The ruins of hundreds of once-Jewish homes throughout Judea and Samaria, and thousands more in Gush Katif and Northern Shomron serve as disgraceful memorials to Israeli injustice.
On Monday, the heads of six Knesset factions representing a majority of MKs called on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to stop the demolition of “settlement” outposts and set up a legal team with a mandate to find “creative solutions” allowing all communities and neighborhoods to remain in place.
The recent destruction of three homes in the Jewish community of Migron, like that of a dozen in Or Hatzion a few days ago, several in Bat Ayin last week, nine in Amona in 2009 and many more throughout Judea and Samaria because they were built without permits, raises serious questions about the propriety and purpose of government actions.
In response to threatened and impending destruction of more Jewish homes Netanyahu instructed Justice Minister Yaakov Neeman to form a task force to examine the possibility of legalizing homes that were built without permits on allegedly private Palestinian land.