AND THIS TALLY DOES NOT COUNT THE ROCKETS AND ATTACKS AGAINST ISRAEL….RSK Weekly Jihad Report Aug 13 – Aug. 19 Jihad Attacks: 48 Allah Akbars: 8 Dead Bodies: 303 Critically Injured: 594 To describe the rioting that took place in the UK recently as “anti-social” sounds so anodyne as to be redundant. Neighbourhoods were terrorized. Buildings were burned. And people were killed. But it still conveys an essential point. One of the most noted aspects of the riots was the fact that the rioters were destroying […] Although the paint is still wet on Philadelphia’s National Museum of American Jewish History, an announcement has just been made of a planned National Museum of the Jewish People on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., steps from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and not far from both the Lillian and Albert Small Jewish Museum and the […] Goodness knows he’d love to use radiation against what he calls a “tumor.” “Iranian President Calls for Muslims’ Massive Turnout on Quds Day,” from Fars News Agency, August 22: TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad urged the worldwide Muslim community as well as non-Muslim countries to stage massive participation in the International Quds Day […] The dust has not yet settled over the Libyan capital of Tripoli since rebels took control over the weekend. But already, a draft constitutional charter for the transitional state has appeared online (embedded below). It is just a draft, mind you, and gauging its authenticity at this point is difficult. There is also no […] The New Libyan Zabibah-stan: Made Safe for Sharia? Zabibah [2]–prominent [3]* Libyan “rebel” spokesperson Mustafa Abduljalil, born in 1952 in Al Baida, one of the first cities to rise against Gaddafi, studied law and Islamic jurisprudence in Benghazi before embarking on a legal career that culminated in his appointment in 2007 as Qaddafi’s “minister […]
Trial lawyers prepare for war against Perry–perry Texas has successfully implemented tort reform on the state level, saving businesses billions of dollars in the long run, and Rick Perry deserves a significant amount of credit for its conclusion. He pushed through a final 2003 reform act that made Texas a model for tort reform, […] The recent surge in Palestinian terrorism behooves Israel to revisit the fundamentals of counter-terrorism. For example, the most effective defense against terrorism – operationally, financially and morally – is not retaliation and a limited, surgical offensive, but a comprehensive, decisive, sustained and disproportionate preemptive ground offensive, which aims to obliterate terror infrastructures and capabilities, […] Barack Obama is boring, and in his summer of distemper. And if the Tea Party conservatives restrain their rants and raves and their schoolyard slanging matches, next summer is likely to be no fun at all for the president. But the growing chorus of ranters should keep in mind James Carville’s caution written on […],7340,L-4112533,00.html Fire Barak before it’s too late Op-Ed: Barak a serial blunderer with history of defeatism, arrogance and faulty judgment LET US FIRE OUR BARACK IN 2012 BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE FOR US TOO….RSK Defense Minister Ehud Barak‘s incompetence is no secret. Thursday’s attacks along Israel’s border with Sinai which killed eight people and wounded 35 […]