In the Washington Post’s “On Faith” section, a story asks; ‘Judaism without God? Yes, say American atheists’. You can have Judaism without G-D, much as you can have an “On Faith” section without anything to have faith in. It’s all a matter of definition. If you define Judaism by its covenantal document as a […] If nothing else, Elizabeth Warren’s campaign for Commissar of Massachusetts deserves to be credited for getting at the heart of the issue. And the issue is private property. Is there such a thing as private property? According to the Warrens, private property is a false construct. Property is generated, maintained and protected through the […] OCTOBER 2011 OUTPOST ISSUE #247: PUBLISHED BY AMERICANS FOR A SAFE ISRAEL 41st Year of Publication WILLIAM MEHLMAN: ANARCHY AT TURTLE BAY Barring a zero-hour capitulation by Israel to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ insistence on the 1949 Arab-Israeli armistice lines and a renewed halt to Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria as […] RICK PERRY IS A BUMBLING DEBATER….SO WHAT? HE HAS IDEAS AND A RECORD AND HE STANDS BY HIS PRINCIPLES WHILE THE OTHERS NIP AT HIS HEELS…..STAY TUNED….RSK Orlando, Fla. — Florida voters may have closed the door on a Presidency 5 straw-poll victory for Rick Perry, but they haven’t shut the window on the […]
Grover Norquist’s New Muslim Protégé Posted By Kenneth R. Timmerman URL to article: [Editor’s note: See David Horowitz calling out Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan here. See also Frank Gaffney exposing both Norquist and Khan’s troubling connections.] “To illustrate the danger of the first approach of evil habit, the Arabs have a proverb, ‘Beware […]
A Disaster in the MakingPosted By Ben Shapiro URL to article: For purposes of clarification, let us spell out the typical justifications for creation of a state. The justification for Israel, for example, was fourfold: Israel was the historic homeland of the Jews from which they had been expelled, but had never stopped […]
Women Can Vote in Saudi Arabia – So What? Posted By Robert Spencer King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has announced that women will have the right to vote in the next Saudi elections. Pardon me if I am underwhelmed. Women will be able to vote in Saudi Arabia, but presumably they will have […] VIDEO: NYPD Chief: Police Could Take Down Plane if Needed Sending message to terrorists about NYC: We are too tough a target
‘Every Single One’ Fallout: Justice Dept. in Turmoil From PJMedia Series What’s happened up until now, and what internal leaks say about what’s coming. Hint: jobs may now be at stake. (This is the twelfth of a series of articles about the Justice Department’s hiring practices since President Obama took office. Read parts one, […]
Why President Obama Is Really No Worse than el Presidente Chávez [1]This article [2] by James Petras, a former professor of sociology at Binghamton University who claims “a 50-year membership in the class struggle,” appeared on September 17 in the Dissident Voice — a remarkable publication [3] with which I had not previously been […]