Sharia creep at the LSE Posted By Roger Kimball
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Ah, the venerable London School of Economics. According to its web site [1], the elite social science institute was “set up to improve society and to ‘understand the causes of things.’” The LSE, continued the bulletin, “has always put engagement with the wider world at the heart of its mission.” What better way to accomplish that than by censoring free expression about sensitive topics? Here we have it, folks: an institution that prides itself on being on the cutting edge of all things modern — and devoted, what’s more, to understanding n”the causes of things — resurrects that icon of medievalism: a law against blasphemy!
Don’t believe me? Check it out here: “The London School of Economics [LSE] Student Union has passed a motion [2] effectively making it impossible for students on campus to criticize Islam.”
Ouch. Remember the Danish cartoon saga? Cartoonists lampoon Muhammed, Islamists go wild, burn embassies, kill a few score infidels, and generally exhibit the extreme anti-social behavior that has made Islam synonymous with insanity wherever reason prevails. The LSE’s bargain with the barbarians was also provoked by a cartoon, though I suspect just about anything less than total acquiescence might have set the, off. A touchy, thin-skinned bunch, these followers of the “religion of peace.”