The debt ceiling and the fifth labor of Heracles Posted By Roger Kimball URL to article: I was at a dinner party last night at which several intelligent and opinionated people were asked to speak about matters of the moment, including presidential politics (Who? Who?) and the debt ceiling. Two things saddened me […] Meet Australia’s Aborigine who is president of her Orthodox shul by Dan Goldberg SYDNEY, Australia — Lisa Jackson Pulver is not your average Australian Jew. Yes, she is one of this country’s 110,000 or so Members of the Tribe, but she is also a member of another tribe: an Aboriginal clan called the Wiradjuri. […] Norway shooting: quotes from Anders Behring Breivik’s online manifesto Key quotes from Anders Behring Breivik’s 1500-page manifesto, written under the pseudonym Andrew Berwick, which reveals plans for Friday’s massacre. Preparing for his future actions “I simulate various future scenarios relating to resistance efforts, confrontations with police, future interrogation scenarios, future court appearances, future media […]
Barack Obama’s Top Ten Insults Against Israel Posted By Nile Gardiner THIS COLUMN IS A REPRINT OF AN ORIGINAL COLUMN IN THE UK TEL IN APRIL 2010 URL to article: Reprinted from Last week Israel celebrated its 62nd year as a nation, but there was major cause for concern amid the […] Planless Dems The ruling party has no spending plan other than to plan to spend even more. Earlier this month, Moody’s downgraded Irish government debt to junk. Which left the Irish somewhat peeved. The Department of Finance pointed out that it had met all the “quantitative fiscal targets” imposed by the European Union, and […]
URL to article: “This lack of security was certainly not unusual for Norway, where the police don’t carry guns, and where the very idea of police carrying guns is widely looked upon as some holdover from an earlier stage of human evolution. But — hello — in front of the main office buildings of a […] Trying to Move On MoveOn.Org By Marion DS Dreyfus In the spirit of ecumenism, and convinced that there is too much one-sidedness in the political discussion now riving the country, I attended my first (and probably only) meeting of, the radical progressive organization that, backed by the billions of Richie Rich radical mover […]
American War Museum and Al-JazeeraBy Eileen F. Toplansky Located in Maine, the General Henry Knox Museum finds itself in the news lately as it is slated to honor Al-Jazeera’s Washington Bureau Chief Abderrahim Foukara at its 2011 Gala event. According to the museum, “Foukara completed a BA in English in his native Morocco before […]
Al Beeb, Norway’s Foreign Minister, and Israel On that inestimable website Biased BBC, one of the regular bloggers, David Vance, draws attention to the fervour with which Al Beeb has seized on the fact that the perpetrator of the horrific atrocities in Norway yesterday is not an Islamist but a “tall blond man”. Although […]
When Is an Ideology Responsible for Murder? Last week, a psychotic anti-multiculturalism, anti-immigrant, anti-Marxist named Anders Behring Breivik shot up a children’s summer camp in Norway. The left wing media was only too eager to point to his ideology as the rationale for the shooting. David Neiwert of stated that Breivik subscribed to […]