Presidents Ford and Reagan and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords were all attacked by people with untreated serious mental illness. In spite of the risk to public safety and homeland security posed by letting some people with serious mental illness go untreated, the federal agency charged with helping them is instead working to see they don’t […] Statehood is part of a phased plan Adopted by the PLO in the 12th session of the PalestinianNational Council, in Cairo, June 9, 1974 Phase One: acquire as much territory as possible Phase Two: Use the territory to launch terror on Israel Phase Three: Destroy Israel If Israel givesup Judea and Samaria, as it […] Global leaders are so busy speaking of how essential it is for a “State of Palestine” to be founded that none of them seems to have noticed that it already exists in practice in the Palestinian Authority. Since the Palestinian Authority was established in 1994, the contours of the “State of Palestine” that they […] Texas Governor Rick Perry: Like a Likudnik In his New York rally, Republican presidential front-runner adopts rhetoric of Israel’s radical right lock, stock and barrel. By Chemi Shalev Except for the fact that the proceedings were held in English, an Israeli attending Texas Governor Rick Perry’s “press conference” at the W Hotel in midtown […]
Robin M. Mills is a Dubai-based energy economist and consultant, columnist for the National, and author of The Myth of the Oil Crisis and Capturing Carbon. Mother Nature’s distribution of oil and gas resources around the world suggests she has a mischievous sense of humor. In the Persian Gulf, South China Sea, and Caspian […] In her Pulitzer Prize-winning book, “TheGunsofAugust,” Barbara Tuchman chronicles how a cascading series of seemingly minor developments led inexorably to World War I and the worst carnage known to man up to that time. In the future, historians may point to the present “Diplomacy of September” as the catalyst for the next horrific conflict […]
Government must issue new policy supporting cutting off foreign aid to Palestinians, stop transferring tax revenues if status upgraded at UN. Speaking Sunday at the UN’s conference of donors to the Palestinian Authority, Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon warned that while Israel supports economic assistance to the PA now, that is liable to change […]
A little history lesson (division of Palestinian rejectionism) Posted By Roger Kimball As everyone knows, the United Nations is about to debate the question of a statehood for the Palestinians. “Statehood for the Palestinians”? Where have you heard that before? Here’s a little history lesson on the subject: [1] Article printed from Roger’s Rules: […] With a vote at the UN this week on Palestinian statehood it is appropriate to ask if the United States will save Israel or will Israel save the United States. Having spent ten days visiting defense installations in Israel and talking to members of the general staff, my confidence about Israel’s ability to defend […] If you think Abu Mazen’s objective in asking the U.N. Security Council for recognition of the independence of Palestine is the independence of Palestine, stop reading here. Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) is the last of the secular, revolutionary senior Arafat cronies imported from Tunisia — a Soviet-educated octogenarian in a post-Soviet world. Israelis sometimes […]