,css.print/pub_detail.asp “Greedy: Excessively or inordinately desirous of wealth, profit, etc.; avaricious.” – By now, no doubt, you have heard about the “incredible” Occupy Wall Street Movement taking place on and around Wall Street; a movement whose organizers claim is “organic” and spreading across the globe, not unlike the so-called “Arab Spring.” There are a […]
Islamic Ethnic Cleansing of Jews Posted By Daniel Greenfield URL to article: The Jews who fled the Muslim world left many things behind. They left behind their homes and their possessions. Their synagogues, their neighborhoods, and much of their history remained in the alleys of Aleppo, the neighborhoods of Cairo and the streets of […]
Fatah Official Calls for Israel’s Demise Posted By P. David Hornik This week Israel was roundly castigated for plans to build homes for Jews in Gilo, an almost 40-year-old Jewish neighborhood of Jerusalem numbering 40,000 people that “peace plans” have already recognized as part of Jewish Jerusalem for almost two decades. Also this […] Solargate is just the tip of the iceberg. This cliché within a mixed metaphor reflects the madness of President Obama’s obsession with “green jobs.” It would be bad enough if this disaster were limited to possible criminality at Solyndra — the solar-panel maker that Obama stimulated with loan guarantees, despite repeated warnings about its […] RUBIO AND KIRK ARE THE ENERGY IN THE NEW GOP…..THIS PAEAN TO THE LIBYAN REBELS IS SO WRONG….MORE “ARAB SPRING” WISHFUL THINKING…..RSK The Promise of a Pro-American Libya On the ground in Tripoli, we saw an opportunity to advance U.S. interests in a pivotal region. By JOHN MCCAIN, LINDSEY GRAHAM, MARK KIRK AND MARCO […] Here’s another stirring speech from Rep. Allen West, who really needs no introduction. Every time he speaks, it’s like a valentine to the very best of American public service– honor, wisdom, and love of country. This week in Washington, my colleagues and I at the Center for Security Policy honored the chairman of the […] Making Afghanistan Safe for Sharia—Child Brides Division A three-year-old Afghan girl at her engagement to a cousin aged seven. As reported by the London Evening Standard [2], (hat tip Religion of Peace [3]) to its own self-described “shock,” (despite the commonality of the practice, i.e., notwithstanding the civil law against child brides, more than […]
Combating Antisemitism: Time To Take A Leaf Out of Canada’s Book
“The Ottawa Protocol to Combat Anti-Semitism is a template for every Canadian to consider. But it is especially a document of significance for universities that have allowed themselves to become vehicles of hatred and complicit in its promotion. As my friend, Professor Irwin Cotler said last night at the Ottawa signing ceremony, anti-Semitism is not only the longest known form of hatred in the history of humanity – it is the only form of hatred that is truly global.'” “I see the Jews in Israel as Total Nazis” Thus spoke Jane Green (the name she gave us) on the pavement after the PSC’s meeting on Jerusalem last night. Richard Millett will post the sound recording of this foul-mouthed Jew hater on his blog. When we first started talking to Ms Green she claimed […]—apostasy-execution-and-lies.html Raymond Ibrahim: Islam’s Predictability – Apostasy, Execution, and Lies As one ponders the fate of Yousef Nadarkhani, the Iranian pastor on death row for refusing to renounce Christianity, it is well to reflect that, for all the talk that Islam is perpetually “misunderstood,” it is actually immensely predictable and consistent; not only do its […]