,css.print/pub_detail.asp N.B.: National Reviewtitle is “Making Believe: our terrorism non-policy”; in addition, this text differs in many small ways from the published version. With trumpets and drum rolls, the White House in early August released a policy paper on methods to prevent terrorism, said to have been two years in the making. Signed personally by […]
A Deity Goes into Retirement Tibetans Face Uncertainty in Post-Dalai Lama Era,1518,782329,00.html By Erich Follath in Dharamsala, India The Dalai Lama has officially retired from politics, claiming he wants to live as a “simple monk.” It’s a watershed moment for Tibet, amid fears of Chinese meddling and controversy over the new generation of leaders. Meanwhile […] ‘I’ve Got…Islamophobia!’ I tried poring over the new Think Progress report, but it didn’t help. The paranoid delusions kept recurring. I tried exercise, listening to soft music before going to bed, thinking only pleasant thoughts. And still, late at night, the dreadful fantasies came back. I went to a doctor in Beersheva. Though he’s […]
Liberating Libya for Jihadists Posted By Bruce Thornton URL to article: The fall of Muammar Gaddafi is making some in the West giddy with the usual “Arab Spring” wishful visions of democracy and freedom flourishing throughout the Muslim Middle East, even as the last binge of democratic intoxication, the fall of Egyptian strongman Hosni […]
@ElBloombito — the fake Twitter account parodying Mayor Bloomberg’s attempts at Spanish during Hurricane Irene — has gone viral. The last time Republicans were roundly condemned as anti-science, it was for their resistance to destroying human embryos for stem cells. Their crude religiosity supposedly blocked imminent leaps ahead in medical progress. Then-vice-presidential candidate John Edwards went so far as to predict in 2004 that because of “the work we will do when John […]
Looking for ‘Islamophobia’ in All the Usual Places Posted By David Reaboi URL to article: Last week the Center for American Progress released the latest in an increasingly desperate series of reports by far-left and Islamist groups attacking my colleagues and me at the Center for Security Policy [1] and others for our […]
URL to article: All 11 new hires to the Justice Department’s Housing Section have far-left resumes — which were only released following a PJMedia lawsuit. (This is the eighth of a series of articles about the Justice Department’s hiring practices since President Obama took office. Read parts one, two, three, four, five, six, and […] Steyn on Britain and Europe Tuesday, 30 August 2011 HAPPY WARRIOR from National Review I had a new book out the other day. Usual doom and gloom, as the more alert reader may just about be able to discern from the subtle title: After America: Get Ready for Armageddon. One always hopes, in a competitive […] KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) – Sixty-six U.S. troops have died in Afghanistan so far this month, making August the deadliest month for American forces in the nearly decade-long war. Nearly half of the troops killed died on Aug. 6 when the Taliban shot down a Chinook helicopter in eastern Afghanistan. That was the single deadliest […]