Perry’s Public Service Behold, a hard-money Texas politician. All the world’s right-thinkers are denouncing Rick Perry for suggesting this week that Texans would get “pretty ugly” with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke if he guns the money supply any more between now and the 2012 election. His poor choice of words aside, the Texas […]
On, Wisconsin After recalls fail, the teachers union lays off 40% of its staff. The Battle of Wisconsin ended with a whimper on Tuesday as two Democrats facing recall elections for their roles in the fight over union reform hung on to their seats. Four of six Republicans up for recall did the same […] Sitting on the floor and mourning the fall of temples thousands of years gone, amid the plenty of an industrial empire has a whiff of perversity to it. “Why bother,” some might ask, “Israel has been rebuilt and is home to the largest Jewish population in the world. If you want another temple, build […] The Life of Wylie: Canine Cruelty By Our “Afghan Allies” Posted By Andrew Bostom On August 17, 2011 [1] Australian Federal Police officer Narelle Jensz, right, with Wylie, while he was being operated on at the Kandahar base in Afghanistan. The Australian (hat tip Religion of Peace [2]) has a moving report [3] […] -In an April 2011 column, I argued that both Barack Obama and the COINdinista Right had good (for them) reasons to perpetuate wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama’s reason is obvious. He doesn’t want the nation to watch Iraq and Afghanistan falling apart during the 2012 election year. I wrote: And falling apart — […] By Carolyn Kaster, AP PEOSTA, Iowa — The supporters and critics lining the route of President Obama’s Midwest bus tour this week have been privy to something no one else has seen until now.The Big Black Bus. It stands out even though one can’t tell what its unique security capabilities are, and for one […] Despite extensive research, biofuels are still not commercially competitive. The breakthroughs needed, revealed by recent science, may be tougher to realize than previously thought. Corn ethanol is widely produced because of subsidies, and it diverts massive tracts of farmland needed for food. Converting the cellulose in cornstalks, grasses and trees into biofuels is proving […] As I watched Texas Governor Rick Perry announce his presidential candidacy this weekend, he gave me a sense of hope and his speech really resonated with me. His words reminded me of the respect that we as Americans deserve, and the importance of a government that works for us and with us – rather […]
For latest go to Rick Perry the Anti-Romney candidate: ‘Romney is out on the campaign trail agreeing with’ man-made global warming claims ‘Perry appears poised to take up a [skeptical] view of climate on the presidential campaign trail that would be right at home in a Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) floor speech’ Morano of […] Warren Buffett, Coddled Billionaire By Bernard Goldberg | During my nearly three decades in network news, all at CBS, I came to realize that when it came to economic issues most reporters were hopelessly out of their depth. Or to put it another way, they were dumb as dirt. Most wouldn’t know […]