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Ruth King



* Updated 11:38 14 February 2012 by Chelsea Whyte

Gone with the wind? Hurricanes could destroy the offshore wind farms the US is planning to build in the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico.

The US Department of Energy set a goal for the country to generate 20 per cent of its electricity from wind by 2030. One-sixth is to come from shallow offshore turbines that sit in the path of hurricanes.

Stephen Rose and colleagues from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, modelled the risk hurricanes might pose to turbines at four proposed wind farm sites. They found that nearly half of the planned turbines are likely to be destroyed over the 20-year life of the farms. Turbines shut down in high winds, but hurricane-force winds can topple them.

In 2007, Texas granted a multimillion-dollar lease for a wind farm site near Galveston, Texas. Rose found it was “the riskiest location to build a wind farm of the four locations examined”.

Each wind farm may cost $175 million. “We want these risks to be known now before we start putting these wind turbines offshore,” says team member Paulina Jaramillo. “We don’t want any backlash when the first one goes down and it costs a lot to replace.”

Journal reference: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1111769109



At present, foreign policy is not playing a part in the campaign. But with a looming crisis coming with Iran over the state of its nuclear capabilities, it will not be on the back burner for long. Soon, both President Obama and the Republican candidates for the nomination will have to make clear specifically how they would handle events. There is simply no escaping that formidable task.

In the important dispatch that is the cover of Newsweek International this week (but not the American edition of the magazine, whose editors evidently think it is too serious and will not sell copies), reporters Daniel Klaidman, Eli Lake, and Dan Ephron discuss the various impediments that might interfere with Barack Obama dealing meaningfully with the mullahs’ program to give Iran a nuclear weapon. The major problem remains differences on the issue with Israel, for whom an Iranian bomb is a real existential threat, not one that can easily be overlooked on the belief that if Iran gets the bomb, it will adhere to the doctrine of mutually assured destruction, as did the Soviet Union during the Cold War.


Millions of Dead Voters, Brought to You By Eric Holder Posted By J. Christian Adams
URL to article: http://pjmedia.com/jchristianadams/2012/02/14/millions-of-dead-voters-brought-to-you-by-eric-holder/

Over a year ago, I first warned that the Obama administration adopted a policy of refusing to enforce federal laws which require states to purge dead and ineligible voters from the rolls. I discuss at length the details of this policy as revealed to me when I worked at the Justice Department in my book Injustice. Today we learn that American voter rolls are infested with millions of dead and ineligible voters heading into the presidential election.

Eric Holder and his Leftist political appointees at the Justice Department have gotten exactly what they wanted.

The Pew Center on the States estimates nearly 2,000,000 dead voters are on the rolls, and 2,800,000 people are registered in more than one state. This is precisely the mess that the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) was designed to prevent.

Last Thursday, Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, announced that it is teaming up with me and True the Vote for an election integrity project to get the voter rolls cleaned up before November. We will do what Eric Holder and Assistant Attorney General Tom Perez refuse to do.

The Justice Department refuses to enforce Section 8 of the NVRA because, as political appointee Julie Fernandes revealed in a Voting Section meeting in 2009 that I attended, removing dead people from the rolls “doesn’t increase turnout. It stops people from voting.” Seriously.

In the meantime, DOJ has vigorously enforced Section 7 of NVRA, the welfare agency voter registration provision. Judicial Watch has determined through FOIA litigation that the aggressive Section 7 enforcement policy at DOJ had its genesis in the lobbying of Estelle Rogers, of ACORN fame. (Read her emails at the link.) One wonders if Rogers was registered as a lobbyist, or if she just lobbied the White House without registering.

Rogers also made ACORN-blessed job recommendations for attorneys applying to the Voting Section. DOJ refuses to release the names of the lawyers Rogers pushed, and whether or not they were hired to enforce election law this fall.

Instead of enforcing Section 8 and cleaning up the voter rolls, the Justice Department is shaking down states to wring out every possible welfare agency voter registrant before November.

In doing so, it has resorted to unprecedented investigative tactics that no media outlet has yet reported before today.


Double dare: U.S. Navy passes again through Hormuz
The U.S. aircraft carrier “Abraham L…

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Iran to announce new nuke projects
Iran’s official news agency said tha…

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U.S. intel debates threat of hardline takeover in China
Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping ar…

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U.S. concerned about spike in Iran-Israel ‘shadow war’
Guy Taylor

The “shadow war” between Israel and Iran is escalating, Middle East analysts say, as a wave of terrorist incidents in far-flung corners of world unsettles U.S. officials. Read more…

Read more at: http://times247.com/



Suffrage: A new study finds that nearly 2 million dead people remain on voter registration rolls. So tell us again why Democrats oppose voter ID laws that would help prevent these errant registrations from being exploited?

The Pew Center on the States study found that our country’s voter registration system is “plagued with errors and inefficiencies.” That’s putting it mildly.

As many as 24 million registrations are invalid or contain significant errors, including almost 3 million who are registered in two or more states and 1.8 million dead people still listed as active voters.

Obviously this is a problem states must fix, and the sooner the better. As Pew notes, most states still use antiquated and enormously expensive paper systems ill-equipped to handle a mobile society. In an age when direct mail companies can easily keep track of you through several moves, this is entirely unacceptable. READ IT ALL AT SITE


Obama’s Chickens Come Home To Roost In Egypt

Mideast: As the president sneaks more money in the budget for Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood thugs he helped install in Cairo show their gratitude by threatening to attack Israel.

For three decades, the U.S. essentially paid Egypt not to attack our closest ally in the region. The policy worked to maintain peace. But Obama nullified that deal by backing Islamist revolutionaries against reliably pro-U.S. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Now the bribe has lost its effect.

The new Egyptian leadership, led by the virulently anti-Jewish Muslim Brotherhood, this week issued a warning to Washington that it should understand that “what was acceptable before the revolution is no longer.” It made clear that this includes the peace treaty with Israel…..READ IT ALL AT SITE



The liberal deconstruction of Zionism begins with the Jews as the victims and ends with the Jews as oppressors. To understand their mindset it is enough to see a protest banner of the Star of David transformed into a Swastika paralleling the journey from concentration camp victim to concentration camp guard.
There is a certain amount of historical revisionism in play here, and not just the obvious kind. The left had been calling Zionists, Fascists and later Nazis, before there was a modern State of Israel and before the left was hard at work pretending that it cared about Muslim militias and clans who would later be rebranded as the Palestinian people. A meaningless name up there with the South American people.

The reason why the left damned the Zionists as fascists had nothing to do with oppression and everything to do with the left’s rejection of a unique national identity for the Jewish people. Even the left leaning Zionist movements still linked nationalism and ethnic identity in a way that the left found reactionary, at least as applied to the Jews. Had there been no Arabs in Israel, the left would still have denounced Zionism for daring to assert a national right for the Jewish people.


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.11424/pub_detail.asp It’s been more than a decade since Islamic terrorists attacked the U.S., yet the agency created to protect the nation from another strike is asleep at the wheel, failing to adequately screen the monstrous amounts of cargo that enter the country each day, according to a government report issued this week. “Cargo containers that […]


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.11426/pub_detail.asp Violent fanatical movements burn out. Some take longer to fade than others, but none endure. Inevitably, their ever-increasing excesses take the gravest toll among their own kind, alienating the population from which they demand support. If “revolutions devour their own,” religion-driven insurgencies are the ultimate cannibals: Witness al Qaeda’s wanton butchery of its fellow Muslims, a blood-lust […]

Middle East Terrorists Operating along Arizona Southern Border: Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.

The Obama administration says borders are secure, yet illegals from Venezuela, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, al-Qaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah enter and disappear into America. Feel safe?
The southern border of Arizona remains unsecure with a growing threat from those who detest America in every way and intend to destroy our country. This threat is not simply Mexican drug dealers, although they are posing an ever increasing and violent presence as they move into Arizona, and then launch their activities into 257 known American cities, according to the National Association for Retired Border Patrol Officers. A more ominous threat of the unsecure southern border into the U.S. is the increased activity of Middle Eastern terrorists. Since Oct, 2003, Border Patrol agents in the Tucson, AZ sector apprehended 5,510 illegals from countries other than Mexico, Central or South America.

In this Tucson sector, captured illegals were Middle Eastern and spoke Farsi or Arabic. A large number of these that were apprehended escaped capture and disappeared into the United States.

The Arizona desert is littered with evidence of illegals coming from countries that are violently opposed to and stated enemies of America; especially countries like Venezuela, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, and the spreading al-Qaeda, Hamas, and Hezbollah. Further evidence demonstrates the growing relationship and cooperation by these terrorist groups and drug cartels, as well as criminal gangs like MS-13.