Smoking Gun? Most Gunwalker Guns Targets of Ban Efforts, but Not Wanted by Cartels Posted By Bob Owens URL to article: On March 30, the 30th anniversary of the assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan, Jim Brady, who sustained a debilitating head wound in the attack, and his wife, Sarah, came to Capitol […]
Top Muslim Institution Declares All Christians ‘Infidels’ Posted By Raymond Ibrahim URL to article: To what extent was Egypt’s Maspero massacre [1], wherein the military literally mowed down [2] Christian Copts protesting the ongoing destruction of their churches [3], a product of anti-Christian sentiment? A video of Sheikh Ali Gomaa [4] (or Gom’a), […]
Ten richest celebs supporting OWS have collective net worth over a billion dollars
Celebrity airheads who are supporting the occupiers are feeding Wall Street to the crocodile, forgetting that the beast quickly gets hungry for more. Celebrity Net Worth has a highly amusing article on the subject. The top ten:
#1 Yoko Ono Net Worth – $500 million.
Ono stated “I love ‘Occupy Wall Street’! John is sending his smile to ‘Occupy Wall Street’. I am sending my love to ‘Occupy Wall Street’. We are all working together. ”
#2 Russell Simmons Net Worth – $325 million
Keep in mind that on top of being a hip-hop mogul Simmons is the founder of a high fee credit card company called UniRush Financial Services.
#3 Roseanne Barr Net Worth – $80 million
Roseanne thinks anyone with over $100 million should be beheaded. Interesting that her net worth is $80 million. I guess she doesnt make “the cut”.
#4 Deepak Chopra Net Worth – $80 million
Chopra said #OWS is turning anger into awareness. The fortune he has made off his fluff filled books has just turned me to anger.
#5 Kanye West Net Worth – $70 million
#6 Alec Baldwin Net Worth – $65 million
#7 Susan Sarandon Net Worth – $50 million
#8 Michael Moore Net Worth – $50 million
#9 Tim Robbins Net Worth – $50 million
#10 Nancy Pelosi Net Worth – $35.5 million
Don’t forget that last week Roseanne called for beheading rich people. She should remember Danton’s words, “The revolution devours its children.”
Flogging the Flat Tax
Tax fairness means everyone has to share equally in the burden of tax complexity.
Republican presidential hopeful Rick Perry must be onto something with his flat tax. Liberals wasted no time on Tuesday shooting arrows at the Texas governor’s proposal, labeling it a giant-sized tax cut for millionaires and billionaires that’s paid for with higher taxes on the middle class.
Obama administration spokesman Ben LaBolt said the flat tax “would shift a greater share of taxes away from large corporations and the wealthiest onto the backs of the middle class.” Mr. Obama’s team just can’t get away from the class warfare theme.
The Democratic National Committee was also on the warpath. It sent out an email claiming to “fact check” the Perry flat tax, which would offer taxpayers the choice of filing under the current system or paying a 20% rate. The DNC cites former Obama administration economist Jared Bernstein, who says “not only would [the plan] shift the tax burden from the rich to middle-class and poorer taxpayers, but it would also shift the burden of tax preparation away from the rich.” Apparently, tax fairness means everyone has to share equally in the burden of tax complexity. Now, there’s an argument that only a tax accountant could love……READ AT SITE
Reza Kahlili is a pseudonym for a former CIA spy who is a fellow with EMPact America and the author of “A Time to Betray,” about his double life in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (Threshold Editions, Simon & Schuster, 2010).
The pressure the United States and the West is bringing to bear on Iran to keep it from acquiring nuclear weapons is all for naught. Not only does the Islamic Republic already have nuclear weapons from the old Soviet Union, but it has enough enriched uranium for more. What’s worse, it has a delivery system.
The West for nearly a decade has worried about Iran’s uranium enhancement, believing Iran is working on a nuclear bomb, though the government maintains its uranium is only for peaceful purposes.
When Iran began its nuclear program in the mid-1980s, I was working as a spy for the CIA within the Revolutionary Guards. The Guards’ intelligence at that time had learned of Saddam Hussein’s attempt to buy a nuclear bomb for Iraq. Guard commanders concluded that they needed a nuclear bomb because if Saddam were to get his own, he would use it against Iran. At that time, the two countries were at war.
Mohsen Rezaei, then-chief commander of the Guards, received permission from the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to start a covert program to obtain nuclear weapons, so the Guards contacted Pakistani generals and Abdul Qadeer Khan, the Pakistani nuclear scientist……READ AT SITE,7340,L-4139954,00.html Report: Grapel deal includes US F-16 sale to Egypt Cairo military source says deal brokered to ensure release of Israeli-American Ilan Grapel includes pledge by Washington to sell Egypt fighter jets The Palestinian Maan news agency reported Thursday that the United States has agreed to sell Egypt several F-16 fighter jets in order […]
The Sydney lawyer and international affairs analyst David Singer has chosen an alliterative title for his latest article: “Palestine – Peace, Petulance, Posturing, and Pollard”.
It comes as usual via the antipodean J-Wire service.
Writes David Singer:
‘Two significant – yet seemingly unrelated – events have occurred during the past week within the ongoing Jewish-Arab conflict.
1. Israel’s release of 1027 terrorists for one of its soldiers – Gilad Shalit – with 80% of Israelis reportedly supporting the deal.
2. The PLO’s continuing refusal to resume negotiations with Israel until Israel ceases all building in the West Bank and East Jerusalem – despite strenuous efforts by the Quartet to get PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas back to the negotiating table.
The confluence of these two events, however, now presents an opportunity for the Quartet to get Israel and the PLO talking to each other again.
The Quartet represents probably the strongest diplomatic negotiating team ever assembled in history. Yet it has been made to look impotent in its inability to get the conflicting parties to sit across a table to try and peacefully resolve their differences.
Comprised of the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations – the Quartet is obviously concerned at the fallout that can occur should Abbas continue to unilaterally forge ahead with his request for UN recognition of Palestinian statehood in breach of UN Security Council Resolution 242, the Oslo Accords and the Bush Road Map.
Yet the Quartet has within its grasp a powerful negotiating card – the ability to pressure America to release and repatriate to Israel the convicted civilian American Naval Intelligence analyst Jonathan Pollard in return for
* Israel implementing a total building freeze in the West Bank and East Jerusalem for an agreed specified time period and
* The PLO immediately resuming direct negotiations with Israel
We are not in good shape. Economic growth has stagnated. Unemployment is at an unacceptable rate. Debt is wreaking havoc on economic stability.
Although every possible scapegoat has been indicted for our current economic catastrophe — China, “the rich,” corporations in general, the Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street, the list could go on — there are clear, tangible reasons to focus on one regulatory body alone: the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
What the president and his administration do not seem to understand is that the last thing we need is more hands-on; we need some hands-off…….READ THE REST AT SITE
“Wife-sharing” haunts Indian villages as girls decline
BAGHPAT, India (TrustLaw) – When Munni arrived in this fertile, sugarcane-growing region of north India as a young bride years ago, little did she imagine she would be forced into having sex and bearing children with her husband’s two brothers who had failed to find wives.
“My husband and his parents said I had to share myself with his brothers,” said the woman in her mid-40s, dressed in a yellow sari, sitting in a village community center in Baghpat district in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh.
“They took me whenever they wanted — day or night. When I resisted, they beat me with anything at hand,” said Munni, who had managed to leave her home after three months only on the pretext of visiting a doctor.
“Sometimes they threw me out and made me sleep outside or they poured kerosene over me and burned me.”
Such cases are rarely reported to police because women in these communities are seldom allowed outside the home unaccompanied, and the crimes carry deep stigma for the victims. So there may be many more women like Munni in the mud-hut villages of the area. BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraqi police and health officials say the death toll of a twin bombing in a Shiite neighborhood in Baghdad has risen to 32. The two blasts, which took place Thursday evening at a music store, wounded 71 other people, the officials said. A second bomb exploded minutes after the first, targeting […]