It’s time to take a look at the BDS (boycott, divestment, sanction) speakers and their credentials. BDS Campaign National Committee
The Palestinian Civil Society Call for BDS was launched in July, 2005, with a staggering 170+ Palestinian organizations representing themselves as refugees in exile, living under occupation, and subjugated citizens in Israel. The campaign is based on the Palestinian narrative that Israel has gone against international law and the truths of Israel’s universal suffrage, social services without discrimination, and free press beyond what other stable democracies tolerate are dismissed. The Muslim and self-hating Jewish students are Sharia-compliant and willing to abandon democracy. The following are some of the regular BDS speakers.
Badil, (campaignnationalcommittee) hosted the first Palestine BDS Conference in Ramallah, November 2007, out of which emerged the BDS National Committee (BNC) to coordinate the international campaign. BDS has an unparalleled organization of boycott worldwide. The website delineates the Palestinian victimhood and formulates strategies and programs of action worldwide aimed at destroying Israel’s industry and commerce. .