Twenty years ago, hysteria swept through the media over “hunger in America.” Dan Rather opened a CBS Evening News broadcast in 1991 declaring, “one in eight American children is going hungry tonight.” Newsweek, the Associated Press and the Boston Globe repeated this statistic, and many others joined the media chorus, with or without that […]
The Self-Defeating Statehood Gambit Following the 10th anniversary of 9/11, the Palestinian Authority under Mahmoud Abbas has attempted to convince the world and the international community that their quest for statehood is just. Moreover, he would like us to believe that this “state” is responsible and accountable and deserves to be part of the […],0,4027682.story
Other American killed with Awlaki was ‘Al Qaeda to the core’
Samir Khan, 25, also reported killed in the U.S. strike in Yemen, was a skilled propagandist who wrote virulently militant blog posts while a college student in Charlotte, N.C.
Reporting from New Bern, N.C.—
Before he was the Yemen-based editor of the English-language online magazine for Al Qaeda’s branch in the Arabian peninsula, Samir Khan was a radical young Muslim blogger in North Carolina.
Khan, 25, a skilled propagandist, wrote virulently pro-Al Qaeda blog posts while a student at a community college in Charlotte. As a teenager, he posted blogs championing violent jihad from his parents’ home on suburban Tradition View Drive in a modern Charlotte subdivision.
Egypt’s Arab Spring: Springtime for Nazis? Adolf Hitler died in 1945. Fascistic Nazism did not die with him. When Hitler rose to power in 1933 Germany, he found common ground with the Muslim Brotherhood. Muslims agreed with Hitler’s methods of ethnic cleansing and genocide, to rid the world of Jews. During WWII Amin Al […] If you were wondering whether the Washington Post would double-down on or retreat in shame from its blockbuster story alleging that Rick Perry lives in the same state as a formerly offensive rock, the paper has answered that question in style today. Here is the blaring headline: “Perry built complicated record on matters of […]
By Zoe Flood in Nairobi and Abukar Albadri in Mogadishu The attack, one of the most devastating in the city to date, was claimed by the Islamist militant group al-Shabaab, amid reports that a second vehicle failed to detonate. It came just two months after the al-Qaeda-linked group announced its withdrawal from Mogadishu, following […] A GI in the hills of France takes aim through a rifle scope at a German soldier. Snow cakes the ground and a few bare trees cling to the ground like bony fingers. At the last moment, the German soldier sees his attacker. “Wait,” he cries out in a passable accent, “Ich bin an […] U.S. Aid to Israel: Why It’s a Must Numerous American leaders over the decades have expressed their perception that Israel and the USA have a “special relationship,” [1] that Israel’s enemies are America’s enemies, and that American aid to Israel is money well spent. Most recently, these sentiments were articulated by House Democratic leader […]
Gunwalker: House Wants Special Counsel To Investigate Eric Holder Posted By Bob Owens URL to article: That didn’t take long [1]: House Republicans are going to call for a special counsel to determine whether Attorney General Holder perjured himself during his testimony to the House Judiciary Committee on Operation Fast and Furious, Fox News has learned. […]
With interrogations and even Guantanamo detention ‘off the table,’ drone strikes are the default option in our war against al Qaeda.
The elimination of Anwar al-Awlaki last week was a splendid achievement. Awlaki was a terror guidance counselor whose ghastly roster of alumni included two of the 9/11 hijackers, Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan, would-be Christmas Day underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, would-be Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad, and participants in more than a half dozen other terrorist incidents.
An American citizen fluent in English, Awlaki was a formidable recruiter and tactician. The attack on him also killed another American, Samir Khan, who barely a week ago published the seventh edition of a slick al Qaeda magazine called Inspire. Among its articles: an exhortation of readers to imitate the exploits of Hasan, and detailed instructions in how to build bombs.
It may be that capturing Awlaki and Khan wasn’t feasible logistically. But what could we have done had we captured them? Were they subjected to the interrogations techniques renounced by the Obama administration with great fanfare, they could have provided a wealth of intelligence on potential attacks and attackers.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM), the admitted mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, is probably the most famous but certainly not the only captured terrorist to have broken following experience with these harsh techniques. Indeed the mere availability of that program caused at least one captured al Qaeda operative to cooperate once he learned he was in CIA custody, even though he didn’t know precisely what the harsh techniques entailed.