Government is a business like any other. It is the company that through the contract of the Constitution or the local contracts that cover the operations of states, municipalities and communities carries out certain functions on our behalf. Officially government is a non-profit, and like most non-profits this status means there is no owner […]
“There has grown up the idea that by some impossible magic a government can give out a bounty by the mere fact of having liberty and equality written over its door,” he said in a campaign speech from his front porch in Ohio, “and that citizenship need make no deposit in the bank of the common weal in order to write checks upon the bank. Here at home we have had too much encouragement given to the idea that a government is a something-for-nothing institution. . . . It is only in a country where the merit, capacity and worth of men and women are recognized and rewarded that merit, capacity and worth are developed. You and I, and good Americans of whatever color, blood or creed, know that the aspiration of all men is equal opportunity, and that no injustice known to man can be greater than that of the tyranny and autocracy that enslaves all men, all their ambitions and all their freedom.”
The conventional wisdom, which is usually but not always wrong, holds that Rick Perry is ahead of the field: He looks asleep, and that’s where everybody else yearns to be. The prospect of President Romney is bor-iiiing.
So far as we actually know, this reflects only the conventional wisdom of pundits, television’s talking heads and the other gasbags who always dominate the Pundit Primary. The various polls, earnest though they may be, are little more than straw polls. In the long scheme of events, straw polls taken now are not worth much. The road through the caucuses and primaries is a long one, paved mostly with killer potholes big enough to swallow in one gulp a candidate the size of Chris Christie.
Mitt Romney, like Hillary Clinton before him, seems to be the inevitable nominee, but the campaign has been a search for an alternative to the inevitable, a quest for a tastier flavor of the day/week/month. Anything but a boring grape soda called Mitt. Random thoughts on the passing scene: Like so many people, in so many countries, who started out to “spread the wealth,” Barack Obama has ended up spreading poverty. Have you ever heard anyone as incoherent as the people staging protests across the country? Taxpayers ought to be protesting against having their money spent to […]
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi sometimes sounds as if she has cast aside any attachment to reality. Responding to a bill co-authored by Rep. Joe Pitts, Pennsylvania Republican, that would prevent federal funds from going to pay for abortions under the slowly unraveling health care law critics call “Obamacare,” Pelosi said that if Republicans vote for the measure, “they will be voting to say that women can die on the floor and health care providers do not have to intervene.”
The Protect Life Act passed the House last week, but will likely die in the Democrat-controlled Senate.
There are more stirrings on this fundamental social issue. The November 8 ballot in Mississippi will include Initiative 26, known as the Personhood Amendment, that says: “The term ‘person’ or ‘persons’ shall include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning, or the functional equivalent thereof.” PA Police Operate in Israeli TownPA Arabs show up to harvest Jewish-grown olives in Samaria, with PA police standing watch. Palestinian Authority Arabs showed up at the Jewish village of Adei Ad on Monday to harvest olives – olives from trees that were planted and nurtured by local Jewish farmers. The PA group was […]
Russia and China Practice Loans for Oil to Bolster Chavez
Taking a risk, Russia and China are loaning Venezuela billions in hope that Hugo Chavez can hold out.
Russia and China learned the hard way in Libya and Iraq that oil deals signed with a despotic regime can backfire if that regime was ousted. Now they appear to be taking the same gamble in Venezuela.
Last week Russian Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin visited Caracas to sign a loan agreement to finance arms purchases from Russia including Sukhoi fighter jets, combat helicopters, and small arms. This comes on top of a previous $2.2 billion loan for Russian tanks and anti-aircraft missiles.
Click here: AOL Irony Gold: Goodbye YUPPIES, Hello DUMPIES – Maggie’s Farm,-Hello-DUMPIES.html Monday, October 17. 2011 AOL Irony Gold: Goodbye YUPPIES, Hello DUMPIES Replacing the YUPPIES, AOL hits the irony jackpot today, naming the 2010s young generation the DUMPIES, downward mobile, unemployed, poor. Of course, relatively few of last decade’s young were Yuppies, and […]
Counterterrorism Experts Coughlin and Emerson Blocked from Presenting at Washington Intelligence Forum
Bill Gertz, Washington Times, Pentagon and Intelligence columnist had a report on October 6th about counterterrorism experts: Steve Coughlin and Steve Emerson, “Anti-Terror Trainers Blocked.” They were apparently denied making scheduled presentations at an event sponsored by the intelligence subcommittee of the Washington Metropolitan Council of Governments because of alleged objections raised by Federal Department of Homeland Security and White House officials. Gertz who is a defender of both Coughlin and Emerson wrote:
The CIA and Department of Homeland Security abruptly canceled a conference in August on homegrown U.S. radical extremism in what officials close to the issue say was an effort to block two conservative anti-terrorism experts from presenting their views.
The Unconscionable Silence of the Anti-Defamation League on Antisemitism at #OccupyWallStreetby Joel B. Pollak Anti-Defamation League is one of the most powerful and authoritative voices against bigotry of all kinds–not just in the United States, but throughout the world. Yet the ADL’s message has been compromised by left-wing political bias, most recently in its […] One million demonstrators participated in the anti-Mubarak Tahrir Square rallies. However, two million demonstrators joined the anti-US Muslim Brotherhood Tahrir Square demonstration following the toppling of Mubarak, highlighting the political trend in Egypt. The transfer of advanced US military systems to Egypt – including the co-production in Egypt of the M1A1 Abrams tank – […]