— Thousands at Beck Rally: “Join Me in Support for Israel” Glenn Beck holds “Restoring Courage” rally near Kotel Plaza. His aim: Learn courage from Israel, restore it to the world; support Israel. American broadcaster Glenn Beck held an inspirational rally “Restoring Courage” in support of Israel and the Jewish people at the […] In his Jackson Hole remarks on Friday morning, we don’t think Fed Chairman Bernanke will hint at QE3, an enlargement of the Fed’s $2.9 trillion balance sheet through additional Treasury bond purchases paid by excess reserves. The August 9 FOMC statement was already an aggressive open-ended policy statement: “The Committee discussed the range of policy tools available […] Name a single Arab or Islamic state, which, after a revolution that has overthrown a dictator, came to embrace political pluralism, religious tolerance and equal rights for women. You can’t, can you? The U.S. State Department publishes an annual report on human rights practices in Arab states. It consistently finds all are ruled by […] AFSI AND CAMP DAVID Americans for a Safe Israel opposed the Camp David Treaty that returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt and promised “autonomy” to the Arabs of Judea and Samaria.We supported the citizens of the thriving community in Yamit who were uprooted in that shameful agreement with Sadat. We denounced “autonomy” on the […] 77% of Democrats (and Ron Paul) Voted Against ROE That Protect Our Troops Posted By Andrew Bostom On August 24, 2011 Florida Republican Congressman John Mica offered the following morally clear Amendment (5/25/2011—H.AMDT.318 (A018) Amends H.R.1540 [1]): Amendment requires that the rules of engagement [ROE] allow any military service personnel assigned to duty in […] Will Italy be the odd-ally out of Libya’s oil spoils? Reuters features analysis today that considers exactly that question — if you can hear it through the purring and lip-smacking of France, the UK and the US over the “rebels” and their simply Gorgeous Oil Fields. I think these oil fields (below) are far […] In the Iraq War on Defendants, killers go free. Captain John McKenna, left, was shot and killed by an Iraqi sniper while helping mortally wounded Lance Cpl. Michael Glover. The sniper responsible for both of their deaths was recently released by an Iraqi court. Today, the McKenna and Glover families marked their fifth anniversary […]
U.S. Jews warn Israel not to get too cozy with Glenn Beck Rabbi Eric Yoffie, President of the Union for Reform Judaism, says Beck is very extreme and controversial even among right-wing groups in the United States. By Shlomo Shamir Tags: Jewish Diaspora Jerusalem NEW YORK – The warm welcome extreme right-wing media personality […] When the former officers of the Holy Land Foundation who had served as Hamas’ fundraising arm went before the US Court of Appeals– there weren’t many organizations willing to file an Amicus brief. But the American Friends Service Committee was first among them. The American Friends Service Committee had good reason to be worried. […]
URL to article: FRANKLY I FOUND FOUAD AJAMI’S COLUMN TO BE STUPID…AND BEN SHAPIRO IS RIGHT ON TARGET…..RSK Reportage surrounding Libya suggests that everything will be sweetness and light once sadistic madman Col. Muammar Qaddafi is ousted permanently. “Who, today, does not thrill to the spectacle of freedom in Tripoli?” asks Fouad Ajami […]