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Ruth King

The End Of Title 42 Caps The Worst Year For Illegal Immigration In U.S. History By: John Daniel Davidson


The Biden administration has no plan for what to do beginning next week when it loses the ability to quickly expel illegal immigrants.

As the year winds down, the border is about to break wide open. In less than a week, the Biden administration’s last remaining tool to control illegal immigration, left over from the Trump administration, will be taken away.

Title 42, the public-health order invoked by President Trump during the pandemic that allowed immigration officials to quickly expel most migrants caught crossing the border illegally, will end on Dec. 21 by order of a federal judge.

Once Title 42 is gone, federal agencies at the border will have no choice but to process and release nearly every illegal border-crosser. It will represent a full return to the Obama-era “catch-and-release” policy. Border Patrol estimates they could see as many as 14,000 arrests per day in the coming weeks, which would totally overwhelm the border.

For migrants, there is now every incentive to do just that. Word of Title 42’s demise has almost certainly reached migrants in Mexico already, who now know that if they cross the Rio Grande, they will be allowed to remain in the United States, with work authorization, for years while they await the outcome of an asylum hearing.

Largest Illegal Alien Caravan Yet Crosses the Border into El Paso By Eric Lendrum


On Sunday, a new caravan of illegal aliens that might be the largest in modern history crossed the Rio Grande River from Mexico into El Paso, Texas.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, the caravan of over 1,000 illegals crossed the river into the United states with the assistance of Mexican police; images from the scene showed Mexican authorities “escorting nearly 20 buses filled with migrants into Ciudad Juarez,” which is directly across the border from the city of El Paso.

The caravan, described by the Daily Mail as “the largest in history,” has already led to illegals “filling up the city’s shelters and hotels and straining its services.” Although the Mayor of El Paso has repeatedly and publicly pleaded with the federal government to provide assistance to the city, White House officials instead pressured the mayor to simply cover up the crisis, according to reports back in October.

The crossing took place just nine days before the federal policy known as Title 42 is set to officially expire. Title 42 was implemented during the Trump Administration, citing the COVID-19 pandemic to declare mass immigration a public health crisis and thus using even greater authority to effectively shut down both legal and illegal immigration.

Although President Donald Trump used it to reduce immigration levels to nearly zero percent in 2020, Joe Biden has refused to enforce the policy since taking power and has repeatedly sought to end it. After the Biden Administration took steps to end Title 42 earlier this year, a federal judge ultimately ruled that the policy must come to an end, although several Republican-led states are challenging the decision.

Two Antithetical Billionaires The hatred of the accomplished Musk and the worship of the hollow man Bankman-Fried are sad commentaries on how liberalism has descended into progressivism and ultimately into Stalinism. By Victor Davis Hanson


Before the midterm November elections, Sam Bankman-Fried was a left-wing billionaire heartthrob. 

He properly grew up on the Stanford campus, where his parents were well-known left-wing activist law professors. He went to a tony prep school and on to MIT. 

Bankman-Fried mocked society’s bourgeois capitalist conventions by dressing and looking like a slob in cut-offs and T-shirts. 

Indeed, he bested the nose-ring, Charles Manson-esque appearance of former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. He outdid the all-black, Steve Jobs copy-cat get-up of another fallen leftist icon, the now-convicted felon Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos infamy.

The Left canonized Bankman-Fried for the hundreds of millions of dollars he created out of thin air and channeled to left-wing congressional and state candidates, Joe Biden, and a host of “progressive” causes under the cool slogan “effective altruism.” 

For decades hence—or so Bankman-Fried promised—his cryptocurrency company FTX would churn out billions. Its politically correct gifting won exemptions from the Federal Trade Commission, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and Democratic-controlled congressional oversight committees.

The loud-talking, left-wing slob promised billions of dollars more in gifts to come. He was knighted as the successor to the kindred financial market manipulator and progressive “philanthropist” George Soros. 

SBF may have been a sloppy, immature fool, but he was no dummy. 

He had learned early on that loud leftist talk, big promises of philanthropy, and huge cash infusions to the media and leftist candidates—all under the veneer of “effective altruism”— ensured de facto immunity for his Ponzi schemes from both bad press and government investigation. 

Then, suddenly, the midterms were over. Powerful financial interests were screaming their millions had vanished at the hands of SBF. 

The Republicans took the House. They promised embarrassing hearings, with Bankman-Fried the loose-talking star villain. And so—presto!—he was finally indicted by the Biden Department of Justice. 

Bankman-Fried, in desperation one last time, had turned to his old props of raggedy dress, nerd talk, and contrived naivete.

His schtick no longer worked. Too many leftists were embarrassed that they got too much money from him. Too many exposed “regulators” had known what this wannabe Madoff character was up to before the midterms. 

The Night the Lights Went Out in Europe A continent transforms into a third-world banana republic by Stephen Moore


Politico Europe, a publication marinated in green politics, has named Russian President Vladimir Putin as one of its “power players of the year” — for, in the publication’s words, “advancing Europe’s green agenda.”

“By invading Ukraine and manipulating energy supplies to undermine European support for Kyiv, Putin has achieved something generations of green campaigners could not — clean energy is now a fundamental matter of European security,” the news outlet explained approvingly.

It went on to note that Putin “invaded Ukraine after the EU had spent two years laying the foundations of its Green Deal program for zeroing out emissions by 2050. That meant the policy machinery for a total remake of the European energy economy was already moving. All it needed was a nudge.”

You would have to be pretty severely afflicted with Climate Change Derangement Syndrome to celebrate a silver lining in Putin’s murderous attack on Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Europe has sprinted so far ahead of the United States in its quest to end the use of fossil fuels that many U.S. politicians, environmentalists and media voices look on with envy.

But how is Europe’s Green New Deal going now that Putin has given it “a nudge”?

CUNY Continues its Anti-Semitic Campaign to Purge Zionism from the School Disrupting a panel discussion was activists’ latest tactic. by Richard L. Cravatts


As if to confirm its reputation of being an institution stewing in radical anti-Zionism, anti-Israelism, and, often, anti-Semitism, members of CUNY4Palestine and other activists did their best to disrupt and shut down a December 8th panel discussion titled “A Conversation on the Language of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” held at CUNY’s Graduate Center.

The panelists, Miriam Elman, Executive Director of Academic Engagement Network (AEN); Donna Robinson Divine, Professor of Jewish Studies at Smith College; and Dr. Asaf Romirowsky, Executive Director of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME), were speaking about how the language used by students and faculty in discussing the Israeli/Palestinian conflict has been contorted, redefined, and weaponized as part of the cognitive war against Israel.

The panelists were building upon a theory they had substantively explored, along with several other academics, in a special issue of the journal Israel Studies entitled, “Word Crimes: Reclaiming The Language of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.”

No sooner had the panel discussion kicked off, CUNY’s own brownshirts started screaming and chanting at the panelists while, without any irony, they held placards using some of the very words that were examined in the journal, among them, “apartheid,” colonialism,” “settlers,” and “occupation.”

The Most Dangerous President in American History A new book highlights the ways Biden is putting us at risk. by Mark Tapson


Prior to Joe Biden’s ascension to the White House in early 2021, it would have been difficult for many American patriots to believe that a worse president than Jimmy Carter or Barack Obama could sit in the Oval Office. Then Biden wasted no time proving those patriots wrong. From Day One he has been such an unmitigated disaster for the country that only 19% of Americans said in a poll last Sunday that they want Biden to run again in 2024. A July poll revealed that only 13% of Americans believe the country is on the right track. Apparently few believe that Biden is building back better, much less making America great again.

His incompetence (or conversely, his competence in carrying out a destructive agenda) has done more than just bring the country to the brink of a failed state after only half a term, though; it also has endangered Americans in many ways, and its legacy will continue to do so for generations. Indeed, bestselling author Nick Adams, in his new book from Post Hill Press, labels Joe Biden The Most Dangerous President in History.

Election-Fraud Corruption Is Deeper than Anyone Can Imagine By Jack Gleason


Multiple polls conclude that upwards of 70 percent of Americans think our elections are filled with fraud.  But we’re learning it’s deeper and more organized than just a few thousand mules dropping fake ballots into election boxes.

The corruption involves both political parties.  Big Tech manipulates search engine results, and takes down “dangerous” websites.  With Elon Musk’s revelations, we now see that our own FBI is working actively with Twitter to censor conservatives and silence dissenting speech.  It’s next to certain that Twitter wasn’t the only social media giant the FBI was giving orders to.  And the mainstream media are all in on ridiculing, dismissing, or attacking people willing to speak out.

Anyone who floats the idea that the Republican red wave disappeared because of poor GOP tactics, or inadequate candidates, is either stupid or part of this conspiracy.  In fact, it’s an excellent “RINO detector”!

Any “conservative” news organization that is not focusing 100 percent on the corruption that has been unearthed in Maricopa County is complicit.

The left and their RINO allies, along with who-knows-how-many other corporate and foreign actors, have set up the most complicated electoral fraud system in history.  Every step of the voting process — from who is allowed to vote, how they vote, how the votes are tallied, to how the results are reported — is compromised.  They are so far into their corruption that being exposed is not an option.  They will do literally anything to avoid being caught.

A good place to start is with the voter rolls.

  Must Read: The inaugural Knesset speech of MK Moshe Solomon


Thanks to Victor Sharpe for this inspiring story….rsk

Inspiring words of Ethiopia-born MK Moshe Solomon (Rel.Zionist Party): ‘The boy who was once a shepherd is today in the Knesset of Israel.’

By MK Moshe Mousia Solomon   

Honored Prime Minister, Honored Knesset Ministers, My friends, Members of the Knesset

I, Moses Mousia Solomon, son of the late Zlalo Shimon z”l and Asgadesh, may she be granted long life, stand here before you, filled with emotion, addressing you from this august site.

Before my eyes float images, life memories, not mine alone, but generation after generation of the people of my community, of the members of my family who dreamed of reaching the Land of Israel and Jerusalem. I stand here today, proud to realize their dream, but fully aware that the journey is not over, and that in many ways, it has just begun.

I do not know for certain on what day I was born, and I was not given a name at my circumcision. “A man’s name contains the secret of his life, its essence,” my father explained to me years later, “and can we look at a newborn infant and know his essence?” My father observed me for a long time, saw my traits, my personality and hopes, until one night he declared: “Mousia, you name will be Mousia.”

The young boy who was once a shepherd in Shira, Ethiopia, stands here today in the Knesset of Israel, one of the 120 members of the Great Assembly of our time. The child who trekked for more than a month from Ethiopia to Sudan, the refugee who waited three years to reach his longed-for land – this young boy is now an elected Member of Knesset in the Land of Israel, the land of the Jewish people.

I remember how during the journey through the deserts of Sudan, after days without rain, when we were on the verge of collapse from lack of water, Divine Providence brought us to the Tekeze River. I remember how our great thirst met a river of flowing water, the hundreds of people slaking that thirst, and their desire to continue drinking more and more. As King David wrote in the Book of Psalms: “My soul thirsts for you, my flesh longs for you, in dry and desiccated lands, weary and without water.”

I stand here in Israel’s Knesset – and have the right to formulate the laws of this state, the way of life of its citizens, life itself. I am filled with thirst – ideas, hopes, plans – all filling my head with the thought of parliamentary activity in this house. I wish myself – and you – for this activity to be blessed.

Jack Dorsey Accepts ‘Blame’ for Twitter Scandals By Matt Margolis


Jack Dorsey, the co-founder of Twitter, admits he “totally gave up” fighting back against prominent activists in the company and takes full responsibility for the social media platform’s many failures that have been exposed in the ongoing release of the Twitter Files.

“I’ll start with the principles I’ve come to believe…based on everything I’ve learned and experienced through my past actions as a Twitter co-founder and lead,” Dorsey began. “1. Social media must be resilient to corporate and government control. 2. Only the original author may remove content they produce. 3. Moderation is best implemented by algorithmic choice.”

“The Twitter when I led it and the Twitter of today do not meet any of these principles,” he conceded. “This is my fault alone, as I completely gave up pushing for them when an activist entered our stock in 2020. I no longer had hope of achieving any of it as a public company with no defense mechanisms (lack of dual-class shares being a key one). I planned my exit at that moment knowing I was no longer right for the company.”

Dorsey condemned the “dangerous” insults on his “former colleagues” in his screed.

The Real-Life Matrix: ‘EctoLife’ Artificial Womb Facility to Engineer, Grow Babies in ‘Factory’ by Catherine Salgado


If you thought the millions of plastic pods artificially “growing” human babies in The Matrix were creepy, wait until you see the animation of “EctoLife,” set to be the world’s first artificial womb facility. A recent video posted online by its inventor, Hashem Al-Ghaili, enthusiastically described a facility where tens of thousands of babies could be engineered and gestated in artificial “wombs” with constant monitoring to check for biological defects and growth. EctoLife claims it will engineer the most “viable and genetically superior embryo” as it is “reinventing evolution,” producing up to “30,000 lab-grown babies per year.”

As EctoLife asserted, “Our goal is to provide you with an intelligent offspring that truly reflects your smart choices.” Because eugenics led to such wonderful results in the 20th century!

Remember how leftists have been telling us for years, and continue to tell us, that we’re overpopulating the earth? EctoLife’s ad explicitly said it is “designed to help countries that are suffering from severe population decline”—something that most of the world is suffering from, including America, by the way. Turns out that forgoing reproducing to pursue high-powered careers, luxury vacations, and an end to “climate change” was not such a bright idea. The solution is not being to have babies the way God intended, of course, but to engineer and grow them in fake wombs. That way, “artificial intelligence” (AI) can monitor your baby for “genetic abnormalities” (it’s unclear what would happen to babies who turn out to be supposedly imperfect).