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Ruth King

The Tyranny of the Minority A few hundred super-rich elites and a powerful handful of woke and climate activist ringleaders now tyrannize America. By Edward Ring


In the Federalist, James Madison famously warned against the “tyranny of the majority,” but it is unlikely he could have envisioned what we face today. Twenty-first-century America is dissolving before our eyes, as a tyrannical coalition of minorities steals our heritage and sovereignty. Not ethnic minorities—their American bequest is being stolen right alongside that of America’s shrinking white majority. Nobody is exempt, and everyone should unite to resist.

“Minorities” in this context refers to the elite vanguard of what Californian political writer Joel Kotkin has called the “Upstairs-Downstairs Coalition,” a voting bloc, he says, “that brings together the most destitute with the most privileged parts of our society.”

At the top of the top are a few thousand of the super-rich. At the bottom are a few thousand hardened fanatics, many of them professionals. These two super-minorities, working in tandem, currently control the destiny of America. Expertly manipulating the voters in the upstairs-downstairs coalition, they’re actively destroying everything we love and everything we need.

The minority occupying the top position in the upstairs-downstairs coalition are the plutocrats who run America. A 2017 analysis identified the top 0.01 percent (1 in 10,000 Americans) to have an average annual income of over $30 million. A 2019 Stanford study found the top 0.1 percent (1 in 1,000 Americans) control a total net worth equal to the entire cumulative net worth of the bottom 90 percent of Americans. At the pinnacle, however, are America’s billionaires, a scant 735 of them at last count.

This is a vanishingly small minority of people, roughly one in every half-million Americans. But their influence is decisive. Every year, these billionaires and the corporations they control disburse billions—often getting tax deductions for doing so—to maintain standing armies of activist groups that conduct lawfare, fund civil disobedience, run massive propaganda campaigns, engage in targeted “get-out-the-vote” activities, prop up financially dependent media properties, and produce “expert” studies with paid-for ideas.

The minorities at both ends of this up-down coalition are groups identifiable not by their ethnicity or ideology, but by their behavior. In every case, they constitute a minute fraction of the population, but in the name of compassion, equity, diversity, and environmentalism they are undermining and, unless stopped, will destroy America.

The Weaponization of Mental Illness

Biden and Blinken Poke Israel in the Eye It’s no secret that the Biden administration is deeply disappointed in the recent Israeli elections. by Hugh Fitzgerald


It’s no secret that the Biden Administration is deeply disappointed that Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party, and its coalition partners, won enough seats in the Knesset to assure Netanyahu of becoming Israel’s next Prime Minister. Netanyahu is seen by the Bidenites as too unyielding, insufficiently willing to placate either the Palestinians or, for that matter, the Americans. And the Bidenites have been poking Israel in the eye ever since the election. The latest manifestation of this is Tony Blinken’s decision to give the keynote speech at the annual meeting of the leftist Jewish group, J Street, which claims to support Israel (“Pro-Israel, Pro-Peace, Pro-Democracy” is its motto), but it appears to many observers that J Street’s support depends on the Jewish state agreeing to be squeezed back within the 1949 armistice lines.

Daniel Greenfield wrote about Blinken’s J Street appearance at Jihad Watch here. More on his appearance, and other Bidenite pokes in Israel’s eye, can be found here: “Welcome, Bibi: Blinken To Headline Anti-Israel J Street Conference,” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, December 1, 2022:

…A State Department spokesman told the Free Beacon that Blinken’s engagement with anti-Israel groups like J Street is an “important part” of the agency’s mission.

“It is routine for the secretary of state to engage with different civil society groups representing a broad array of foreign policy interests, this is an important part of the State Department’s domestic outreach,” the spokesman said.

Shamima Begum: ‘Groomed’ or ‘Indoctrinated’? by Andrew Ash


The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) seems to have a short memory. Although it has only been a few years since the brutal Islamic State (ISIS) was defeated, from the tone of the BBC’s recent articles — featuring a female jihadi’s returning to Europe from Syria — you could be forgiven for thinking that the ISIS bloodbath was just another government-run women’s empowerment initiative.

Take the sympathetic account of Shamima Begum, the Pakistani-British schoolgirl who felt compelled to make the hazardous journey from the British Midlands to the “ISIS capital”, Raqqa, to marry a jihadist and join in the fun. By her own admission, within weeks she was used to, and evidently unfazed by, the sight of headless corpses and public executions.

Perhaps if ISIS had not been defeated, Begum would have given a plum role by now, maybe even in the ISIS “morality police”. Instead of continuing her climb to the Islamist group’s topmost echelons, however, she was arrested and incarcerated in a Syrian detention camp. After several attempts by lawyers to reverse the British government’s decision to revoke her British passport, she is now claiming to have been “trafficked”. She would like us to forget about her apparent enthusiasm for immersing herself in the most brutal forms of Sharia law, and instead is demanding sympathy and to be treated as a victim herself.

It certainly didn’t take long for the BBC to set aside any revulsion for Begum’s actions, and instead focus on the “human rights” of this otherwise fully paid-up box-ticker: Muslim, check. Female, check. “Of colour”, check. Feminist? Perhaps not.

Although forgiveness is not high on the BBC’s to-do list when it comes to trashing figures whose politics they oppose, female jihadis are apparently another matter altogether. Essentially, people at the BBC and other outlets would like the British public to join them in rebranding her as a victim as opposed to her actual role as an oppressor.

Being “granted innocence” as a child, they fail to point out, is intrinsically linked to certain criteria, such as coercion by one’s parents to commit murder; but at what age is that excuse no longer credible? To suggest that it is the “system of oppression” and the “Islamophobia” of Begum’s “Muslim-ness” that turned her into a figure of hate, is not only to excuse her behaviour, but tacitly emboldens a twisted ideology, in which this author was raised, whose ultimate goal is to rid the world of “unbelievers”.

As far as indoctrination is concerned, there are no age limits. Indoctrinated children will most likely grow up into indoctrinated adults. The problem, therefore, is not the “manipulation of innocent children”, but the ideology itself.

A malleable child at the hands of a fundamentalist parent, for example, will likely find it easier to accept the extremities of “Allah’s will”, or concepts such as martyrdom, than those who have not been offered those thoughts. The same goes for a disenfranchised Muslim, who, in the West, might feel persecuted or pushed into a corner, rather than praised for his “commitment”.

Many of them, however, will already have been radicalised, and — like “sleeper cells” — are perhaps even unconsciously biding their time. They are not under direct orders from any human authority. Allah holds dominion over them. Should they fail to flourish within the alien “kuffar” society with which they have become entangled, or should they misread or excuse their lack of success as “oppression”, this is when their indoctrination — seeded as a child — has a chance of re-emerging.

This changeability is part of the reason that Islam is so problematic: its chameleon-like tendency to adapt when necessary, and appear “moderate” if circumstances dictate. There is even a term for it, “taqiyya,” meaning to dissemble, including the degree of one’s religious identity when “in fear of persecution”.

Of course, the perception of “persecution” is almost impossible to measure: it is often totally subjective. People with a tendency to feel offended can see it even if it may not actually be there. Feelings of being persecuted, sometimes referred to as paranoia, can be as just adaptable or acrobatic as the mind of any man, woman or child. In Islam, it often seems that the only requirement for perceiving persecution is if one can successfully make the argument to oneself.

All these people in ivory towers or at the BBC have one thing in common: they appear to have little idea of what Islam actually is.

Campaigning to bring jihadis back to Britain is a really bad, terrible idea. The situation is dour enough as it is, with the risk that refugees from the war-torn Middle East — they and their terrorist cohorts displaced — may one day “revert” to the fundamentalist Islam in which many of them were raised, as was demonstrated by 22-year-old Libyan, Salman Abedi, a who massacred scores of pop fans at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester in 2017.

“We will not tolerate hate towards any part of our community”, declared the authorities after the Manchester bombing, demonstrating just how out of touch they are by issuing the warning — not to terrorists — but to the understandably outraged people of Britain.

The lack of awareness in delivering such a bizarre statement — equating Islam with “equality” and “justice” — is not surprising to me, having heard it all before, countless times from my religious siblings. The assumption that Begum and her friends were “targeted” however, is as laughable as the suggestion that my Muslim siblings were “targeted”. Indeed, my sisters would be hugely insulted at it being inferred that they were targeted, and not “chosen” by Allah Himself. To misunderstand this point is to misunderstand what Islam is. The prism through which the West sees the world simply cannot be applied to Islam.

Similarly, the BBC’s concept of “feminism” also sits awry next to “Islamic feminism”, in that in Islam there is no higher authority than Allah — very much a “male” entity, steeped in medieval traditions. All Muslims understand that their Creator’s sensibilities and desires come before theirs, and if those sensibilities rub Western feminism the wrong way, then that is where their paths diverge.

Believing that the violence associated with Islam in the 20th and 21st centuries is unfairly depicted, is to stick one’s head in the sand. Claiming that female jihadis, from Leila Khaled in the 1960s to Shamim Begum in 2015, are being “disrespected” for being “Muslim” — rather than being disrespected for planning to massacre non-Muslims, “wrong” Muslims, or anyone-that-gets-in-their-way Muslims, is to be in denial.

What is the difference between “grooming” and “indoctrination”? One offers you “victim” status, the other does not. If it sounds oblique, it is probably meant to.

Despite a glut of recent cases, the police, working with counter- terrorism officers, are keen to make the point that there is nothing to worry about.

Harden the Electrical Grid, or Suffer the Consequences By Jack Gleason


Almost 50,000 Duke Power customers in Moore County, N.C. were left in the dark on Sunday night in what has been called a domestic act of terrorism.  A curfew is running from 9 P.M. to 5 A.M. as schools close and crime spikes.  Most customers remain without heat, refrigeration, and water.

Duke Energy spokesman Jeff Brooks said, “We are looking at a pretty sophisticated repair with some fairly large equipment and so we do want citizens of the town to be prepared that this will be a multiday restoration for most customers, extending potentially as long as Thursday.”

Two power stations were targeted by direct gunfire.

The attackers knew “exactly what they were doing,” said Moore County, N.C. sherriff Ronnie Fields.  “It was a gate, and they went through the gate, got at the substation, and shot it as well. … It wasn’t random.”

While the liberal media immediately started blaming “right-wing militants” because of a nearby gay pride march that afternoon, the broader implications of the attack have been largely ignored: our power grid is completely vulnerable to anyone with a gun and the knowledge of where to shoot.

Grid News reports that there are more than 55,000 such power stations throughout the country, and “[t]here were 70 reports of emergency electric incidents and disturbances caused by suspected physical attacks, sabotage or vandalism from January to August 2022, Grid’s analysis of the most recently available data from the Department of Energy found. That figure represents a 75 percent increase from 40 such reports in all of 2015[.]”

Too busy to go to the border? By Silvio Canto, Jr.


Yes, he is too busy to go to the border.  President Biden, who keeps a very light agenda during the week, has more important things to do.

This is the story:

President Biden said Tuesday he won’t visit the US-Mexico border during a day trip to Arizona because he has “more important things” to handle — despite the record-smashing surge of people illegally crossing into the US.

“Why go to a border state and not visit the border?” a reporter asked Biden on the White House lawn as he departed for Arizona.

The president replied, “Because there are more important things going on. They are going to invest billions of dollars in a new enterprise in the state.”

Biden is visiting Phoenix to promote this year’s bipartisan CHIPS Act subsidizing US technology companies that make computer chips domestically.

The visit comes after an all-time record was reached for illegal border crossings, with more than 2.3 million people detained after crossing illegally into the US in fiscal 2022, which ended Sept. 30 — an increase from 1.7 million in fiscal 2021, fewer than 500,000 in fiscal 2020 and nearly 1 million in fiscal 2019.

So he flew back to the White House.  The president is back in Washington, and the border is as open as ever.

Wokeness Killed Comedy So Badly, The Office Couldn’t Be Made Today “Most of the characters on that show probably would be canceled by now.” by Daniel Greenfield


Don’t take it from me.

It’s one thing when Mel Brooks says that Blazing Saddles couldn’t be made today. But we’re not talking about 70s or 80s comedies being made two generations later. The Office ran from 2005 to 2013. It went off the air less than a decade ago and it was such a linchpin of programming that Peacock’s only real power play was taking it off Netflix and trying to build a streaming service around it.


Mindy Kaling, who played Kelly Kapoor on the hit show The Office, told Good Morning America that the show couldn’t be made in the current climate and that the characters would all be “canceled.”

Asked about what her character would be up to now, she told the hosts, “I think she probably would have quit Dunder Mifflin to be an influencer, and then probably been canceled, almost immediately.”

“Actually, most of the characters on that show probably would be canceled by now,” she added, referencing the rise of cancel culture.

She explained that the show that launched her career “is so inappropriate now,” further telling the hosts that “we probably couldn’t make [it] now.”

“Tastes have changed, and honestly, what offends people has changed so much now. And so, I think that actually, it’s one of the reasons why the show is popular because people feel like there’s something kind of fearless about it or taboo that it talks about on the show,” Kaling said.

The Death of Liberal Education and the Birth of the ‘Woke’ Our universities have failed in their primary reason for existing. by Bruce Thornton


Last fall I taught my last class, ending a teaching career that began in the fall of 1977. During that time I watched as higher education deteriorated under the pressures of leftist ideology, rank careerism, bureaucratic inertia, and philistine utilitarianism. The humanities––English, foreign languages, philosophy, history, the arts––have been particularly corrupted.

Worse, liberal education, the passing on of the traditions, foundational ideas, and collective wisdom of the West, has been virtually banished from most of our schools and colleges. Universities, with a few exceptions, no longer ground students in liberal education, and teach them “to know the best that has been known and thought in the world, irrespective of practice, politics, and everything of the kind; and to value knowledge and thought as they approach this best, without the intrusion of any other consideration whatsoever,” as Matthew Arnold put it, and  “through this knowledge, turning a stream of fresh and free thought upon our stock notions and habits, which we now follow staunchly but mechanically.”

Those days are gone. Today our educational institutions are grubby, rent-seeking businesses, and propaganda organs for illiberal, incoherent ideologies based on the “higher nonsense” that has captured “higher education,” and from there trickled down into K-12 schools. No wonder the majority of the products of those failed institutions, like Generation Z, support letting murderers go free, censoring speech that challenges their “stock notions and habits,” joining the anti-carbon “green” cult, and subjecting children to drag-queen shows and inappropriate sexual curricula.

The most important tool in this demolition has been the dishonest idea of “diversity” created out of thin air by the 1978 Bakke decision. The legalization of Constitutionally forbidden discrimination in university admissions and hiring put the weight of federal power behind illiberal identity-politics. As a corollary to the increasing numbers of “protected” classes eligible for affirmative action, there was soon spawned attacks on liberal education for being the products of “dead white males”––not just irrelevant for contemporary students “of color,” but absolutely toxic in their promotion of the defining principles of a peculiarly destructive, racist, imperialist, colonialist Western Civilization, global history’s most heinous villain.

Why Isn’t Homeland Security Monitoring A Muslim-Only Immigrant Shelter At The US Border?By: Todd Bensman


A shelter in Tijuana for U.S.-bound Muslim immigrants exemplifies the Biden administration’s dangerous mismanagement of the border crisis.

In October, U.S. Border Patrol caught another nine border-crossing immigrants who were on the FBI’s terrorism watch list, adding to the already record-breaking 98 during the just-ended fiscal 2022 and 14 during the prior fiscal year.

Those 121 suspected terrorist border crossings should strike President Joe Biden’s homeland security establishment and the general public as a “system blinking red” moment, to requote the infamous 9/11 Commission Report line about failures to act on threat information.

But my recent fact-finding trip to Mexico’s first and only shelter that expressly caters to U.S.-bound Muslim immigrants indicated Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sees no blinking red lights amid this current mass-migration border crisis.

In June 2022, the San Diego-based Latina Muslim Foundation noticed significant enough numbers of U.S.-bound travelers from the Islamic world to justify opening the Albergue Assabil/Mesquijta Taybah shelter in a two-story, 8,000-square-foot former nightclub in Tijuana just two blocks from the border wall, which all who stay there intend to bypass one way or another. The shelter serves as a waystation for 30 to 140 immigrants at a time coming from Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lebanon, Egypt, Morocco, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Somalia, Chechnya, and other regions in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia where terrorist organizations operate.

Buying a Country Home? A Few Important Tips By David Solway


Having decided to sell our city dwelling and purchase a new home in the country, my wife and I compiled a list of instructions for our real estate agent, almost as if we were house seekers on HGTV. Ample space was an obvious prerequisite. Reasonable proximity to an urban center for cultural, medical, and other needs and amenities was desirable — close but not too close, as semiotician Roland Barthes said about family. A congenial surrounding would be essential to avoid feng shui miseries.

The first item on the list, however, was absolutely crucial, namely, the solid assurance that a prospective wind farm anywhere in the vicinity would be out of the question. Governments and corporations have a way of staking out land to erect these atrocities without community consultation. The results are horrendous.

To begin with, wind turbines violate environmental principles, given that each turbine needs approximately 80 gallons of industrial oil and 12,000 gallons of PAO synthetic based on crude as a lubricant; the equipment to build windfarms runs on petroleum; there is no way to recycle the 150 ft. blades, which means landfill will be at a premium; and each turbine generates a humongous footprint. Some industry sources report that a wind farm typically requires up to 40 acres per megawatt of capacity. One must also factor in power substations and new access roads. All this apart from the fact that wind farms, for that matter solar panels as well, are not only eyesores but bird killers par excellence. Of course, we are not environmentalists but cannot help wondering how the Greenies square the desecration of the environment with their ostensible values. For the harm they do to the environment is immense.

If this were not bad enough, the insistent thrum of the rotating blades is known to produce psychological harm as well. I first became aware of the affliction some years back when a rural village in my native Quebec went collectively neurotic. The story made the middle pages of a few newspapers and then was quickly dropped. But there is no doubt that people who live near a wind farm suffer from headaches, sleeplessness, and nervous breakdowns, not to mention irrecoverable property depreciation. Which may explain why government ministers, corporate CEOs, and Green enthusiasts do not live anywhere near the installations they variously promote, build and profit from. They are dacha-smart.

Brute Physical Facts and Social Construction The progressive and the traditionalist are equally detached from the underlying reality as currently described by science. Vinod Goel


According to the former Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, the most dangerous person in the world is Randi Weingarten, head of the American Federation of Teachers, and it’s not even a close call. “If you ask, ‘who’s the most likely to take this Republic down?’ It would be the teachers’ unions, and the filth that they are teaching our kids,” he told Semafor in a recent interview. This statement is startling given that Pompeo is a graduate of Harvard Law and West Point, until you realize that he is probably positioning himself for a 2024 Republican presidential run, where the primary electability criterion is one’s stand on certain cultural issues.

Pompeo and other Republican hopefuls are addressing the Republican base, like my friends and neighbors in Florida. While some of us may struggle to understand their hyperbolic invective, my MAGA neighbors understand it, and it resonates with their own concerns. They have impassioned and unalterable beliefs about many social/cultural issues such as gender, race, territoriality, abortion, and equality. They are certain that “men are men and women are women”; that race is a real phenomenon; that equality is not inevitable; that life begins at conception, and that America’s borders must be defended from foreigners.

These beliefs are intuitively plausible, often embedded in instinctual biases, and culturally reinforced. They not only form the bedrock of their adherents’ own social order, they are also attributed to the Founding Fathers and implicated in the success of Pax Americana. To question these beliefs and cultural norms is to threaten America and their way of life. In this context—and in the absence of a credible external threat—it is not surprising that the greatest threat to the Republic is perceived to be the university-educated “liberal progressives” who question and disavow these traditional norms and try to replace them with their own.