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Ruth King

The making of a Palestinian martyr By Ruthie Blum


 For the powers-that-be in the Palestinian Authority, the death on Sunday night of 16-year-old Jana Zakarneh couldn’t have come at a better time, mere hours before the arrival in the region of U.N. Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict Virginia Gamba.

Gamba kicked off her visit, a fact-finding mission to garner fodder for her annual report on harm to kids in the Israeli-Palestinian “conflict,” in Ramallah. According to the Wafa news agency, her first meeting was with P.A. Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Minister Riyad al-Maliki, who presented her with detailed documentation of “Israel’s systematic and deliberate crimes against Palestinian children,” including “killing and maiming, targeting of schools and hospitals, sexual assaults, kidnapping and denying access to humanitarian and medical aid.”

It must have been music to Gamba’s ears. In the guise of neutrality, however, she will convene with and hear Jerusalem’s version of events (in other words, the truth): that Israel is in a defensive war against terrorists and goes out of its way to avoid civilian casualties, often to the point of imperiling its own troops.

But the deck of the international body, as always, is stacked against Israel, regardless of the reality on the ground. Zakarneh’s death is but a case in point. Incidents such as the killing of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, who was caught in a crossfire between the IDF and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists on May 11, are rare. In fact, considering the cynical use by terrorists of non-combatants as human shields, it’s a miracle not more of them are killed.

Furthermore, Zakarneh’s presence next to an armed terrorist during a firefight with the Israeli military raises serious questions about her degree of involvement. Initial investigations indicate, for instance, that she regularly served as a photographer for gunmen in her neighborhood. And cellphone footage from her camera isn’t the only evidence.

4 Mind-Boggling Technology Advances In Store For 2023 Chuck Brooks


2022 was a transformative year for technological innovation and digital transformation. The trend will continue as the pace of innovation and development of potentially disruptive emerging technologies exponentially increases every year. The question arises, what lies ahead for tech for us to learn and experience in 2023?
While there are many impactful tech topics such as the Internet of Things, 5G, Space, Genomics, Synthetic Biology, Automation, Augmented Reality, and others, there are four tech areas to keep a keen watch on this coming year as they have promising and near-term capabilities to transform lives. They include: 1) artificial intelligence, 2) computing technologies, 3) robotics, and 4) materials science.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Since the HAL2000 computer and producer Stanley Kubrick provided a glimpse of AI’s independent (although nefarious) capability to independently think in the epic movie, 2001 A Space Odessey, we have been eagerly waiting for the emergence of artificial intelligence. We are now on the cusp of AI emergence and AI is no longer just found in science fiction movies. Elements that compose AI consist of machine learning, and natural language processing and are now a daily part of our lives. Today, AI can understand, diagnose, and solve problems — in some cases without being specifically programmed.
The focus and challenges of artificial intelligence are clear cut. AI systems seek to replicate human traits and computational capabilities in a machine, and surpass human limitations and speed. It is already happening. Artificial synapses that mimic the human brain will likely direct the next generation of computing. The components may differ, it may be analog or digital, and it may be based on transistors, chemicals, biological, photonics, or possibly quantum components.
Computers with AI have been predominantly designed for automation activities that include memory emulation, speech recognition, learning, planning, and problem solving.

Now What? Let’s hope House Republicans can catch a really potent case of the courage Elon Musk is demonstrating in exposing the collusion between Big Tech and the deep state—and soon. By Julie Kelly


The release of the Twitter Files, for the most part, confirms what Donald Trump and his supporters knew in 2020. Big Tech drastically suppressed information damaging to Joe Biden—his son’s overseas financial dealings and the Democratic Party’s plans to ensure Biden’s victory with an unprecedented flood of mail-in ballots—before Election Day.

The series of posts by independent journalists Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger, and Bari Weiss reveal internal communications between top executives as they contorted company policy on the fly to accommodate the Democrats’ political motives. Taibbi kicked off the party on December 2 with a series of tweets detailing how Twitter banned the New York Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop and continued to defend the move even after some company honchos admitted it was indefensible. “By this point ‘everyone knew this was fucked,’ said one former employee, but the response was essentially to err on the side of . . . continuing to err,” Taibbi wrote while posting screenshots of chat messages between decision-makers.

Weiss followed up by outlining Twitter’s shadow banning—a practice that former CEO Jack Dorsey repeatedly denied—aimed at conservative influencers such as Dan Bongino and Charlie Kirk in 2020. This built up to a fever pitch that climaxed on January 6, 2021, when a four-hour disturbance finally gave Twitter and other social media behemoths the excuse they had been hoping for to fulfill Big Tech’s dream of permanently deplatforming the president. “The bulk of the internal debate leading to Trump’s ban took place in those three January days,” Taibbi explained, referring to January 6, 7, and 8, the day Trump was banned. “However, the intellectual framework was laid in the months preceding the Capitol riots.” The pressure campaign to boot Trump, Shellenberger further disclosed, came from both internal and external forces including “Former First Lady @michelleobama , tech journalist @karaswisher , @ADL , high-tech VC @ChrisSacca.”

Half-Naked Drag Queen Teaches Kid to Twerk in NYC as Parents Watch Calmly By Catherine Salgado


Here’s your daily reminder that radical leftists are living in a different universe: a video has surfaced of a drag queen shaking his almost-naked behind in kids’ faces, teaching a young girl to twerk as parents placidly watched, some of them smiling, at a recent New York City “all-ages” drag show. What is wrong with American parents?

Libs of TikTok shared the disturbing video clip on Twitter:

The effort to sexualize and pervert children as young as possible continues at a roaring rate. American Girl has a book now encouraging puberty blockers and transgenderism for little girls, even as a recent New York Times report revealed the serious long-term side effects of puberty blockers on kids. A new study just showed that there is a “surge” in irreversible “transgender” surgeries for teenaged girls soon after de-transitioner Chloe Cole said she would be suing the medical professionals who performed the girl’s double mastectomy when she was still a minor. And Project Veritas released a video on Dec. 7 of the dean of students at an elite Chicago private school boasting about how he had an LGBTQ+ “Health Center” come in and teach his underaged students about “queer sex” and other perversions.

Democrat Party leadership supports all this insanity, too — for instance, Joe Biden called restrictions on transgender “treatments” for children “immoral,” and Gov. Laura Kelly (D-Kansas) used taxpayer dollars to fund “an all-ages Halloween drag show,” according to Breitbart.

There is an all-out culture war specifically targeting children as Democrats try to make perversion the norm.

People of the Lie By David Solway


In several previous articles, I addressed what I believe to be the crucial issue of our time, namely, the institutionalization of the lie in culture and politics. The situation shows no sign of abating and indeed grows more alarming with every passing day. The integrity of the information we receive about domestic and world affairs has been degraded almost beyond recognition. Reality has been denatured. For the Lie has become a systemic and indelible part of public and institutional life. The dilemma we now confront, as D. Stephen Long points out in an important book dealing with the relation between relativism and authoritarianism, is speaking truth in a post-truth world.

But the problem goes further than relativism; rather, it involves a substitution of absolutes, of an assumed truth for a genuine truth, replacing objective fact and data with a new paradigm of subterfuge, fable, and casuistry under the rubric of “truth.” When lying acquires something like constitutional status, it becomes a phenomenon so deep it can be described, adopting the popular saying, as “turtles all the way down,” now the title of an indispensable new book on vaccine science and myth, which reveals “how ineffectively and dishonestly the COVID pandemic was handled.”

In fact, a climate of fraud and deception is now omnipresent in all walks of life and endeavor, personal and professional. As Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben writes in The Mystery of Evil, power and institutions are delegitimated today “because the powers have lost all awareness of their legitimacy,” which is why “illegality is so diffuse and generalized.” In other words, lying has assumed the authority of law.

The “People of the Lie,” in psychiatrist M. Scott Peck’s telling phrase, are now everywhere to be found, inhabiting what we might call the “moral infrastructure” of our era. They comprise not only the elite or parasite class in the corridors of both elected and non-elected officialdom, the federal agencies, the administrative bureaucracies, the corporate world, academia, the medical and pseudo-scientific professions, the suborned media, the diverse nonprofits and aspiring Technates like the World Economic Forum, the radical feminist sorority, “Global Warming” propagandists, much of the judiciary that labors to pervert and annul prosecutorial ethics and legal obligations in our courts, but also the vast body of ordinary citizens whose lives and everyday practices have been infected by the virus of the Lie.

This is what kids are learning nowadays… By Anthony Gonzalez


Anthony Gonzalez is a student in high school.

There was a time in America when schools did the job they were supposed to do.

“Transgenderism” indoctrination did not exist. Schools made sure to prepare the future generation to succeed in the real world.

However, that has now changed. Flash forward to the twenty-first century, and you will find that kids are learning about “drag queens” as well as the idea that men can be women and women can be men.

These people are sick! This societal corruption is psychologically, and at times, physically, hurting our children.

This is what Democrats want for your children. Think about that.

Project Veritas recently went undercover to expose this horrible ideology being taught in schools.

Veritas found that Joseph Bruno, a dean at a private school in Chicago, was publicly bragging about the fact that his students were learning about passing around sex toys and noticing the differences between lubes and spit.

Bruno concluded, “That’s a really cool part of my job.” 

Really? Folks, this is not normal, nor should it be acceptable societal behavior. This is truly an ignominy that no one should support. The idea that children are being taught a very gruesome sexual ideology is abhorrent.

The Commercial Impacts of COVID Will Last for Years By John Green


Have you noticed that things have changed in our country over the last three years?

In 2019, my truck broke down.  I got it into the shop the next day to be fixed.  In 2022, I needed a mechanic to service the brakes on one of our cars.  It took three weeks to get the car into a garage.

We also had a fender-bender this year.  It took two months to get an appointment for an estimate — not even to get someone to actually fix the damage.  The insurance adjuster just sighed and said that was pretty normal these days.  I halfway expected him to ask who John Galt is.

In 2019, we could go to the local diner and get a good meal with good service.  In 2022, the service at the same diner is slow because of limited staff.  Three quarters of the menu items aren’t available because food deliveries are weeks overdue.

Those are minor annoyances.  Things get a bit more serious when we look at the medical industry.  In 2019, I needed a new general practitioner (G.P.).  I got in to see one almost immediately.  In 2022, my wife needed a new G.P.  Most weren’t accepting new patients, and the doctor who was had a four-month waiting list to get an appointment.

Even worse, I found myself in the E.R. with a heart condition this summer.  The E.R. doctor referred me to a cardiologist.  It took two months to get an appointment to see him and another six months to get on the surgical schedule for the procedure I needed.

Are you noticing a pattern?  Prior to COVID, everything worked.  After COVID, every industry is struggling to meet customer needs.  Businesses have people waiting in line to give them money but are unable to provide the services those customers want to buy.  Don’t they want the money?

Everybody’s familiar with the problems the airline industry experienced in 2022.  Flight cancelations and delays have been commonplace — not because of weather or mechanical issues, but due to a lack of flight crews.

Minnesota: Hamas-Linked CAIR Comes Out in Favor of Racism in Education Grants Another example of a “civil rights” group exploiting news to push its brand. by Larry Estavan


The deputy director of the Minnesota chapter of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Mohamed Ibrahim, insinuates that the discussion by the Faribault School Board on whether or not to refuse a grant is based in racism.

Just because CAIR came to the meetings, it gets its brand displayed on the broadcast and is treated as if it has something of value to offer.

This is a teachable moment for all of us that we need to be vigilant about these attempts to really defund BIPOC [Black, Indigenous and other People of Color].

There are no “attempts” or need to be “vigilant” about the board meeting depriving BIPOCs of an education. They are questioning a poorly written piece of legislation.

Minnesota authorities and local newscasters need to take responsibility for their role in what became nationwide rioting: here is a video of people in Santa Monica, California, almost 2,000 miles away from Minneapolis, dragged out of their cars by George Floyd protestors and beaten in the street.

Minnesota did not kill George Floyd, but they did bring us the riots, and could do it again.

Although CAIR’s Jaylani Hussein was instigating trouble both before and after the George Floyd riots, he continues to receive favorable coverage, even when positioning himself potentially to trigger a large-scale event.

Hussein brought a mobile public address system to the five-year memorial for Jamar Clark, whose police shooting sparked massive protests at the time. Hussein lashed the crowd for not doing “something,” and bellowed into the microphone:


Why Is Joe Biden Still Trying To Raise The Iran Nuclear Deal From The Dead? Struan Stevenson


After almost three months of incessant turmoil, the revolution in Iran has now engulfed more than 280 cities in each of the country’s 31 provinces.

The savage crackdown by the theocratic regime’s security forces has led to the deaths of at least 700 people and a demand for a full-scale independent inquiry by the UN. 30,000 protesters have been detained. In Tehran, a spokesman for the mullahs’ judiciary, Massoud Setayeshi, confirmed this week that another five people had been sentenced to death for their role in the uprising, bringing the total number of death penalties handed down to protesters so far to eight.

The mullahs’ regime has executed over 500 people this year, in a wave of killing designed to crush opposition. Many of those sentenced have been accused of “moharebeh” or “corruption on earth,” a charge which carries the mandatory death penalty in Iran.

Undeterred, industrial action and boycotts by shop owners, hospital staff, factory workers, truck drivers and university students, in solidarity with the uprising, have developed into a general strike which has paralyzed the nation.

The clerical regime, led by the elderly and fanatical Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has oppressed and brutalized the Iranian people for four decades, but is now at its weakest point since the 1979 revolution that brought the mullahs to power. The daily mass protests resonate with chants of “Death to Khamenei” as demonstrators demand the downfall of the regime.

It’s the duty of both parties to correct the US antisemitism crisis by Douglas E. Schoen


Though antisemitism may be considered the world’s oldest hate, it has taken on a dangerous new form in the United States in recent years. Prominent members of both political parties have — in distinct ways — taken actions that are inimical to the Jewish community and may be fairly characterized as antisemitic.

As a result, American Jews are increasingly at risk in their communities, including in cities, on college campuses and in synagogues. New York City — which has the highest Jewish population of all cities in the United States — recorded a 125 percent increase in antisemitic hate crimes this November compared to November 2021, and a 53 percent increase in hate crimes against Jews compared to this time last year.

While modern-day antisemitism manifests differently on the political left versus the political right, both forms put the Jewish community at risk. Antisemitism on the far-right is grounded in a dangerous embrace of nationalist and neo-Nazi viewpoints, while on the far-left, it is driven by — and arguably disguised as — anti-Zionism and a myopic focus on slandering the State of Israel.

Unfortunately, some high-ranking members in both parties have been quick to criticize antisemitism across the aisle, yet have allowed antisemitic rot to fester in their own ranks.