Is a ‘Little Bit of Sharia’ Okay? By Alyssa A. Lappen and Andrew G. Bostom Page Printed from: at July 25, 2011 – 09:32:17 AM CDT Some Americans argue that U.S. civil and criminal legal codes and courts should recognize Islamic law (sharia), as applied to Muslim families, at least. But sharia critics need […] I have been away from the Internet for the weekend, and return to find myself being fitted out for a supporting role in Friday’s evil slaughter in Norway. The mass murderer Breivik published a 1,500-page “manifesto.” It quotes me, as well as several friends of NR — Theodore Dalrymple, Daniel Pipes, Roger Scruton, Melanie Phillips, […] Inside the Mind of the Oslo Murderer In his 1,500-page manifesto, Anders Behring Breivik slides alarmingly from a legitimate concern about the rise of Islam in Europe to propose ‘terror as a method for waking up the masses.’ By BRUCE BAWER When bombs exploded on Friday in a compound of government office buildings in […] “It’s Not a Crime to **** A White Slut”: Misogyny Amid Multicultural Madness That – in Arabic – was what an associate of the defendants yelled from the public gallery during their trial for gang-rape in Sydney. The victim, Anna C., was a highly intelligent 18-year-old on her way by train to a job interview. As she sat […]
First: a letter from an e-pal….through the ethernet… Dear Ruthfully, I understand that the Norway murderer quoted from me. I categorically distance myself from writing, thinking, hinting, whispering anything ever that could be construed as leading to Islamophobia and fomenting murder. Yours truly, John Stuart Mill (20 May 1806 – 8 May 1873) Ditto…! Now, […]
What Did the Norwegian Murderer Think? Israel National News The author strongly condemns the murder, but challenges the grieving Norwegian government and intelligentsia to do something effective about their own failed multi-cultural policies. I condemn mass murder and the slaughter of unarmed civilian innocents. Therefore, I condemn the shocking Norwegian-on-Norwegian, infidel-on-infidel, mainly Caucasian-on-Caucasian massacres […]
Muslim Brotherhood: “Impose Islam…Step by Step” by Raymond Ibrahim Things are looking good for Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, the grandfather of all Islamist groups. Despite the organization’s hegemonic aspirations—which include “eliminating and destroying the Western civilization … so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions”—the Obama administration recently […] Texas Gov. Rick Perry, if he decides to seek the Republican presidential nomination, will have a strong jobs record to campaign on. Texas’ success story clashes with the ugly national narrative that threatens President Obama’s hopes of securing a second term. (Associated Press) The former governors in the GOP presidential field tout their […] Suspected Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik, in custody following a shooting and bombing rampage on July 22 that left 92 people dead, believes that the number of Muslims in Western Europe is “reaching critical mass” and that “there is a core of Cultural Communist elites in Western Europe who really want to destroy Western civilization, […] The 32 year-old appears to have quoted verbatim large sections from the preaching of Theodore Kaczynski in his 1500 page online rant. Breivik had “copied and pasted” almost a dozen key passages from the 69 year-old’s 35,000 manifesto, only changing particular words such as “leftist” with “cultural Marxist”. It remains unclear what his motivations […]