As if that three-dollar-bill-phony pdf of a long-form birth certificate weren’t alarming enough (browse through this archive and tell me you don’t have any questions about its veracity), now it seems that Barack H. Obama, the 44th president of the USA, has an “alias” — as discovered and documented by debt-collection and “skip-trace expert” […] .html?mod=3DWSJ_World_MIDDLENews&_nocache=3D1314156160478&mg=3Dcom-wsj#pr= intMode BENGHAZI, Libya-Turkey revealed it has been bankrolling Libyan rebel = leadership over the past month and vowed its unconditional future = support, underscoring the jostling for influence in postconflict Libya = already under way among members of the North Atlantic Treaty = Organization.=20 Turkey’s message Tuesday was delivered by its Foreign Minister […] For now, video of Glenn Beck’s “The Courage To Love” program in Caesarea is available online in two parts: Part 1 can be accessed here. Part 2 can he accessed here. This past Sunday, August 21, Glenn Beck began the series of programs leading to his main “Restoring Courage” event, in Jerusalem, Israel on […] Compromise Reached on Ambulance Star of David THE STAR OF DAVID IS THE SYMBOL OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE….THIS IS NO COMPROMISE IT IS ABJECT SURRENDER TO THE RED CROSS….NEXT WILL THEY BE TOLD NOT TO SPEAK HEBREW BECAUSE IT OFFENDS??RSK Red Star of David to first be removed from ambulances in other parts of […] Yesterday, news reports were trumpeting the imminent fall of Muamar Gaddafi, (also spelled Gadafy, Qadaffi). Rebel troops were surrounding Libya’s capital. Soon, it was reported that two of the dictator’s sons, Saif al-Islam and Mohammed had been arrested by rebel troops. Now, however, the clear picture of victory for the rebels has grown murky. […] Perry’s GOP Shock Treatment Five ways the Texas governor’s entrance is jolting the Republican race. By John Heilemann Published Aug 21, 2011 The entry of Rick Perry into the Republican presidential race has been something like the application of defibrillator paddles to its collective solar plexus—bracing and clarifying, exhilarating or terrifying (depending on your […] Glenn Beck Brings Firebreathing Rhetoric Back to IsraelHis Religious Language is a Disaster, Especially With Statehood Bid Looming Glenn Beck is in Israel, again. In July, the talk radio host and former Fox News star was invited to the Kensset, where he met “a room full of admirers” — in the words of a […] Climate prostitutes, charlatans and comedians Put these guys on Comedy Central. Put ‘em in an asylum … a mandatory restitution program … jail perhaps … or a witness protection program, if they turn state’s evidence on other perpetrators. But keep them away from our money – and our energy, economic, healthcare and education policies. […] Columnist Jack Kelly writing Aug. 22 in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Former Vice President Al Gore went on a profanity-laced tirade at the Aspen Institute Aug. 4 against the rising number of Americans who are skeptical about man-made global warming. According to a Harris poll in July, only 44 percent of us now believe carbon […] A few weeks ago, the left-leaning Texas Independent interviewed Mustafaa Carroll of that state’s branch of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) on Rick Perry’s relationship with local Muslim communities there. Carroll complained about Perry reaching out to the relatively moderate Ismaili Shia at the expense of groups like his own (with substantial […]