that no lessons at all were taught, that no one was punished and that in all probability we once more critically misread the signs. It’s as if somewhere along the line we’ve managed to lose sight of what constitutes triumph in our peculiar immediate environment. According to Mideastern conventions, the absence of incontrovertibly humiliating vanquishment denotes a degree of victory.

This local logic mustn’t be dismissed out of hand.



“Victims of violent crime, both black and white, abound. Their undeserved suffering and grief are things that everyone wants to prevent. In the Trayvon Martin case, what also hurts is the cold, political calculation to divide us as a nation for nefarious ends. What hurts in the Bob and Nancy Strait case is the silence.

For the record, President Obama has not mentioned that Nancy Strait looks like his grandmother.”

Is there any interest in discovering the facts about the killing of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman? Facts, after all, can undermine ideology. They have the power to dispel fantasy. They can put the brakes on error. They lead, sometimes, to logical conclusions. All of which means, in this particular case, that when the facts come out, they might well undermine “the cause.”

We simply don’t know all of the facts yet. We can say with certainty, however, that the cause is not justice, no matter what the protesters, agitators and officials say. The cause is not truth, either. The cause is social strife, division, leverage, power and — you never know — violence and revolution, all of it drawn and driven by an outrage-stoked engine of racial grievance.


“If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy.”

Tomorrow there is a jihad march on Jerusalem. Can it be stopped at the gates of Israel’s ancient capital?

Have we Jews lost the cunning of the right hand and only the left hand prevails? Do our tongues cleave to the roof of our mouths when this event calls for shouts and warnings?


Rubio endorses Mitt — a ‘clear alternative’ to Obama
Fox News
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Rubio endorses Mitt — a ‘clear alternative’ to Obama
Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., endorsed Mitt Romney for president Wednesday night on Fox News’ “Hannity,” saying Romney offers “a very clear alternative” to President Obama’s vision for the future of the country. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz1qVAE2U00
U.S. troops set up rules to cope with rogue Afghans
U.S. military commanders in Afghanis…
Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz1qVAR06BG
Rampant unemployment stirs Saudi Arabian unrest
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Rampant unemployment stirs Saudi Arabian unrest
More than 1 million Saudi Arabians are now receiving unemployment benefits, the labor ministry said on Wednesday, underlining a source of potential discontent that the rulers of the world’s top oil exporter are keen to contain. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz1qVAcWHGx



The Trayvon Martin case is a wholly familiar one to residents of any major urban city. If you live in Chicago, New York or Los Angeles, then it’s only a matter of time until an incident between a law enforcement officer, or more rarely a civilian defending himself, and a member of a minority group flares up into a citywide grievance theater complete with angry reverends on the steps of City Hall, women with stony faces holding up banners calling for justice and a media driven debate about police tactics and racism.

This sort of thing happens with depressing regularity in cities where even the most liberal residents have to choose between police overreach and being murdered. It never leads to meaningful debate or a resolution, instead it peters out with the best actors in the grievance theater picking up money and influence, the media selling a few more papers or ads for nasal polyp relief on the drive time news and everything going back to the way it was.

The grievance theater is never really about the specific case, the specific shooting, it’s about the links between the social problems of the black community, the compromises of civil liberties necessary to keep entire cities from turning into Detroit and the inability of the media to address the sources of crime as anything but the phantoms of white racism. It’s about a black leadership that is more interested in posturing as angry activists and shaking loose some money, than in healing their own community’s problems. And so the same story repeats itself again and again without an honest dialogue or anything meaningful coming out of it.


Iran and Hamas’ Genocidal Fellow Travelers

URL to article: http://frontpagemag.com/2012/03/29/iran-and-hamas%e2%80%99-genocidal-fellow-travelers/

In the spring of 1948, Arab Muslim armies and militias invaded the Jewish State in order to destroy it. Now after the Arab Spring yielded an Islamic Winter, efforts are being made to focus this spring on a renewed assault on Israel.

The Global March to Jerusalem is being billed as a peaceful march, but in reality it’s a Muslim crusade calling for the ethnic cleansing of a Jewish city and a number of its organizers have Hamas ties and have made genocidal statements about the Jews.

Tipping its hand is the logo of the Global March which encompasses all of Israel from Kiryat Shmona in the north all the way down to Eilat in the south, making it quite clear that this isn’t just about one city; it’s about all of them and all the land around them. It’s about the complete destruction of Israel.


The Global March to Jerusalem URL to article: http://frontpagemag.com/2012/03/28/the-global-march-to-jerusalem/ Once again, Israel is confronted by a major threat to its existence, namely, the so-called Global March to Jerusalem (GMJ) scheduled for March 30th. It is organized by the usual suspects—the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, the swelling tribe of Ayatollah lovers, the devil’s spawn of radical Leftists—whose […]


The Crisis of Jewish Leftist Islamism URL to article: http://frontpagemag.com/2012/03/28/the-crisis-of-jewish-leftist-islamism/ Every now and then the left discovers someone who tells them what they already think, but puts a glossier edge on it, and elevates him to the status of “Serious Thinker.” This is the office for which Peter Beinart has been briefly nominated. The chief […]